White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for March 1, 2005


Compiled February 24, 2005




1)     Last month, discussions began regarding the employee performance appraisals.  The committee has been working on the project, however has been unable to meet recently due to scheduling conflicts.  It is possible that the committee will be unable to present their final report at the March meeting.  The item will still be placed on the agenda in case there is a report.


2)     The topic regarding the overdue deferred compensation benefits to Chief Tibbetts, Kim Clawson, and Jackie Emmons was tabled until further research could be done on Chief Tibbetts’ situation.  As you recall, the amount due to him from previous years plus the normal 2005 amounts were going to total more than what is allowed into a 457(k) plan for a calendar year ($15,000).  However, there is a “catch-up” provision that will allow this one-time exception, so in reality there will not be a problem.  Here again is a breakdown of what is owed and will be paid along with the normal April 15th quarterly disbursement:


1.      Chief Tibbetts:    $5,887.68

2.      Kim Clawson:      $3,852.19

3.      Jackie Emmons:  $2,113.83

        Total:  $11,853.70


3)     The Safety Board document is almost finished.  The committee is still working on the job qualification section and is hoping to get the finished product to Tricia Leminger for counsel review by the end of this week.  Due to the timing of this stage, there will most likely not be a final report at the March meeting.  However, the item will still be placed on the agenda in case there is an update report given.


4)     The Station 51 Construction Team has met (or will have met) three times since the last District Board Meeting.  The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 28th at 9am at Headquarters.  The architects are to have updated layout drawings along with cut-sheets and a proposed cost estimate at this meeting.  The Team has developed an initial document of specifications that will be gone over at the meeting to determine if any of these will affect the price one way or the other. 


The department went in front of the Johnson County BZA for the variances on the radio tower, landscaping, and building height and all were approved.   The only approval left is from the drainage board, which won’t occur until sometime in April.  This will however be beyond our 120 day window for approvals.  Tricia Leminger will have a more detailed report on our options at the March meeting.


5)     The Station 52 project is ready to go to bid.  The architects will be on hand to receive official approval from the District Board to move forward with this.


6)     No new news on the Fire Protection and Prevention Ordinance that was introduced at the last meeting.  This item will be left on the agenda in case there is a report from the committee.


7)     That’s it for this month.  See you at the meeting…… Scott