White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for February 7, 2006


Compiled February 2, 2006





  1. The budget is looking good so far (of course we’re only one month in!), with overall expenses a little under budget and revenues a little over budget.  A few categories however are a little higher than expected, such as natural gas and full-time overtime, but these should work themselves out over the next few months as gas bills are expected to fall and overtime expenses will reduce with the hiring of a new full-time firefighter.


  1. Activity on the Station 52 remodel project has yet to start but Senefeld and Associates says that on-site activity should begin in the next two weeks or so.


  1. The Station 51 pre-bid meeting was held on January 31st and was uneventful.  The bid opening is still scheduled for February 21st at Headquarters at 3pm.  The Building Team also now has the final set of drawings and specification manuals in its possession.


  1. The proposed Fire Protection Ordinance has been approved by the State and has been sent back to the County Commissioners for its second reading and approval there.  It is currently on the agenda for Monday, February 6th.  If approved, the Ordinance will then go back to the State for final approval and adoption.


  1. Per the meeting minutes from last month’s meeting, the item regarding the two benefit issues (merging PA & PL days into vacation days and adding a bereavement day) has been tabled until further notice.  It will be removed from the agenda until further action by the sub-committee is deemed necessary.


  1. All personnel moves have been conducted and occurred without incident.  This left an opening for an Engineer position in which Chad Witham is currently going through the process to be hired.  We are currently awaiting the PERF physician to sign off on the application.


  1. Chief Brown is currently working with the State Board of Health and Greenwood Sanitation on the failing septic system at Station 53.  There is no news on this project for this month.


  1. Reminder of the Awards Banquet set for this Friday, February 3rd at the Primo South Catering Hall, near the intersection of I-65 and Keystone Avenue.  The dinner begins at 7pm with the program starting at 8pm.


  1. Because no items that we are aware of are requiring board action, there are currently NO agenda items scheduled for the meeting!


  1. That’s it for this month.…… Scott