White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

March 6, 2007


District Board Members Present:

Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger

Rev. Jim Dodson

Butch Sutton

Jon Raker

Paul Kite


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Chief Cassin

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Slauter

Chief Engmark

Captain Hart

Captain Arkins

Lt. J. Smith

Lt. Hurrle

Lt. Green

Josh Justice

Jim Meacham

Tim Smith

Crystal Young


Others Present:

Tricia Leminger

Steve Dyson

Dudley Senefeld

Scott Senefeld

Dan Sulkoske


Note:  Motions are italicized and in blue.



Dr. Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.



              I.      Approval of Minutes from February 6th Meeting

a.      Jon Raker motions that the minutes be approved.  Butch Sutton seconds.

b.      All in favor and motion carries.

            II.      Financial Update

a.      Chief Cassin stated that the bank balance is on pg. 10.

b.      Page 11 lists all funds.  Chief Cassin stressed that several are currently running under budget and that he did not list each fund individually since he has sent several e-mails to board members who had questions over specific funds.

c.      Page 14 is the statement of Capital Outlays.

                                                              i.      The Thermal Imaging Camera has been purchased and is complete.

                                                            ii.      The EMS Monitors have been purchased.

                                                          iii.      Turnout gear replacement for 2007 has begun.

d.      Page 15 is an overview of the Station 51 Construction Project.  At this point little over half of the funds have been spent.

          III.      Old Business

a.      Station 51 Building Project Update

                                                              i.      Scott Senefeld stated that things are progressing slowly.

                                                            ii.      Ms. Leminger believes that the board worked through the work orders during the last meeting.

                                                          iii.      Those change orders were covered and issues were presented during the last progress meeting and they have been readied for signatures.

1.      At this point Dan Sulkoske and Scott Senefeld stated that the contractors have submitted delay days to the change orders.  Both suggest scratching out the days on the change order and deal with each individual day.  They have requested that Steelcorp submit a list as to what the delays are related to.

2.      Mr. Sulkoske stated that he had received a delay letter from Steelcorp a couple of weeks ago but he has just gotten the letter to Ms. Leminger.   The bulk of the delays stated in the letter are weather related and drainage related.  They have been waiting on Johnson County for the decision on the grading on the East side of the building. 

a.      To reiterate, Johnson County was reviewing our site at the same time as the adjacent site.  Each site drainage methods do not match, there is a drop of four or five feet into a drainage ditch.

b.      Attempts to get Johnson County to the site have been unsatisfactory and at this point the contractor is going to do the grading to make it work.

3.      The next issue is with Bargersville Utilities.  Senefeld went through the proper channels, submitted the drawing to the correct officials and the project was a go.  Mr. Sulkoske distributed a drawing of the property and the location of the water line and pavement in question to the board.

a.      The blue line represents the 12 inch water line they want us to move; the pink line is the adjacent property line (as built drawing).

b.      Asphalt was then added to Olive Branch Rd. covering the water line which is supposed to be moved before paving.

c.      The issue is why weren’t they made to move the water line when they crossed over our property line.  We do not believe we should have to pay for that but we cannot get the proper approval and connection until it has been moved.

d.      Drawings were submitted on what was there; we have not added any asphalt nor plan to.  These drawings were approved by TAC, the city and Johnson County but because of this new situation they will not let us tap into the water line.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Senefeld has had this issue with the same utility on another project.  He has brought a copy of all transmittals for the board to review.  In this situation we are not paving over the utility but their interpretation of the situation is different.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      They are forcing us to improve their utility at our expense and putting us between a rock and a hard place.  If we do not make the improvements we cannot hook into the utility.

e.      At one point there was a rough grade then stone and was then paved late in the project.  No one is sure at this time if plans had changed or who made the change but the deceleration lane continues from the property to the east all the way to Herron Ridge.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Mr. Sutton inquired as to who the developer was to the east to which Chief Brown stated Capital Construction and Williams Reality and to this point they have had several problems with the strip mall.

f.        Mr. Raker asked if anyone has spoken or been in contact with the developers concerning this topic.

                                                                                                                                      i.      There have been discussions but they are not volunteering any action.  In this case Bargersville has lost their bargaining chip with the adjacent property; they can no longer do to that project what they are doing to this project because they have already hooked into the utility.  Even if it is successful it is still in there hands as to the schedule of when the job will be complete.

g.      Several meetings have been set up with Bargersville and several where no one showed up.  They are firm in their position that the line needs to be moved before we can tap into it, it does not matter whether we do it or the developer to the east.

h.      Ms. Leminger asked if they are firm on whose responsibility this would fall under, to which Chief Brown replied that it is the responsibility of the one who makes the improvements.

i.        Dr. Shufflebarger inquired as to how they were able to pave over this section of our property.  Chief Brown responded with the fact that it is paved in the right away.  Dr. Shufflebarger stated that by using the easement or right away shouldn’t they be responsible in making the necessary changes.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Mr. Sulkoske stated that that is what everyone believes.  Dr. Shufflebarger stated that no matter who is at fault, at this point we need to get hooked in while we are finding out who is at fault.  Should we go ahead with the drawing, move the line then decide who is at fault and who we can go after for the expense.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Mr. Raker stated that maybe we ought to get it moved then work on reimbursement.

                                                                                                                                  iii.      Ms. Leminger stated that at this point the estimates are all over the board, first estimates were around 20 and now it is up to 60.  Mr. Sulkoske stated that there are a number of different issues that have been sketched out that will need to be taken to Bargersville Utilities for their approval before and estimate from the contractors can be obtained.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Bargersville told Senefeld that there will need to be a whole new redesign and Mr. Senefeld stated that it would be ludicrous until we know what they want so a sketch was drawn up and will need to be reviewed by Bargersville Utilities for their requirements.  The intent was to show this drawing to Bill Reynolds during the last progress meeting but he did not show up.  Mr. Reynolds was contacted and stated that he was not going to do anything until he was paid his $1000 review fee.  He did show up on site last Friday and met with reps from Steelcorp and Kramer and that is where the sketch originated.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      From this step it can be put into a hard line drawing.  Once that occurs it will have to be approved which could take up to six weeks.  All the prep work leading up to the connection can be done.

j.        Mr. Sulkoske stated that Dr. Shufflebarger is right in the opinion that they did the improvement they should have moved the line.  Mr. Raker stated that he did not understand why Bargersville Utilities didn’t make them move it at that original time, why would they approve the small section without fixing the whole thing.  Chief Brown stated that typically the people doing the improvements are the ones responsible.  Mr. Sutton stated that we should go to Bargersville Utilities and threaten to sue or have them turn off the water to the adjacent property.

k.       Chief Brown believes that we should first get the requirements from the county; he will be able to pull from the file tomorrow.

l.        Ms. Leminger inquired on the impact on the project due to this issue.

m.   Mr. Sulkoske stated that there are a host of other issues that need to be discussed.  Kramer is suggesting that the board scratch the delay days and discuss each day separate and negotiate with the contractor.  The board should ask for a written submission and description of why.  Dan and Scott agree to proceed to change order.  Ms. Leminger asked if these were the change orders discussed in the last meeting and was affirmed.  Along with the change orders they are asking for (X) amount of days to make the changes.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Once approved the change orders would need to be re-issued for re-circulation, Mr. Sulkoske agreed and stated that he could get them initialed tomorrow but that their main concern is the change orders not the delays.  There were production issues that are off setting some of the site issues.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      There are some legitimate production issues, one of them being the weather another being Johnson County on the drainage issue and the other being Bargersville Utilities.  Mr. Sulkoske believes that other issues are being piggybacked to the site issues and will need to be discussed.

4.      The next issue is the Dual Sump Pump issue that was not originally agreed on by the board.

a.      There has been a water event in the basement.  Mr. Sulkoske stated that the situation may improve when the hard scape goes in but it may not.  This system would be like an insurance policy.  The current system can handle it but there have been problems there, it all hinges on how confident the board is in the current system and would like for the board to consider it again.

5.      Dr. Shufflebarger would like to get an inventory of the issues that need to be taken care of today.

a.      The utility issue is the biggest issue on the table right now.  Should we look into the adjacent property?  Ms. Leminger has not reviewed the guidelines and is unable to give a recommendation at this time.  Mr. Senefeld will get the drawing in hard copy and speak with the utility to get pricing.

b.      Mr. Kite inquired as to what was needed from the board in the next 30 days to get things going.  The board will not need to do anything and it can sit idle until more information from the utility and a firm cost is figured.

c.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that we need to do what is needed to get the approval process going so we can get hooked up to the utility and would like to have all the behind the scenes process taken care of by the next meeting.  Mr. Senefeld believes it can be resolved by the next meeting as long as they can set up a meeting with Bargersville Utility.

6.      Other items have already been approved they just need to have the days scratch from them and initialed.

7.      The issue of the sump pump was re-addressed and the cost of the project was requested.  The cost would be $8650; Dr. Shufflebarger asked if any board member has any feelings on the issue.

a.      Mr. Raker had a flooded basement a week ago and placed a dual sump pump in his own basement so he is in favor of the system.

b.      Chief Cassin stated that last week we had a problem with a frozen line and it caused water to back up into the basement.  He feels it is worth the expense.  No one spoke out against the idea.

8.      Paul Kite motions to accept the dual sump pump.  Jon Raker seconds.

9.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                           iv.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked if there is a revised schedule and when the delivery date may be.  Mr. Sulkoske believes the delivery date will be near the end of June.

1.      Mr. Kite asked if Senefeld is in agreement with Kramer on the delivery.

2.      Mr. Senefeld concurs and stated that the schedule is going to be crunched up near the end.  The first change order will add 90 days.  He also believes the delivery date is far off enough to not give a specific date and hopes it will not take that long.

3.      Also JE Mechanical will need to proceed to install the electric.  The water will need to go in around that once the issue is resolved.

4.      Mr. Sulkoske stated that another issue being dealt with at this time is the drywall in the basement.  The installers were waiting on the decision on the pump and a drier basement.  Kramer will need to address every contractor per process.

                                                             v.      Mr. Senefeld also stated that with the change orders in place contractors will be able to revise the schedule.  Several of them are stating that there is revised engineering that needs to be done but that is not what is occurring.  Revised coordination is what will take place.  Kramer and Senefeld will talk to each contractor, address the issues and revise the schedule during each progress meeting.

1.      JE Mechanical has gone through an employee change.  Their work has slowed during this process but they will respond to that in written form and near the end of the project all these situations will be reviewed.

                                                           vi.      Ms. Leminger wanted to make an amendment to last months minutes concerning the total of change order 1.  She had stated the total to be $12522 but it is actually $13259.

                                                         vii.      Mr. Senefeld stated that he did not want to panic anyone; there are several issues that are being worked through.  Obviously the biggest issue is the problem with the water utility but everything is continuing inside the building.

                                                       viii.      Mr. Sutton wanted to know who is doing what with the water issue.

1.      Mr. Sulkoske stated that Senefeld will complete a hard line copy verify the drawing with Bargersville and proceed with a new design.  At the same time find out why the adjacent contractor did not have to move the water line.

2.      Chief Brown stated that we need to determine what the true requirements are, who installed the excel lane and find out who may be responsible.

3.      Mr. Senefeld stated that the general rule is if you pave over a utility you have to move it.

4.      Dr. Shufflebarger inquired as to whether we were going to do similar paving.  Mr. Senefeld’s answer was no, the original drawing was set to the existing pavement.

5.      Senefeld received a letter from Tec review stating that changes need to be made to our plans to show the neighbors excel/decel lane.  The only real change is that the front yard got shorter.

6.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked if this lane had to be there and Chief Brown’s response is that the lane is required.

7.      Chief Brown asked why we couldn’t tap our line off of the adjoining property.  He will pull the documents from the court house tomorrow to get a better idea of what is going on.

                                                           ix.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that in the mean time the decision is to do the drawings, meet with Bargersville Utilities, get an estimate then once there is a reasonable answer sit down with Ms. Leminger and discuss the options.

b.      Fire Chief hiring process update

                                                              i.      During the last meeting the board decided to form a committee to develop a process for hiring a new fire chief.  Mr. Dodson and Mr. Kite have been working on that with representatives of the department.

1.      Chief Tibbetts recommended Chief Engmark, Lt Hurrle and firefighter Fletcher to be on the committee.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Dodson stated that he has handed to the members of the board a copy of the committee report and a copy of the Fire Chief Job description.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Dodson requests that the board take no action tonight.  He requested that everyone look over the report and the job description and come prepared for the next meeting with any other recommendations or updates to either document.  He also asked council to review the process and make sure they are okay with everything and establish a timetable.

                                                           iv.      Additional piece of information from Mr. Dodson is how other departments have advertised for the position.

                                                             v.      Dr. Shufflebarger then stated that the board should come prepared to finalize the job description and timeline for the process.

         IV.      New Business

a.      Johnson County Assessments

                                                              i.      Mr. Dyson asked Chief Cassin if he has heard from Johnson County as to where they are at in doing the assessments.

                                                            ii.      There was an article today that they will not get the bills out on time.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Dyson stated that the delay will not affect on cash flow.  He did want to inform Chief Cassin that he will not receive the 1782 until all assessments are done.

                                                           iv.      There will not be a huge delay in this process.

           V.      Adjournment

a.      Meeting adjourned at 8:07 by Dr. Shufflebarger.


Next meeting will be April 3, 2007 at 7 p.m.