White River Township Fire Protection
Board Meeting Minutes
6, 2007
District Board Members Present:
Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger
Rev. Jim Dodson
Butch Sutton
Jon Raker
Others Present:
Note: Motions
are italicized and in blue.
Dr. Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:05
Adjustment to Agenda
a. Dr. Shufflebarger stated
that the building update will be brief since no one involved in the project was
able to attend.
Approval of Minutes from January 2nd
a. Jon
Raker motions that the minutes be approved. Butch Sutton seconds.
b. All
in favor and motion carries.
Financial Update
a. Chief Tibbetts stated that
the department received an extra $137,000 from the county which was deposited
in the Rainy Day Fund.
b. To this point everything is under budget. FLSA and overtime is under budget and
insurance is running right at budget.
c. Chief Cassin is still checking with the commercial
insurance to make sure it is correct.
Old Business
a. Station 51 Building Project Update – Tricia Leminger
Dr. Shufflebarger stated that there is a new issue with a water
main and that he has spoken to Ms. Leminger
concerning this topic but is not clear as to the whole situation. Dr. Shufflebarger
then contacted Ms. Leminger for a conference call.
Ms. Leminger stated that she has spoken with Senefeld concerning some change orders. There are three change orders that need
approval by the board:
Change order
1 has several different issues of which some have already been completed.
Door knobs
and locks - $737
Floor drains
in the bathrooms - $742
keystones - $4000
Stone and
hard pan issues - $3423
for overhead doors - $2021
entry final color - $681
tower (Oil separator tank relocation) - $1655
$12,522 of which Dan has already reviewed
Change order
3 is a grade issue. The adjoining plans
were being reviewed at the same time as our plans were being reviewed by two
different planners making the grade between the buildings an issue. The county will not let us drain to the East
as originally planned (Swale on the East side of the building). Steelcorp, Kramer
and Senefeld all agree that the easiest way to deal
with the problem is to put in a drainage pipe instead of a swale costing
Change order
2 has been recommended by Dan. He
suggests putting in an alarm dual cycle sump pump. If one were to stop working the second would
kick in before an alarm would signal.
The cost of the system is $8660.
The concern is that once we agree on change order 3 the problem with the
current sump pump would be limited.
Kramer and Senefeld agree on change orders 1
and 3 but since she has not been able to contact Dan there is still a
difference of opinion on change order 2.
The decision
on change order 2 cannot wait. The
upgrade has to be done ASAP to dig the pit while the ground is still frozen.
Ms. Leminger disconnected with the board to contact Dan. Once she has an answer she will call back.
Mr. Sutton
motions for Dr. Shufflebarger to approve
changes. Dr. Shufflebarger
stated that the entire board should discuss and approve or not approve these
changes together.
Mr. Raker believes that if both Kramer and Senefeld
agree on the change orders 1 and 3, the board should go ahead with the changes.
Butch Sutton motions to approve change
orders 1 and 3. Jon Raker
All in favor and motion carries.
b. Once Ms. Leminger received
an answer from Dan she called the board back and stated that Dan does agree
with change order 1 and 3. In terms of
change order 2, Dan believes that once the drainage pipe is put into place it
reduces the chance of flooding making change order 2 just a precaution and not
c. For next months meeting the issue of the water main
should be sorted out. Bargersville
states that if pavement will go over an existing main it must be moved. The developer moved it out to the edge of our
property then proceeded to pave over it with the deceleration lane. The water main needs to be moved again. The person who paved over it should pay to
have it moved again.
Senefeld could not give an
estimate. Dan put the numbers together
and thought it would be between $10 and $15 thousand. We will wait until next month to make a
decision after all information has been gathered.
Mr. Sutton would
like to find out whether the paving was planned or accidental. When the developer submitted the plan did they
know they were going to pave this lane?
New Business
a. Fire Chief vacancy
Dr. Shufflebarger was notified by Chief Tibbetts
of his plans. Dr. Shufflebarger
then notified other members of the board.
Dr. Shufflebarger stated that he appreciates the time Chief Tibbetts has given to the department and knows this is a
trying time for him personally and wishes him well in the future.
Mr. Sutton
stated that the board needs to define the process before taking any more
steps. That maybe a couple of people on
the board should work with the department to define the process.
Dr. Shufflebarger stated that previously there were two board
members with appointments from the department in charge of the process. The department has done some advertising in
the past. The first process was national
while the second was local.
Mr. Raker stated that he favored the way the process went the
last time and believes that is how it should be done this time.
Chief Slauter stated that when the department went nationally the
department received 100 applications which they then narrowed to 10 and 4 but
several people did not even show up when invited to interview.
Ms. Leminger has put together a draft of a timeline for hiring
a new fire chief whether we look internally or externally. Her firm has been recommending looking
everywhere to get a good selection of candidates.
recommended that a two person committee be formed and between now and the next
board meeting to meet with her to decide on the requirements for the position.
She has
put together a hiring packet and a timeline once it is decided how broad the
search will be.
There is
no legal, statutory requirement to publish the opening but if you do you need a
three to four week publication period which would be March 12 – April 2. Then take applications through the end of
April and start interviewing and narrowing the applicants having made a choice
by late May early June whether the process stays internal or goes external.
Mr. Dodson
wanted to know where Ms. Leminger came up with the
dates in her timeline. She stated that
once the group gets together and decides on the qualifications it could be
brought to the board for the next meeting to be approved. Mr. Dodson then wanted to know why it had to
be done so quickly. Ms. Leminger thought it should co-inside with the board
meetings but that it is just a suggestion.
Mr. Raker believes that the 30 days should be enough.
Dodson states that we still need to come up with a committee. Once we decide on who should be on the
committee we then need to sit down and decide on what we are looking for in a
Fire Chief for a department that is expanding.
He does not want to be deadline driven.
Dr. Shufflebarger stated that there are two distinct intervals
and the first is to decide what the qualifications are. Mr. Dodson believes that we need more than 30
days to think it through. Dr. Shufflebarger believes that this stage is relatively easy
and it should not take more than 30 days.
The next
stage is getting the word out. The
hardest part of the first interval is deciding how to filter through.
Dodson stated that he has been through this process and would like to say more
than we want the candidate to have certain qualifications and ideas related to
goals. Are we going to match up a job
description or are we going to like a certain person and find a way to make
them fit.
Mr. Raker believes that we are not locked into a timeline and
if we need more time to decide on descriptions we will take more time.
Mr. Sutton
states that we need to appoint Chief Cassin as interim Chief and decide who is
going to be on the committee. Mr. Sutton
then started to make a motion to appoint Chief Cassin when Mr. Dodson stated
Point of Order. He wanted to know if the
board needed to accept Chief Tibbetts’ resignation
With appreciation of hard work and
faithfulness to his department Jim Dodson motions to accept Chief Tibbetts’ resignation.
Butch Sutton seconds.
All in favor and motion carries.
Chief Tibbetts stated that he was fortunate to be the Chief of
this department and feels that he is just the tip of the spear. His personnel did what they needed to do to
get the job done and made him look good.
To be fair to the people who have entrusted their safety to him and his
personnel he must make a change.
Dr. Shufflebarger stated that those were humble words from
Chief Tibbetts and stated that the department was
going through a difficult time when he took over and gave him the credit for
changing the reputation of the department.
Also the mark of a good chief is to surround themselves with good
Mr. Sutton
seconds the comments made by Dr. Sufflebarger.
Butch Sutton motions to appoint Chief
Cassin as interim Fire Chief as of March 5th 8:00 am. Jim Dodson seconds.
All in favor and motion carries.
Dr. Shufflebarger asks if everyone agrees with the two person
Mr. Sutton
agrees that would work but we need to discuss how to involve department
Mr. Dodson
volunteers to be on the committee. Dr. Shufflebarger stated that Mr. Kite was a previous candidate
and most likely would not be a candidate this time but is not sure whether he
would like to be on the committee.
Mr. Sutton
states that it is his opinion that those who do the job would be in the best
position to know what to look for, he would be willing to be on the committee
but believes he would not be the best choice.
Mr. Raker is also willing to be on the committee. Mr. Dodson asked Mr. Raker
if he feels confident in his ability to be on the committee while being
treasurer and also carrying out all his other duties. Mr. Raker feels
confident that he is up to the task. Mr.
Sutton feels that Mr. Raker would be the better
Dr. Shufflebarger agrees with the choices but would like for
Mr. Raker and Mr. Dodson to check with Mr. Kite. He believes that any combination of the three
would work.
In regards
to the timeline, if the necessary work is not done in 30 days time can be
Mr. Sutton asked
if the entire board should discuss generalities. Dr. Shufflebarger
stated that the first step is to apply generic qualifications, number of years
in service etcetera to use as a filter.
Chief Slauter stated that the last process was set up that
way. Dr. Shufflebarger
stated that we need to look for certain things to wean it down, it is actually
a three step process and first we need to determine criteria.
Mr. Sutton
wanted to know if the board should leave it to the committee to decide who they
want to work with from the department.
Mr. Dodson
wants to sit and have a dialogue with the committee by first discussing
training and education then amount of experience. At that point it would be interesting to see
what the Senior Staff is thinking.
Mr. Sutton
believes the process should be vertical and not horizontal. One thing that is an issue is morale and
confidence. The more buy-in you get from
the entire department the better the choice will be. Maybe we need to come back in the next
meeting with ideas.
Capt. Hart
stated that he had been thinking about the process and discussing it with
others and one way to get buy-in would be to choose one chief officer, one
company officer and one part-time guy along with the two board members to make
up the committee. The committee would
then be made up of five people and all parts of the department would be
Mr. Raker asked if the board should let the department decide
which three should be part of the committee.
Does anyone else have input on how many.
Two department members were used in the last hiring process.
Dr. Shufflebarger likes the idea of having three from the
department from all the different levels.
Mr. Dodson
stated that this in not a popularity contest, that everyone
on the committee should not have an agenda and should keep an open mind.
Thacker stated that he thinks it should stay a local process and Dr. Shufflebarger agrees.
If you make the process too big you waste a lot of time but will leave
that decision up to the new committee.
Mr. Sutton believes that the board should not go any bigger than Indy.
Thacker also stated that the department already has most of the information
needed and that we should not spend a lot of money on legal since we already
know what we need to go forward with the process.
Mr. Dodson
believes advertising in the Daily Journal and Star along with the local
grapevine should be enough advertising.
a. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 by Dr. Shufflebarger.
Next meeting will be March 6, 2007 at 7 p.m.