White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for July 5, 2005


Compiled June 29, 2005




1)     Again, no new news on our end regarding the building projects (Station 52 room addition and the new Station 51 building).  The department’s legal counsel is working on finalizing a contract wrapping both projects together.  An update is anticipated at the board meeting. 


2)     The Fire Protection Ordinance proposal was officially delivered to the County Commissioners in May and we are still awaiting their response.  We have not received any feedback at this time, but will keep it on the agenda in case something comes in.


3)     We have not heard anything from the benefits sub-committee regarding the three policy change proposals introduced in May, but we will leave it on the agenda in case there is an update.  To summarize, they are:


1.      Change the bereavement leave from one automatic day to two with a possibility of a third granted by the fire chief if the funeral is out of state or other extenuating circumstances occur.

2.      Combine the Personal Leave and the Perfect Attendance Days together and add them as additional vacation days instead.  This would eliminate the need for tracking these additional days.

3.      Reduce the comp-time accrual ceiling to 120 hours down from 480 hours to provide a reduction in overall outstanding liability.


4)     We received two bids for the Safety Trailer to be applied toward the grant we received last month.  The two bidders were Surrey (for $50,438) and Scotty (for $56,908).  So, as per instructions from the last district board meeting, the contract was awarded to Surrey for $50,438 to build the unit and then signed by President Shufflebarger.  The graphics will be done locally for $5,000 bringing the grand total for the project to $55,438.  Our portion of the grant is 10%, or $5,544.


5)     FYI only:  The insurance agency has completed our claim for the May lightning strike at Station 52 for $6,453.65 (after a $250 deductible) and this year’s Strawberry Festival was the most successful to date by recording the largest attendance ever (based on sales data).


6)     Because of the proximity of the end of the month, the holiday, and the actual meeting date, it is unlikely that I will get the financials to everyone prior to the meeting.  I will however make every attempt to balance June and have the updated information available at the meeting.


7)     That’s it for this month.  See you at the meeting…… Scott