White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

July 5, 2005


District Board Members Present:

Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger

Butch Sutton

Jim Dodson


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Jackie Emmons


Others Present:

Brian Bosma

Jeff Logston

Steve Dyson




Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.




        I.      Approval of Minutes from the June Meeting

A.     Accepted with a motion by Butch Sutton and 2nd by Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger, all in favor and motion carries.


      II.      Financial Update

A.     Chief Cassin presented the financial update (please see attached) he started at page 7 of the balance sheet.

B.     There is just over $3M as a total in the bank with all funds combined.

C.    Overall in the General Fund, January through June, we are under budget by $115,747.

D.    Please see page 14 for the Capital Outlay Budget Report.

E.     Financial update accepted by a motion for approval by Butch Sutton and 2nd by Jim Dodson, all in favor and motion carries.


    III.      Old Business

A.     Station 52 Project update

                                                              i.            Brian Bosma has been in contact with Senefeld and Associates after the last meeting and settled on 9% overall plus $5,000 as their design fee. Brian is still waiting on details of the contract.  Senefeld and Associates in conjunction with Chief Cassin have set a July 17, 2005 meeting date and Mr. Senefeld will bring a construction time-line schedule.  Chief Cassin will take a look at the contracts and there will be two separate contracts, one for each station project.

B.     Station 51 Project update

                                                              i.            Jeff Logston has prepared a timeline so we will know when the money will be available, provided we do not have to enter into a race period.

C.    Fire Protection Ordinance update

                                                              i.            Chief Tibbetts said they (the county commissioners) have the ordinance, but the commissioners have been busy and it is not ready yet. 

D.    Benefits Sub-Committee update

                                                              i.            Jim Dodson is leading this committee and asking some questions.  Please see the Strategic Planning Worksheet attached to the minutes.  These questions need to be answered; however Jon Raker and Paul Kite were not able to attend the meeting so these questions will be addressed later.  Historically benefits have been driven by comparisons done as surveys by Chief Cassin and the benefits team.  Three years ago we started looking at salaries alone from the 36 career fire departments because all of the departments did something different with respect to other benefits.  We have had 100% compliance with the survey over the past two to three years.  Jim Dodson would like a copy of the comparison salary survey and Chief Cassin will email everyone a copy.  We will address this at another meeting and add more to the discussion.  Increases have been about 3% overall annually.

                                                            ii.            Three items asked for sub-committee to evaluate:

1.      Change the bereavement leave

2.      Combine personal leave and perfect attendance days

3.      Reduce the comp-time accrual ceiling

1.      Large accrual comes in when we have a big fire and have to call a lot of people in and when we were short in years past.  We could leave it as it is and monitor it, because we now have enough people.  Butch Sutton suggested we follow Steve’s advice on monitoring the liability of unpaid monies and we can by law direct people to take their comp time as necessary.

E.     Safety Board

                                                              i.            Brian passed out a revision of the White River Township Fire Protection District Safety Board Procedures please see the attached.  There were some corrections that will still need to be made.  Brian will get this done and have it available at the next meeting.


   IV.      New Business

A.     Public hearing on 2006 budget

                                                              i.            President Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger declared the public hearing open for the 2006 budget.  

1.      We discussed form #1 of the Budget Estimate Form.  Please see attached.

2.      There was no public attendance at this hearing.

3.      Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger closed the public hearing for the 2006 budget with no objections.

B.     Public hearing on $3M building project (Station 51)

                                                              i.            President Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger declared public hearing open on the $3M building project (Station 51).

1.      Jeff Logston discussed the attached TIME LINE for the White River Township Fire Protection District Building Loan of 2005

2.      Brian Bosma said at the next meeting we need to appoint someone to serve on the loan committee.

3.      A motion to accept the resolution to incur a $3M debt was made by Butch Sutton and Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger moved to second the resolution and the motion passed. 

4.      There was no public attendance at this hearing.

5.      Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger closed the building projects public hearing.

C.    Other New Business

                                                              i.            Chief Tibbetts said we have three personnel in Pennsylvania picking up the Aerial following warranty paint repair.  While there, it was discovered that there was a $8,000 problem with the turntable that has since been repaired.  The ladder and pump were both tested and tested okay.

                                                            ii.            Chief Tibbetts has been appointed to the Johnson County Board to improve the communication system for Johnson County.

     V.      Adjournment

A.     Meeting adjourned at 8:46   p.m. by Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger.



Next meeting will be Thursday, August 4, 2005 at 7 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Jackie Emmons, Receptionist