White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for March 29, 2006


Compiled March 27, 2006





  1. Because of the proximity of this meeting to the end of the month, there will be no finance reports available.  As soon as the March reconciliation is completed (on or around April 4th), I will forward copies of all the reports via e-mail to each of the Board Members for review.  If anyone needs anything specific between now and then, feel free to contact me in the office.


  1. No new news on the Task Force One agreement as of today.  Recall that it was tabled at the last meeting until a review was completed by legal counsel.  It will be on the agenda in case there is an update.


  1. All of the personnel moves that were mentioned at the last meeting have been executed.  Dale Saucier (new Engineer) has passed all the necessary steps and we are just awaiting the results from his PERF review.  As soon as this is completed, he will begin his orientation process immediately.  The part-time process is also nearly completed.  We have around 12-14 candidates that have made it through to the interview process.  We currently have two positions to fill, possibly three.  This process is expected to be completed within the next few weeks.


  1. Kim Clawson worked her last day on March 24th and the process for her replacement is already underway as well.  The last day for application pick-up is on Friday, March 31st.  So far we’ve had a pretty good response having handed out 40+ applications and already receiving 6 or 7 back.  Our tentative timeline puts us presenting a name to the Board at the May meeting.


  1. Senefeld and Associates will be on hand at the meeting to present the final bid and contract information regarding the Station 51 project.  The Bid 14 issue (regarding the electrical contract and the missing Motorola equipment) should now be resolved.  Construction management issues are still on the table as well.  No other information about the project is available at this time.


  1. Construction is expected to begin this week on the Station 52 project.  As of the writing of this document (Monday morning), there has yet been no on-site activity.


  1. Chief Carey Slauter and the Apparatus Specification Committee have been working diligently over the past few weeks getting further information and reviewing the various specifications regarding the replacement Engine for Engine 54.  Several of the members have also taken tours of manufacturing plants of proposed manufacturers.  The group will have a presentation of their findings and subsequent recommendations at the meeting.


  1. We have not yet heard back from the State on the proposed Fire Protection Ordinance.  Recall that this approval is the last step prior to county adoption.  No other information is available at this time.


  1. The engineering process for the Station 53 sewer project is still underway.  Crews have been working on surveying property and other related items.  No further information is available at this time on this project as well.


  1. That’s it for this month.…… Scott



The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006.