White River Township Fire Protection
Board Meeting Minutes
11, 2006
District Board Members Present:
Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger
Jim Dodson
Chief Tibbetts
Others Present:
Brian Bosma
Steve Dyson
Dudley Senefeld
Scott Senefeld
Dan Sulkouwski
Note: Motions
are italicized and in blue.
Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger called the meeting to order
at 7:05 p.m.
Approval of Minutes from the June 6, 2006 Meeting
Paul Kite moves to accept. Butch Sutton
All in favor and motion carries.
Old Business
a. Task Force One Agreement Update
Brian Bosma states that the agreement in its current form still
has not been agreed upon by several fire departments.
Some items of
issue are no maximum number of employees set, cost of required training on the
participant and some liability issues.
solution would be to pre-authorize the board to agree to the contract if the
agreement is an emergency. Chief Tibbetts is in no hurry to sign the agreement so the topic
was tabled until the next board meeting.
b. Station 52 Building Update
Scott Senefeld provided a hand out outlining both the completed
section of the project along with the scheduled dates of upcoming sections to
be completed.
Scott Senefeld pointed out that the exterior of the building is
complete, the gas line has been moved and the rear door has been replaced.
Chief Cassin did ask that the lot surrounding the new extension
be cleaned up. C.F. Jones should be out
to the site to do the clean up within the next couple of weeks.
c. Station 51 Building Update
Scott Senefeld provided a detailed hand out on the status of the
1. All construction contracts have been signed and
approved and shop drawings are being submitted to Senefeld
and Associates.
2. The basement walls are showing some honeycombing in
the southwest area of the walls. This
could be a sign of cold joint separation in the walls so testing will be done
on the walls for structural stability.
3. The next project meeting will be July 19th.
4. At this time all major contractors are working well
Dan Sulkouwski from Kramer Companies handed out a
detailed preliminary construction schedule.
This schedule will be updated around the 20th of every month
during construction. Mr. Sulkouwski believes there is approximately two months of float in the
schedule and will refine the schedule with the contractors and is quite
satisfied with the working relationship with Senefeld.
Block has been
delivered to the site and footings will be put into place soon. A couple of days were lost while doing the
basement but Scott Senefeld is confident those days
will be made up later in the schedule.
Senefeld and Associates is
still refining shop drawings but they are getting them released as soon as
Brian Bosma stated that typical construction time for a project
such as this is 260 to 300 days. Looking
at the schedule, Mr. Bosma asked if the scheduled
completion time would be closer to the 300 days.
1. Dan Sulkouwski replied that there is some float in
the schedule and it will change.
2. Scott Senefeld stated that
the May date is set and Mr. Bosma asked if the end
date was set. Scott Senefeld
stated that the end date is set and will not change. The only thing that will change is the
fluctuations within the construction schedule.
New Business
a. The Public Hearing on the 2007 Budget was opened by
Dr. Shufflebarger.
Steve Dyson
handed out a detailed breakdown of each fund in the budget which is required.
The General fund
shows an increase of approximately 3.9% while all other funds show a marginal
increase when compared to the 2006 budget.
No public
comments or concerns were brought up during the session so Dr. Shufflebarger closed the Public Hearing session.
b. Strategic Planning:
Chief Tibbetts has been looking for property in the Northwest
section of the district per Jim Dodson pertaining to the concern of the
Interstate 69 expansion.
1. Chief Tibbetts distributed
a hand out discussing the location and cost of undeveloped land that still
exists in a congested section of the District.
Four different properties of different size, sewer and water
availability and cost were listed.
2. Mr. Sutton believes the District should put this on
hold because he believes that the land is over priced. Until a precedent is set to sell the land at
that cost exists he is not ready to purchase the property at those costs.
3. Dr. Shufflebarger believes
this information is for the Department to be in the game, incase a purchase
becomes necessary this information will allow the Department to move quickly.
4. Mr. Bosma stated that he
had not seen a Firehouse built on anything less than two acres and asked if the
size of the properties listed is really what the Department is looking
for. Chief Tibbetts
replied that it was not but the more land you purchase the higher the cost.
5. Mr. Sutton questions the move and states that we may
be jumping the gun. Chief Cassin stated that some of the property has been sold in
that area but is not sure of the selling price.
Dr. Shufflebarger reiterates the research into
land is just to bring this to the Board’s attention and was asked for by Mr.
Dodson. No request for land is being
Property on the
Southwest section of the District is on hold.
The section of land is still under development, the original concern for
the project was the density of housing for the area.
1. Mr. Sutton asked if the concern that this property
was a flood plain addressed. No
information on this is available at this time.
c. Old Station 51:
Chief Tibbetts would like to form a committee to discuss what
would be the best plan for the Old 51 Station and property then present ideas
to the Board for consideration. Chief Tibbetts believes this may be a good location for the
Headquarters because it would locate it in the center of the District. This could also be used as a training
Dr. Shufflebarger asked Chief Tibbetts
the make up of the committee. Chief Tibbetts would like the committee to consist of members of
the Department who would then report to a designated member of the Board.
Dr. Shufflebarger and the Board agreed stating that the member
of the Board to whom would be reported to would be
decided upon later.
a. Meeting adjourned at 7:51 by Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger.
Next meeting will be August 1, 2006 at 7 p.m.