White River Township Fire Protection
Report for January 10, 2006
Compiled January 7, 2006
- Now that 2005 is in the books, we ended up finishing
the year under budget in all four major budget categories (Personal
Services, Supplies, Other Services and Charges, and Capital Outlays) of
the General Fund. Couple this with
additional revenues of over $120,000, and we essentially spent $348,418
less than we received overall.
- The Station 51 Building Team has continued to
meet over the past month in an attempt to finalize the plans for the
building. All of the structural and
design elements have been satisfied and only mechanical and fire code compliance
issues remain. As of today, the
final set of requested revisions are in the hands
of the Architects. It is their goal
to get these completed and back to the Building Team by the first of the
week for a final review and agreement to move forward. In speaking with legal counsel, this
will require us to push back the bid opening from the original date (FPDB
meeting in February) to one that is a couple of weeks later. This will require a motion at the
meeting to authorize the President and designees to open the bids at this
special meeting. Legal counsel will
elaborate more on this at the meeting.
- Senefeld and Associates Architects will be on
hand to discuss the Station 52 project following the review of the bid
openings from last month. No other
information is available on this project as it is on hold pending the
outcome of this meeting.
- No new news on the proposed Fire Protection
Ordinance this month.
- The two benefit issues are still outstanding
(merging PA & PL days into vacation days and adding a bereavement day). This was put on hold another month
awaiting additional board members to be present.
- The issue regarding the open vacancy in the Fire
Prevention Division was also tabled until this month so board members
could review policy and conduct research.
Chief Thacker will be on hand at the meeting to answer any new
- Something that popped up again on the radar
screen is the failing septic system at Station 53. As you may be aware, the system has
never worked properly since its installation. It was brand-new technology at the time
and was designed for roughly half of the capacity that it is currently
handling. Ever since, the Board of
Health has been monitoring the drip field and has discovered that it no
longer passes inspection. They
claim it’s because we’re overloading it and dumping “too much grease” into
it. Whatever the case, they have
sent a letter mandating we correct the problem immediately. Chief Brown has been in contact with
Greenwood Sanitation Department as well as property owners that exist
between the station and the hook-in point to the sewer system. He or a designee will have a report available
at the meeting discussing options and implications.
- When you arrive for the meeting, you will notice
a new seating arrangement. The
board members, legal counsel, and accountant will be seated at a head
table and the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, meeting recorder, and any other
individuals scheduled to speak will be sitting at a table directly in
front of that. The rest of the room
will be set up with stadium-style seating and will be facing the head
table. There will also be video and
audio taping available. This is all
in an effort to promote a more professional atmosphere and to hopefully
allow board members to address the audience more effectively.
- Just a reminder that this month will be the
election of officers for 2006.
- The board also needs to set the rest of the
meeting dates for 2006. The
February meeting is already officially set for February 7th and
a suggestion for the first Tuesday of every month was entertained for
March through December.
- Unfortunately, because the meeting was pushed
back a week, it pushed right into my annual family cruise. So I will not be able to attend the
meeting, however I have briefed Chief Tibbetts on financial issues in
preparation for the meeting.
- That’s it for this month.…… Scott