White River Township Fire Protection District

Special Board Meeting Minutes

April 20, 2006



Attendees: Jim Engmark, Joe Settles, Trish Leminger, Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Charles Shufflebarger, Jim Dodson, Dudley Senefeld, and Scott Senefeld.



Meeting called to order at 1900hrs


Regarding electrical bid package bid number 14, the conclusion was that Babcock left out information, which was tech review. Trish thinks that the bid needs to be re-bid in case that Babcock will possibly sue.  Paul makes motion to re-bid project, authorize her office to open the bid on May 15th. This is due to the conduit prices, so that they can bid both conduit, and cable. Second by Paul Kite, motion passes.


Paul makes motion to continue services of Kramer to overlook the project for the Station 51 building project to work with the architects. Butch seconds, discussion held.  Motion passes.


Addendum motion made by Butch, second by Jim motion carries


Paul makes motion to authorize open bids, second was butch.


Trish will contact Kramer to get with the Senefeld group to get a contract signed.


Scott Senefeld gives board a memo ref station 52 project update. Completed


Meeting adjourned 1925