White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2006



District Board Members Present:

Chuck Shufflebarger, Jon Raker, Paul Kite, and Butch Sutton.


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Chad Witham, Joe Settles, Mark Hart, Kevin Skipper, Casey Arkins, Greg Hurrle, Dale Saucier, Jeff Smith Jeff Wilson and Eric Doyle


Others Present:           

            Tricia Leminger - Kroger, Gardis & Regas, LLP

            Scott Senefeld - Senefeld & Associates Architects

            Dudley Senefeld - Senefeld & Associates Architects

            Dan Sulkoske - Kramer Corporation




  1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Shufflebarger at 7:02 p.m.


  1. January minutes reviewed.  Motion by Paul to approve and 2nd by Jon.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. One agenda change:  Under new business add update to status of department’s insurance.


  1. Chief Cassin gave the financial update:

Ø       Interest revenue is higher than planned.

Ø       Starting next month, ladder maintenance problems will begin showing in the expense category for approximately $10,000.

Ø       As of February, all categories are under budget and there are no major issues to bring to the Board’s attention.

Ø       Salary resolution distributed for signatures from members present.


  1. No other old business to discuss.


  1. Tricia gave an update on the Task Force One agreement

Ø       Reviewed.  Larger burdens on participating departments.

§         Mandatory training may cause our department to incur overtime expenses, under FLSA requirements.

§         Unsure if our workman’s compensation will cover injuries sustained in mandatory training.

Ø       New agreement received approx 2 weeks ago but same language exists.

Ø       She will re-iterate our concerns to Indianapolis Fire Chief’s legal counsel.  Once she has a resolution, she will notify the Board. 

Ø       Tricia suggested that the Board agree to table this until the next meeting.

Ø       Chief Tibbetts has been assured by the Task Force Director that, in the event of a deployment, responding members will be paid by FEMA and the Department will be paid by FEMA for overtime for fill-ins.

Ø       At this time the Department only has five personnel wanting to be on the team.


  1. Chief Tibbetts announced that Eric Funkhouser has resigned to take a position with another agency.  His official last day was March 1.  We now have a Lieutenant’s vacancy.  The next on that list is Tony Slusher.  That will then leave an Engineer’s vacancy.  The next person on that list is Dale Saucier.  Chief Tibbetts would like to make a conditional offer of employment to Mr. Saucier.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Jon to approve promoting Tony Slusher and making the conditional offer to Mr. Saucier.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Station 51 update:

Ø       Scott Senefeld made a bid presentation. 

Ø       No file copy available.

Ø       Motorola did not provide any of the bidders with a price.  Scott stated that he received a phone call on his way to tonight’s meeting stating that they had a price, but it obviously is not included in the packet the Board members received tonight.  He still has some issues to work out with them.

Ø       For reference, Tricia distributed to members a copy of the budget that was used to obtain the Fire Loan for this project.

Ø       Concerns were expressed with the expense of some of the contingency items, such as the counter tops.  While we want to make the best decision possible to ensure quality products are installed, we want to spend cautiously.

Ø       Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jon to accept the alternate as presented.  All in favor and motion carries.

Ø       Motion by Butch and 2nd by Paul to accept all bids except bid package 14 and to allow President Shufflebarger to execute any and all related contracts as necessary.

Ø       Motion by Butch and 2nd by Paul to allow additional time for bid package 14 and to allow the Chairman to take action on the final recommendation from Senefeld Architects.  All in favor and motion carries.

Ø       Scott Senefeld stated that he anticipates ground-breaking in late-April to early-May.

Ø       Senefeld Architects did return to the County Agencies with final drawings.  No further comments heard.


  1. Discussion on construction management. 

Ø       Dan Sulkoske was asked to leave the room to allow Senefeld and Associates to make their presentation for construction management.  Scott Senefeld then distributed an information packet to Board members, listing proposed services they will provide as the “Construction Administrator”.  A packet was not available for the minutes.

Ø       The Senefelds were then asked to leave the room to allow Dan Sulkoske, who is working as the construction manager on the Brownsburg Fire Territory station, distributed an information packet to Board members.  No copy was available for the minutes.  He explained his construction background and experience. 


  1. Captain Casey Arkins made a presentation for the replacement of Engine 54.  Questions arose regarding “tagging onto” another agency’s interlocal agreement.  Chuck asked that the Department investigate the other agency’s specs and agreements.  Tricia cautioned against sending this project out to bid until we decide which route we will be taking.  Tricia would like those agreements as far in advance of the March 29 meeting as possible so that she may review the language.


  1. Tricia sent an email to the Board members regarding allegations of misconduct from certain agents that handled our policies.   The Department was assured by the insurance company that all of our properties were covered.  As a spot check, Tricia asked whether the new station property was covered.  They stated that it, in fact, was not covered.  She is investigating the premiums that have been paid and any outstanding items due.   She is also trying to verify that the premiums that have been paid were legitimate amounts.  She will work with Chief Cassin on this further.


  1. Further discussion on the owner representative for the new station.  Chief Cassin stated that the working relationship with Senefeld and Associates has improved dramatically, but we have no working relationship on an actual project to base a determination.  The Board agreed that no other presentations would be needed.  Further discussion tabled until the next meeting.


  1. No further new business and meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.



>> Next meeting is Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at White River Fire Headquarters. <<