White River Township Fire Protection District Board Meeting Minutes


Tuesday March 1, 2005


Meeting called to order by  Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger at 7 P.M.


District Board Members present:

Paul Kite

Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger

Butch Sutton

Jon Raker


Fire Department Employees Present:

Chief Jeff Wilson

Chief Mike Tibbetts

Chief Joel Thacker

Chief Scott Cassin

Chief Jim Engmark

Captain Joe Settles

Lt. Eric Funkhouser

Lt. Jeff Smith

Jackie Emmons

Tony Slusher

Josh Justice

Tim Smith

David Scholl


Others Present:

Tricia Leminger

Steve Dyson

Dudley Senefeld

Scott Senefeld



Meeting Minutes


  1. Minutes were previously distributed by e-mail.  Motion to accept by Jon Raker and second by Paul Kite.  Vote was 4-0 in favor.  Motion carries.
  2. Chief Cassin went over the Balance Sheet - Budget Reports – Compensation Time Liability Report.  See attachments for more information.
  3. Steve Dyson handed out the Budget order and 100% of budget Levy Certification, this document is what we approved as a board last year.
  4. Station 51 project update discussed
    1. Deadline date is March 20th to get all the approvals to close, so Trish can get notice to the sellers
    2. Mr. Scott Senefeld has updated packages of the drawings
    3. On Jan 19, the department submitted for tech review the recording of plat on lot at Herron Ridge.
    4. Technical review meeting was on Feb 9th
    5. Feb 14th submitted for drainage
    6. Feb 22nd submitted for variances, height for tower, parking due to zoning ordinance
    7. They will receive a letter verifying all the variances have been approved.
    8. Outstanding is the pipe extension for the structure for Senefeld to access
    9. Letter from city of Greenwood sanitation has been received stating that they can handle the building on their system.
    10. ON April 15 our project will go through drainage, but this is not a deal breaker and these are simple items, we just follow the rules for drainage
    11. Site and civil designs are included and the landscape plan has been approved.  The floor plans and elevations are also included.
    12. Homeowners association:  All of the questions have been addressed and we are approved.
    13. We will have to close without the drainage approved and we will trust that the only thing we would need to do would be to change the drainage system and this would not be a problem.
    14. Senefeld has approved on the original design and it will actually improve a low spot for the homeowners
    15. An approved motion from a previous meeting will grant Dr Shufflebarger the authority on behalf of the board to sign any necessary documents to complete the closing transaction on the land.
    16.  Station 51 Detailed cost estimate is at the back of the package Mr. Senefeld provided for us.
    17. The Hard cost estimate (5% contingency) and soft cost estimate, with the total probable cost estimate for development, is $2,806,952.00 *Note this estimate excludes land acquisition costs (which have already been paid for).
    18. This packet is a working set, everything in the package is current.
    19. Chief Cassin said the layout plans are 98% done.
    20. The building will have a 75 year life and it is designed to cut down on utility costs as well.
    21. The project will be put on the agenda for next month to have a financial plan of attack.
  5. Station 52
    1. Ready to get that project out to bid, we need to get bid forms etc. out for approval
  6. Chief Thacker and Chief Slauter met for the Employee Performance Review Outline
    1. Probationary personnel will have a 6 month review and 12 month review.  Non-probationary personnel will receive a yearly review.  Fire Chief and Deputy Chief will have a peer review consisting of 2 battalion or division chiefs and a district board representative.
  7. Salary resolution for the prior year contributions for Chief Tibbetts, Kim Clawson, and Jackie Emmons were discussed.
  8. The salary resolution was already approved as part of the budget, so the dollar amount has already technically been approved. It is just a matter of cutting the checks.
  9. PERF was not added in previous years on the Salary Resolution, but will be added in future years.
  10. The following amounts will be contributed to the 457 plans of the following individuals to bring accounts current to 2005.
    1. Chief Tibbetts $5,887.68
    2. Kim Clawson $3.852.19
    3. Jackie Emmons $2,113.83
    4. Jon Raker made a motion to approve the amounts as stated.  Second by Butch Sutton.  Vote was 4-0 in favor.  Motion carries.
  11. Safety board document update: Lt. Hart finished the document and presented it to Tricia Leminger and we will have a report by the next meeting.
  12. We need an ordinance to back up our regulations for building inspections and code enforcement.  Bargersville will need to be involved with this ordinance as well.  We will contact Danny Maple (White River Township Trustee) to see if he would sponsor such an ordinance.
  13. New Business
    1. Volunteer Corporation to clean up items for the tax returns and application for exemption.
    2. Tony slusher will get Tricia Leminger a copy of the audit and the 990 we have filed.  This item will be left on the agenda for next month as a follow-up item.
    3. A Lt. we hired in October has a new offer and he is going to resign effective the 8th of March, 2005.  We have an engineer we could promote as a Lt. and we need approval from the board.  Butch moved for a motion and Jon Raker second for David Scholl to be a Lt.  His permanent rank will be that of Lieutenant and be effective March 8th, 2005.




Meeting adjourned at  8:20 pm.


Minutes recorded by Jackie Emmons