White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for November 1, 2005


Compiled October 23, 2005





  1. Because of the proximity of the next District Board meeting to the end of October, I will not be able to get the month-end reports out ahead of time.  I will make every attempt to the get the books balanced and reports produced in time for the meeting however.


  1. The Station 51 building team met with Senefeld and Associates at a regularly-scheduled meeting last week.  All of the colors, materials, and related items have been preliminarily chosen.  The team also met with several of the engineers assigned to the project to answer specific questions and to help identify job-specific equipment and requirements.  The Architects will make a presentation at the District Board meeting to go over what has been done to date.  It is also a possibility they will have a detailed cost estimate available as well.


We still haven’t heard anything from the State regarding the project loan.  As you may recall from the e-mail I sent a couple of weeks ago, they have opted to “continue” the request to as late as January 21st.  If it goes that long, it could certainly affect the project cost as it will put the start of construction well into the peak season.


  1. As of the last meeting between the Station 52 Building Team and the Architects, that project is still on schedule to begin on or around December 1st.  They are currently working on obtaining an “as-built” survey of underground utilities.  Because there probably isn’t one, we will have to have one done.  We are working with the Architects directly on this.


  1. We still have not heard anything back from the State regarding the new fire protection ordinance.  I will leave it OFF the agenda until such a time we hear something back.


  1. The two benefit issues are still on the table (merging PA & PL days into vacation days and adding a bereavement day).  I have asked Mark Hart to be in attendance at the next District Board meeting in case anyone would have any questions from the department regarding this issue.


  1. Chief Thacker and Chief Slauter have been working on the evaluation process through Butch and Paul for myself and Chief Tibbetts.  They should have an update at the next District Board meeting on the progress.


  1. Now that it is (or will shortly be) November, I would like to present that we affect one Transfer Resolution for the entire year.  Steve Dyson and I spoke about this at the beginning of the year after some adjustments were made to the 2005 budget and decided this would make the most sense and be the most cost-effective.  Therefore, the following will be the recommended adjustment (General Fund only):


Original Budget                                   Amended Budget

10000 Category:  $3,437,246                  10000 Category:  $3,276,551

20000 Category:  $   210,939                  20000 Category:  $   287,796

30000 Category:  $   627,731                  30000 Category:  $   663,772

40000 Category:  $   626,637                  40000 Category:  $   674,434

50000 Category:  $                0               50000 Category:  $                0

      Total:  $4,902,553                                 Total:  $4,902,553


  1. Over the last three months I have posted the un-budgeted Capital Project “wish list” at the end of each PMR for review.  As you may recall, in year’s past we have put together an un-appropriated project list containing items and/or projects that weren’t originally budgeted.  These items are then prioritized and funded with either under-budget or un-appropriated funds on a per-item approval basis.  As the year goes on, I keep a list of these requests as they come in and compile them toward the end of the year.  Because November in the past has been a good time to make these purchases (it leaves some time to get the purchases made and paid for by the end of the budget year), we would like to make a presentation of the various projects during the last half of the upcoming District Board meeting.  I have asked each project author to present their individual project at the meeting.  The following is a breakdown of the projects and their respective amounts.


1.      $21,987 – Firehouse Software/Hardware – Web-based version for field reporting and data access

2.      $6,000 – Conversion kits for all M-Series monitor/defibrillators to allow 12-lead ECG’s to be sent via fax to the hospital.

3.      $13,000 – Mast camera and control for TSU for incident recording.

4.      $5,000 – Turnout gear washer for Station 52.

5.      18,000 – Thermal Imaging cameras (x2) to be placed on the remaining primary apparatus.

6.      $6,600 – Additional equipment for Ladder 53


Total:  $70,587


The list has been pared down from the previous months because some of the items on it have already been approved (i.e. Audit for volunteer fire corporation, safety trailer grant contribution, etc.), or have been dropped altogether by the Senior Staff, so only the non-approved items remain.  Also, one additional project, the garage structure for Station 53 is still being investigated and will be proposed as the project chair has sufficient information.


  1. Because of the above presentation and in the interest of time, we will put off to next month the first Strategic Plan presentation.


  1. That’s it for this month.  See you at the meeting…… Scott