White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

November 1, 2005


District Board Members Present:

Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger

Butch Sutton

Jim Dodson

Paul Kite

Jon Raker


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Chief Tibbetts

Chief Brown

Chief Engmark

Chief Wilson

Chief Slauter

Captain Skipper

Captain Arkins

Lt Hart

Lt Cox

Lt Scholl

Jackie Emmons

Mike Combs

Chris Kindred

Darryl Slevin

Joe Green

Kyle Brooks

Jason Bailey

Jory Cox

Chad Witham

Corey McGaha

Bryan Arkins


Others Present:

Dudley Senefeld

Scott Senefeld

Steve Dyson

Tricia Leminger




Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.



        I.      Approval of Minutes from the October Meeting

A.     Accepted with a motion by Paul Kite and 2nd by Jon Raker, all in favor and motion carries.


      II.      Financial Update

A.     Chief Tibbetts presented the financial update by calling attention to pages 9, 10 and 11 of the financial update.  We are under budget for the year.


    III.      Old Business

A.     Station 51 and 52 Project updates

                                                              i.            Scott Senefeld gave an update with a design board with plans reflecting the materials to be used.

                                                            ii.            The neighborhood association has approved the color scheme.

                                                          iii.            The brick, roofing shingles, window trim, flashing, wall tile, floor tile, ceiling tile, carpet, rubber tile (non-slip surface) and the weight room will have an interlocking mat.

                                                           iv.            The bays will have sealed concrete and scuff master paint application on the walls which wears like a Rhino Liner in a truck bed.

                                                             v.            Tricia Leminger asked about the time line to send the project out to bid?  Scott Senefeld said that December around the end of the year should be the scheduled time line.  Tricia said the cost is going up and they are looking at the projects closer than before for schools, fire stations, etc.  The administration is looking at everything closer as a sign of the times.

                                                           vi.            Scott Senefeld brought out the plans as to date and will leave them with us to look at later.

                                                         vii.            Dr. Shufflebarger said we need to determine on whether to bid it out contingent and Tricia Leminger said we would have 90 days to accept the bids.

                                                       viii.            Scott Senefeld said we are on the same schedule for station 51.

                                                           ix.            Scott Senefeld left plans for station 52 and has contacted two surveyors to consider a site survey of the utilities so the contractor working on site will know where the utilities are located.

                                                             x.            Scott Senefeld said they are ready to get with Tricia Leminger’s office and get the notice put together and that they are not waiting on anything else from the District Board.

                                                           xi.            Tricia Leminger said we could open the bids at the December 6, 2005 District Board Meeting.

B.     Benefits Sub-Committee update

                                                              i.            Jim Dodson said we need to hear from the insurance company on the prices.

C.    Evaluation Sub-Committee update

                                                              i.            Chief Slauter said they are ready.  Dr. Shufflebarger said to find a time to meet with Butch Sutton and Paul Kite and post a notice for an executive session before the next meeting on December 6, 2005.

D.    Other Old Business

                                                              i.            Chief Slauter said earlier this year we were applying for a grant through Homeland Security and we were awarded the grant to purchase new radios.  Please see attached copy.  Tricia Leminger said she was asked by Chief Slauter if we have to send out the bid.  We could submit a contract which Mike Combs will present or if the committee states that we are Motorola based and we have to have the compatible equipment.  We need a written document for the District Board to approve at the December 6, 2005 meeting.

                                                            ii.            Jon Raker made a motion for Tricia Leminger to approve and present at the December 6 District Board Meeting and Butch Sutton 2nd the motion, all in favor and the motion carries.

                                                          iii.            Butch Sutton made a motion to authorize a maximum of up to $24,322.00 and Paul Kite 2nd the motion, all in favor and motion carries.


   IV.      New Business

A.     General Fund Transfer Resolution

                                                              i.            Steve Dyson talked to Scott about the general fund transfer resolution; please see the attached document reading as the Resolution of the Board of Fire Trustees.

                                                            ii.            Paul Kite made a motion to adopt and Butch Sutton 2nd the motion, all in favor and the motion carries.  The document was signed.

B.     Capital Project Presentations

                                                              i.            Chief Tibbetts said Thank You to the committee working on the presentation.

                                                            ii.            Mike Combs presented the system presentation.  This is a computer system for the trucks and stations for record keeping.

                                                          iii.            The firehouse remote system could report a violation immediately within 30 seconds.  Fishers Fire Department has been working with The Verizon system and is not having any problems with it.  The total project cost $21,987 and we will the first department in Johnson County to have this system.

                                                           iv.            The sheriff’s department is getting ready to switch over to this as well.

                                                             v.            Lt. Hart is doing a project with the director of Community Hospital.  We will need to start transmitting on the way to the hospital when we have a patient with a heart attack so that the hospital can have a cardiologist in route to the hospital while the ambulance is still on the way.  Bluetooth communication will be able to transfer this information and the total project cost will be $6,000.00.  Rural Metro can not do 12 leads and our paramedic will ride in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.  Rural Metro will not be able to update.  Dr. Shufflebarger said he has mixed emotions and there is a lot of push to go this direction.  We can join now or later, but there is not proof yet that this helps.  Dr. Shufflebarger questioned where the cost of the 4 phones is necessary.  The hospital should be able to fund it if they would like us to have this technology.  Lt. Hart said we would just be updating the 4 phones we already have now.

                                                           vi.            TSU Camera Tower so the incident command can see the scene during both daytime and nighttime operation.  Mike Combs said he has found a company to give us half price and the total would be $13,000.00  Donley & Associates would be the most logical choice to go with because they were the originators.

                                                         vii.            Lt. Cox presented the Station 52 gear washer as it would be part of the remodel/room addition.  To better maintain the gear and get a longer life span out of the gear.  Stainless steel would make the washer last longer.  Total cost would be $5,000.00

                                                       viii.            Chief Slauter presented the thermal imaging cameras which was purchased in 2000. 2003 and 2004.  Technology has greatly improved and we need to make all 4 cameras compatible.  Total cost would be $18,000.00.

                                                           ix.            Chief Slauter presented the Ladder 53 supplemental equipment we need to replace some equipment that is greater than 4 years old (the repair costs are getting to expensive) and we have no replacements if the old equipment is out being serviced.  Total cost $6,600.00.

                                                             x.            The Grand Total is $70,587.00.  Jim Dodson made a motion that we approve the grand total (the entire package) and Jon Raker 2nd the motion and all in favor and motion carries.

                                                           xi.            Butch Sutton stated the executive session would be held next month.


     V.      Adjournment

A.     Meeting adjourned at 8:24   p.m. by Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger.



Next meeting will be Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at 7 p.m.