White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for April 3, 2007


Compiled March 30, 2007




  1. The Station 51 project continues to move along.  Bay floors are now poured and ceiling grids are going in throughout the rest of the building.  It looks like we may have reached a compromise on the water main issue, but it is still developing.  We’ll have a more detailed update on this and any other outstanding issues at the meeting.


  1. The Bluff Road property project is still progressing, although at an extremely slow pace.  The property is going up for a plat approval this month.  Still no word on the Starbuck’s deal though.  The realtor handling the deal has instructions to contact us as soon as the contract is final.


  1. We’ve been unfortunately having numerous issues with the septic system at Headquarters lately (more than normal).  The septic holding tank has overflowed onto the ground twice in the past month preventing any use of the system until it was pumped.  This resulted in several hours of downtime for each episode.  The engineering firm working on the permanent fix states that they had no success attempting to secure easements (as expected).  So, with that information in hand, they plan to return to the County Commissioners this month to request permission to use the Smith Valley right-of-way to run the sewer line.


  1. Eric Wiseman, one of our full-time engineers, has turned in his two-week notice (effective March 23rd) in order to take a full-time position with the Indianapolis Fire Department.  He will however be remaining part-time.  Because of this vacancy, we will be requesting the approval of the last and final engineer on our current hiring list.  The individual’s name is Richard Woehlecke and he has been a part-time employee with us since mid-2005.


  1. The auditors from the State Board of Accounts finally returned and now have all the necessary information to complete the audit.  They will be conducting an exit interview for all four years (2002, 2003, 2004, & 2005), as soon as they can get it on the schedule.


  1. We have a short presentation on a couple of upcoming projects that need consideration because of the upcoming 2008 budget process.  It is primarily concerning Battalion vehicles, ambulance service (and the 2007 AFG process), and staff realignment.  This presentation is only intended to be introductory and no formal action is being requested.


  1. Well, that’s all for this month.  See you at the meeting.



The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1st, 2007.


- Scott