White River Township Fire Protection
Board Meeting Minutes
District Board Members Present:
Butch Sutton, Paul Kite and Jim Dodson.
White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:
Mike Tibbetts,
Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Kevin Skipper, Casey Arkins, Chad Witham, Bryan Arkins, Mike Combs, Joe
Green, Scott Alexander, Aaron
Bryant, Joel Thacker, Eric Williams, Jeff Wilson, Kyle Brooks, and Kim Clawson.
Others Present:
Steve Dyson
- Curtis Coonrod, CPA
Tricia Leminger - Kroger, Gardis & Regas, LLP
Salin – Jones & Associates Insurance
Jeff Magee
– MacDougall Pierce
Walt Janitz
- Steelcore Construction
Tedder – C.F. Jones
Senefeld - Senefeld & Associates Architects
Senefeld - Senefeld & Associates Architects
- In Chairman Shufflebarger’s
absence, Vice Chairman Jim Dodson
called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
- Tricia announced that there are
amendments to the agenda for tonight and are as follows:
a. New Business: Bid openings.
b. New Business: Public hearing on proposed additional
c. Old Business: Resolution for enlargement of positions
covered in the Public Employees Retirement Fund.
- Those attending for the bid opening
for the renovation project at station 52 were thanked by Tricia for
attending tonight’s meeting. She
then introduced the Board members.
She stated that the bids are being opened tonight and will be
subject to legal and technical compliance review and that the District
reserves the right
to accept or reject any bid.
Furthermore, the District reserves the right to reject all bids if
the cost of the renovation is not economically feasible to the
District. Bids were then opened by
Scott Senefeld and announced by Dudley Senefeld, and were as follows:
a. HE Henderson – $232,435
b. Eden Enterprises – $209,000
c. MacDougall Pierce – $250,378
d. Steelcore Construction –$209,000
e. CF Jones Group – $202,400
Tricia reminded everyone that this is a unified bid process
and there will be one contractor for the project. No further comments or questions were heard
and the bid opening was concluded.
- Station 52 renovation status:
a. He stated that they will need to
certify HE Henderson, as they are the only one from tonight’s bidding process
they have not worked with previously.
b. The original budget for this project
was $165,000.
c. Chief Brown pointed out that this
doesn’t include a sprinkler system.
Chief Cassin stated that this has been a separate project from the beginning
and should not be included in the total.
d. Butch is concerned that if we are
25% over budget on this project, will we be over budget on the 3M new
station? Scott replied that he hoped not
and that they worked hard to keep this budget as tight as possible.
e. Further discussion on station 52 is
tabled until next month.
- Station 51 new construction
a. Scott Senefeld provided new
plans. These documents are completed to
within 95% of the final set of plans.
b. He is anticipating this going out to
bid December 20, or perhaps just a few days
earlier. This is as originally scheduled
c. Scott stated that his firm is
receiving information in a timely manner, as needed, from the department.
d. Tricia stated that the Local
Government Tax Control Board approved our presentation for $2,468,947. The total costs are $3,000,000 with the
difference coming from the Rainy Day Fund ($400,000) and the Cumulative Fund
e. Although we did receive approval for
the full amount of the loan request, Tricia cautioned that, in the future, the
Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) will now be requiring all items
on the fixtures, furnishings and equipment lists to last the life of the loan.
is anticipated that bids for this project will be opened at the February 2006
g. Tricia presented a letter from
Regions Bank covering their terms and conditions. Attachment
- The department’s health
insurance agent, Jeanne Salin, presented the renewal from Star Mark for
the 2006 employee health insurance, and discussed the changes and the
increases. There was a 20.4%
increase, but ONLY for the medical premium. The disability coverage did not
increase. The total monthly premium
increased $2,192.43. This is an
annual increase of $26,309.16. Star
Mark has been extremely easy to work with and the employees seem to be
pleased with the coverage. Jeanne
stated that she did not feel “shopping around” would be feasible for this
year, but suggested we consider doing so next year. Jim stated that the recommendation from
the Benefits Committee to the Board was to increase the employee’s per
check deduction from $20 to $30, with $15 of that going towards the
premium, and $15 going to the Health Savings Account (HSA). No further comments or questions were
heard. Motion by Butch and 2nd
by Paul to accept this recommendation.
All in favor and motion carries.
Chief Cassin stated that the contributions to individual HSA
accounts would be made at the first of the year. Jeanne stated that to process this
correctly, she will need to get a copy of each person’s statement, showing
their account number, as soon as possible.
These should be submitted by the employee in a sealed envelope to
maintain confidentiality. Attachment B.
- Butch reminded Jim to review
the minutes from last month’s District meeting. No comments or questions were
heard. Motion by Paul and 2nd
by Butch to accept November’s minutes as presented. All in favor and motion carries.
- Financial update provided by
Chief Cassin:
a. Reports are in each person’s packet
they received tonight.
b. Chief Cassin explained various items
throughout the reports.
1) Page 17 – Capital Outlay
Report. This was modified to show items
which were approved at last month’s meeting.
2) Page 20 – Year to Date Budget
Report. All major categories are
significantly under budget.
c. He stated he anticipates being under
budget approximately $300,000 and asked Steve Dyson how to handle a transfer to
the Rainy Day Fund. Steve stated that
transfers must occur between January 1 and March 31, and will confirm these
d. No further comments or questions
were heard.
- Radio grant update from Tricia:
a. Questions arose at the last meeting
whether the District was required to bid this project out.
b. Indiana has received a QPA/Bid from
Motorola for several types of communications equipment, which includes the
items that the District needs to purchase.
c. We CAN rely on special purchasing
methods rule and she has prepared a resolution allowing us to do this.
d. No further comments or questions
were heard.
e. Motion by Paul and 2nd by
Butch to approve the resolution as presented.
All in favor and motion carries.
Resolution was signed. Attachment C.
- Tricia stated that another
issue has arisen regarding the expansion of our covered positions in the
Public Employees Retirement Fund (PERF) to include the Receptionist
position. The Board approved the
expansion last year, but PERF has no record of it, even though they have
been cashing the checks we’ve beend sending on a quarterly basis. Tricia has prepared a resolution
enlarging our coverage. No further
comments or questions were heard.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Paul to approve this
resolution. All in favor and motion
carries. Resolution signed by
members and returned to Tricia.
- No report available from the
Benefits Sub Committee.
- Jim requested that the election
of officers be placed on the January agenda. Kim will make a note.
- Tricia stated that an advertisement
was placed regarding a notice of public hearing for additional
appropriation for building the loan approved for the new station. Meeting opened for public comments and
none were heard. Steve Dyson
pointed out the capital outlay account number on the resolution needed to
be changed from 1110 to 40000.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Paul to accept the resolution
as presented with the account number change. All in favor and motion carries. Resolution signed. Attachment
D. Steve stated that Jon, as
the fiscal officer, needs to sign the forms which will need to go to the
DLGF before December 15. Kim will
contact him.
- Chief Thacker made a presentation for the
vacant staff position in the Prevention Division. This is currently a merit Lieutenant position which was created in 2002 to assist with Fire
Prevention, Public Education and Inspections. The position is now vacant and we would
like to make internal changes in our staffing. We would like to now make this an
appointed Captain position based on the work load and types of projects
this person will be doing. This was
opened internally and only one person was interested; Kevin Skipper who is
currently a Captain at station 52.
He would move into the fire prevention position which would then open
a Captain position at station 52.
We currently have a list for Captains and the next name is Mark
Hart. This would create a
Lieutenant vacancy. We also have a
current Lieutenant list and the next one is Joe
Green. This would
create an Engineer vacancy, which we also have a list for. Next on that list is Chad Witham. Chief Thacker stated that we would like
to proceed with filling these vacancies, effective January 1, 2006. Butch isn’t sure that we can appoint
a Captain position and Tricia will check into
this. Chief Thacker stated that
because we are proposing this be an appointed Captain position
and not merit, we are not having individuals test. Paul concerned with making this a
Captain rank. Jim suggested tabling
it until the next meeting. Chief
Brown stated that we are only talking about a $2,000 pay difference and
that other departments (10 out of 12 surveyed) make this a Captain
position. Butch is concerned with
spending so much time recently on the Safety Board Document, that we are
already proposing changes to it.
Chief Brown stated this would have been taken care of long ago if
we had not had a person with a disciplinary problem that we had to put in
there. No further discussion was
entertained and the Board agreed to table this until the next meeting.
- Chief Thacker made a
presentation for the purchase of new tables and chairs for the training
room. Those currently in use are
seven years old and receive more use than originally anticipated. He showed everyone an example of the
proposed tables and chairs. His
training budget is well under his allotment and he can accommodate this
$11,000. He is requesting approval
from the Board because the amount is greater than the $5,000 which is
allowed to be approved solely by the Fire Chief. No discussion or questions. Motion be Butch
and 2nd by Paul. All in
favor and motion carries.
- Meeting dates need to be set
for 2006. Jon suggested setting
them on a set date (for example, the first Tuesday of the month) and not
be concerned with trying to work meetings around his fire department
schedule. After discussion, the
January meeting is set for January 10th, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. Tricia stated that, due to publishing
notice dates for bids to be opened at the February meeting, she also needs
a February meeting date. That
meeting has been set for February 7th, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. The remaining 2006 meeting dates will be
scheduled at either the January or February meeting.
- No further new business and the
meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
>> Next meeting is Tuesday,
January 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at White River
Fire Headquarters. <<