White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

August 4, 2005


District Board Members Present: Chuck Shufflebarger, Butch Sutton and Jim Dodson.


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Carey Slauter, Eric Brown, Eric Funkhouser, Mark Hart, Josh Justice, Eric Wiseman and Kim Clawson.


Others Present: Steve Dyson & Tricia Leminger.



Prior to the meeting, Chief Tibbetts introduced one of the two new full time engineers, Eric Wiseman.


  1. Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chuck.


  1. Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jim to approve July’s minutes.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Chief Cassin gave a brief update on the status of the budget.
    -    1000 category is under budget by 61,000.

-          2000 category is mostly under budget except for fire prevention, which is due to the strawberry festival.  This year’s festival was larger than anticipated, therefore the expenses were larger.

-          3000 category is mostly under except for insurance, due to a payment schedule reconfiguration.


  1. Station 52 Update

-          Tricia reported that Brian Bosma sent an email to Scott Senefeld instructing him to remove the project manager from the cost schedule and provide an updated schedule to us by Monday.  Senefeld showed the project manager as part of the $213,500 budget, but that is incorrect.

-          Board members authorized Tricia to work on the common construction wage for both building projects at the same time.  (Station 51 new construction and station 52 building addition.)

-          Butch expressed concerns that Senefeld had stated in the past that they understood the cost limitations and that they had originally agreed that they could work within those limitations.

-          Loan objection period expires August 13.  Trish will contact everyone August 14 with a status report.

-          Common construction wage has to be set before Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) on August 25.  Prior to that the common construction wage committee must meet.  This committee must consist of two representatives from the DLGF, one from the county commissioners, one local representative (Paul Kite), and one taxpayer representative.  In the past, the taxpayer representative has been Kevin McGinnis but Tricia stated that her office has been unable to contact him.  Chief Brown gave her the current contact information for Mr. McGinnis and stated that they would be speaking tomorrow and he would have Mr. McGinnis contact Tricia.  Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jim to authorize Chuck to appoint another taxpayer representative if Mr. McGinnis is unavailable for this project.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Chief Brown reported that the Fire Protection Ordinance was presented to the Commissioners last month.  They suggested we contact one residential development agent and one commercial development agent and get their feedback.  Chief Brown stated that this has been done.  The commercial developer had no significant issues, and the residential developer’s only significant issue was the “zero lot line” ordinance.  However, Chief Brown reminded him that White River Township residents do not want zero lot lines anyway and the developer agreed.  The next step in getting this Ordinance approved is to report back to the County Commissioners on August 15, at which time the public hearing process will begin.


  1. No discussion regarding benefits subcommittee.


  1. Motion by Butch & 2nd by Jim to approve revised Safety Document as presented.  All in favor an motion carries.


  1. Butch stated that there was an error in the July minutes that they just now caught.  Page three of the July 2005 minutes, item IV – B – 2, states that we must appoint someone to serve on a “loan committee”.  This is incorrect, and should have been “common construction wage committee”.  The correct appointment was taken care of earlier tonight, with the appointment of Paul Kite to the committee.


  1. Air bag quotes in everyone’s packets tonight were obtained by Captain Settles.  Our current air bags are 7-8 years old.  He is recommending the Fire Service Inc. quote for $11,886.  Chief Cassin confirmed that this is part of the annual capital projects plan.  Motion by Butch 2nd by Jim to approve the quote from Fire Service Inc. for the amount of $11,886.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1.   Chief Tibbetts asked for clarification on the procedure to dispose of equipment.  Chief Cassin and Tricia believe that single items with a value of more than $1,000, or combined items with a value of $5,000 will need to be advertised.  Tricia will confirm this and let him know.


  1.   Chuck opened the public hearing for discussion on the 2006 Budget.  Steve Dyson gave a brief discussion on the DLGF-required forms that were distributed.  No public discussion was heard and the public hearing was closed.  Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jim to approve the 2006 budget as presented.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1.   No further new business and meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.




>> Next meeting is Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at White River Fire Headquarters. <<