White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

December 7, 2006


District Board Members Present:

Paul Kite

Jim Dodson

Butch Sutton

Jon Raker


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Thacker

Captain Skipper

Captain Hart

Captain Arkins

Chad Witham

Crystal Young


Others Present:

Tricia Leminger

Steve Dyson

Dan Sulkouwski       

Dudley Senefeld

Scott Senefeld


Note:  Motions are italicized and in blue.



Jim Dodson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.



              I.      Addition to Agenda

a.      Under Old Business add the Health Insurance Topic

                                                              i.      Jeff Smith who has done the majority of the work with the insurance issue is not attending but those attending are knowledgeable enough to answer most questions.

                                                            ii.      Tricia Leminger asked if everything is square with both the current and new providers.  Chief Cassin stated that all parties have been contacted and all questions have been answered.

            II.      Approval of Minutes from November 7th Meeting

a.      Jon Raker motions that the minutes be approved.  Butch Sutton seconds.

b.      All in favor and motion carries.

          III.      Financial Update

a.      Chief Cassin begins by stating that the balance sheet is on page 13 of the meeting packet with total funds stated at 4.2 million.

b.      The budget report is listed on page 14.  Some balances are negative but will be restated once some of the categories are shifted during the Transfer Resolution stated on the agenda.

c.      Page 17 is the General and Cumulative Fund restatements.

d.      Page 18 is a recap on Station 51.  The Department is one-third the way through the project cost wise.  Benchmarks and a brief history of the project are also listed.

         IV.      Old Business

a.      Insurance

                                                              i.      During the last Board Meeting six different insurance plans were presented for review.  Since that time these plans were presented to the full time employees of the department.  The Anthem plan was a unanimous choice.  The plan is the closest to the current HSA plan.  The Vision and Dental will also switch to a new provider.  Short term disability will still be provided through Starmark.

                                                            ii.      Ms. Leminger stated that this was a significant medical issue between the start of the process and the decision that has been made.  The insurance has been re-quoted without an increase.  She also complements the department on the seamless change from old to new carrier.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Dodson asks if the board needs to make a motion or statement on the change to the new insurance.

1.      He stated that the plan is a 2000/4000 deductible HSA and the board discussed a 5% increase to premium with any more coming from the individual.  Under the family plan only one person needs to reach the deductible.

2.      Ms. Leminger stated that the board may want to motion on the 5% increase.

3.      Mr. Dyson stated that the amount in the budget was higher than that amount.

4.      Chief Cassin stated that the normal increase is 18-20%.

                                                           iv.      Paul Kite motions to okay the insurance.  Jon Raker seconds.

                                                             v.      All in favor and motion carries.


b.      Station 51 Building Project Update

                                                              i.      Scott Senefeld stated that the project was progressing.

1.      Shingles are on the building.

2.      The masonry is 98-99% complete.

3.      The building has been prepped for drywall.

4.      The overhead doors should be in place soon and work can start inside the building.

                                                            ii.      There are no major changes and the next progress meeting is tomorrow (Dec. 8)

                                                          iii.      Ms. Leminger stated that she has met with everyone concerning several issues but has not been able to get with Dr. Shufflebarger to discuss the issues.

1.      The Brick Coin issue – the upgrade was an increase in value and was Okayed.

2.      Utility tap fee – concerning an increase in the fees between the bid process and the contract.  Dan investigated and found that the incorrect line of 5/8” was bid.  There was a change in fees but nothing that affected the project.  The difference in cost ended up around $1000 not the $12,000 or $13,000 originally assumed.  Because of other issues she is asking this be a wash.

3.      The coins have been approved but are pending validation since she has been unable to contact Dr. Shufflebarger.  She states that the board may want to determine who would be the second go to person if Dr. Shufflebarger is unavailable.

a.      Jon Raker motions that Jim Dodson be the second go to person.  Butch Sutton seconds.

b.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                           iv.      Dan Sulkouwski handed out an updated schedule.  He stated that he is still comfortable with the completion date and that everything is in good shape.

                                                             v.      Mr. Dodson complemented everyone on the great job they are doing on the project.  He had spoken to someone in the neighborhood near the station who only had good things to say about how the project was progressing and the look of the building.


           V.      New Business

a.      Transfer Resolution

                                                              i.      Mr. Dyson stated that there is no increase to the General Fund.  In the resolution handed to the board under the second whereas clause it stated that a transfer is necessary;  this transfer does not require the expenditure of more money than the total amount set in the budget; that the transfer is made at a regular public meeting by proper ordinance or resolution.

                                                            ii.      This transfer does not need to be approved by the Johnson County Budget board just a motion by the board to adopt the transfer.

                                                          iii.      Paul Kite makes a motion to adopt the Transfer Resolution.  Butch Sutton seconds.

                                                           iv.      All in favor and motion carries.


         VI.      Adjournment

a.      Meeting adjourned at 7:26 by Mr. Jim Dodson.



Next meeting will be January 2, 2007 at 7 p.m.