White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for September 6, 2005


Compiled August 30, 2005





  1. The Common Construction Wage Hearing for the Station 52 room addition project was held on August 17th with no problems or concerns.


  1. The Common Construction Wage Hearing for the new fire station (Station 51) was held also on August 17th.  Additionally, the hearing before the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) was held on August 25th and received a 4 to 1 vote IN FAVOR of the project.  The project now goes to the State Tax Commissioner, who has the final authority on the matter and typically rules in favor of the board’s recommendation.  This process could take up to 60 days but is in most cases completed well before then.  In the meantime, engineering of the building plan continues and hopefully with a favorable reply from the tax commissioner along with a speedy loan process, construction could begin as early as December.


  1. Chief Brown and Chief Tibbetts attended the Johnson County Commissioner’s meeting on August 29th to follow up on the proposed Fire Protection Ordinance.  To date, county government has been very supportive of the measure and has even decided to make a piece regarding zero lot lines a part of the county-wide subdivision ordinance.  The rest of the proposal has been generally accepted and is otherwise gaining momentum.  The proposal now goes to the State for their blessing before coming back to the commissioners for their official approval.  If approved, it will then go back to the state to become an official ordinance.


  1. The benefits subcommittee met earlier last month and also with several officers of the department regarding the two benefit proposal changes.  These proposals involve the bereavement policy and the PA and PL polices.  The subcommittee will report to the full board at the September Fire Protection District Board meeting.


  1. We ran into a small problem when beginning to execute the staff vehicle rotation for this year.  (We actually moved the process up a couple of months this year so we do not run into the end of the year like we did last year when we rotated the three Battalion vehicles)  In working with our three quoters on the project, we discovered that the 2006 models of the Ford Explorer (the smaller vehicle we switched to last year in lieu of the Expedition) now have the transmission selector mounted on the floor between the two front seats.  This obviously presents a significant problem as we are not able to mount the radio stack console in that location.  We have tried several different approaches including ordering special transmissions, re-working the radio stack, and switching vehicles altogether.  Ford recognizes the problem faced with all public safety agencies using the Explorer and have begun a sort of ‘complaint log’ on the issue.  They claim that if enough are received, that have been known in the past to re-engineer a product to accommodate.  However, this would not happen for some time and will not solve our problem this year.  So, to make a long story short, and after several discussions, we have decided to stay with 2005 models this year and begin the process of what we will do for next year.  This will give us some time to determine what will be the best course of action will be.  As an added benefit, we can still get 2005 models (although they are being “swallowed up quickly by public safety” according to our Ford representative because of the problem, at a further reduced rate.  We are also in negotiations regarding the trading of the older vehicles in lieu of outright selling to see which is a better deal.


  1. Now that each of the board members has had some time to hopefully read through the first draft of the department’s Strategic Plan, President Shufflebarger has requested that it be brought up for an initial discussion.  The topic has been added to the agenda for the September Fire Protection District Board Meeting.


  1. Chief Brown has been working with a land developer and Josh McCarty on land for the southwest portion of the district.  He will have an update at the September Fire Protection District Board meeting.


  1. As from last month, I am re-printing the wish list of un-budgeted capital projects that have been updated (as quotes are received).  As you may recall, in year’s past we have put together an un-appropriated project list containing items and/or projects that weren’t originally budgeted.  These items are then prioritized and funded with either under-budget or un-appropriated funds on a per-item approval basis.  As the year goes on, I keep a list of these requests (sort of a wish list) as they come in and compile them toward the end of the year.  I thought I would share this list with you now as it stands.  (They are in order of submittal and have not yet been discussed by the Senior Staff as to their necessity)  The project cost estimate is included with each item.


1.      $13,000 – Mast camera and control for TSU for incident recording.

2.      $6,000 – ID card printer for ID cards (in lieu of utilizing Greenwood City Human Resources).

3.      $50,000 – Additional appropriation for Station 52 room addition project.

4.      $12,000 – AED Pro (x4) to serve as backup monitor/defibrillators on all primary apparatus.

5.      $6,000 – Safety Trailer grant contribution (our portion of the grant).

6.      $10,000 – Audit for 2003 and 2004 Volunteer Corporation (approved amount at the June, 2005 FPDB meeting).

7.      $6,000 – Conversion kits for all M-Series monitor/defibrillators to allow 12-lead ECG’s to be sent via fax to the hospital.

8.      $85,000 – Small garage/structure to house all non-take home vehicles and trailers currently parked outside at HQ.

9.      $1,000 – Personnel photo board utilizing professional photography for display at HQ.

10. $18,000 – Thermal Imaging cameras (x2) to be placed on the remaining primary apparatus.

11. $5,000 – Turnout gear washer for Station 52.


Total:  $212,000


  1. That’s it for this month.  See you at the meeting…… Scott