White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

February 1, 2005     


District Board Members Present:  Chuck Shufflebarger, Paul Kite, and Jon Raker.  Jim Dodson, late (7:15 p.m.).


District Career Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Carey Slauter, Eric Brown, Joe Green, Casey Arkins, Jory Cox, Brian Russell, Ryan Cox, David Scholl, and Scott Tichenor.  Tony Slusher, late (7:30 p.m.).


District Reserves Present:  Eric Wiseman, Darryl Slevin and Chris Kindred.  


Others Present: Tricia Leminger.




  1. Chuck called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


  1. Introductions were made with everyone present.


  1. Minutes from January meeting were reviewed.  Jon noted that Jim Dodson was not shown as attending, yet was shown later on in the minutes as making a motion.  The January minutes will be amended to include Jim in the attendance section.  Otherwise, no changes or discussion.  Minutes accepted as presented, with the one amendment.  All in favor.


  1. Chief Cassin gave a brief financial update and reviewed the budget reports that were distributed in the board members’ packets.  We are under budget in several categories
    1. Several open part-time positions.
    2. Still down one full-time employee.  Hiring process is currently underway.
    3. No overtime has been paid.  (PL, PA, and vacation days have not yet been earned by the new hires, therefore we are not giving overtime to backfill their position.)
    4. Supplies and other services is on track, with the exception of Building Maintenance Supplies, which is high.  Chief Cassin attributed this to several major projects which have just been completed.


            Chuck asked if there was a better way to reflect that the overtime for sick, vacation, PL and PA leaves being accounted for.  After discussion no ready   solution was available and Chuck stated that he would speak with Chief Cassin about this another time.


  1. Update on reserve transition:  all part time employees have signed the appropriate paperwork and been accepted by the district with the exception of five people, who are all on leaves at this time.  They will sign the paperwork before they are allowed to return to active duty.


  1. Update on employee performance evaluations:  the committee plans on meeting one more time to work out a few details, such as implementation procedures, and a final report will be presented at the March meeting.


(Jim Dodson present)


  1. Update on deferred compensation issue:  Kim and Jackie’s totals were presented to the district board members with their pre-meeting report late last week.  Chief Tibbetts total is in tonight’s meeting packet.  The totals are as follows:  Kim - $ 3,852.19; Jackie - $ 2,113.83; and Chief Tibbetts - $ 5,887.68.  Supporting documentation is available for review if anyone wants to see it but it is almost 50 pages.  This will be filed with this month’s minutes so we have it on hand for the audit.  Chuck stated that Brian Bosma had mentioned previously that a change would need to be made to the salary schedule to reflect these amounts.  Kim asked why, when the employees were requesting this be deposited directly to their deferred compensation accounts, and not as a salary bonus to them.  Chuck stated that it was because it dealt with benefits.  He asked Tricia to explore this further and let us know if the salary schedule needs to be amended.  Chief Cassin notified the board that Chief Tibbett’s amount, when placed into the deferred comp, along with the amount to be deposited for 2005, along with his usual voluntary contributions, will exceed this year’s maximum contribution amount of $15,000.  Chuck asked if the Chief could stop the voluntary contributions so as not to exceed the maximum.  Chief Tibbetts stated that he would like to increase his PERF contributions.  Chuck directed the Chief to check into the possibility of increasing the PERF contributions.  In the mean time, Tricia will explore alternatives.  Chief Cassin stated that Steve Dyson suggested doing one transfer resolution at the end of the year that would include these transactions, instead of doing multiple resolutions like we did last year.  Jim made a motion to table further discussion on all three deferred comp issues until the March meeting.  2nd by Paul.  Motion carries.


  1. Update on safety board document:  due to the passing of Mark Hart’s father, this document has not been worked on.  Mark has stated that he will begin working on this again soon and plans to have a final presentation at the March district meeting.  Chuck reminded Chief Cassin that Mark needs to get this to Tricia before it comes to the meeting.


  1. Update on new station:
    1. Re-plot was recorded on November 9th.  Tricia stated that we have 120 days to get the needed permits.
    2. Scott Senefeld left a message on Tricia’s voice mail stating that the project was moving forward but that there may be additional sitework needed that they hadn’t planned on (due to drainage/elevation issues).
    3. Chief Cassin stated that that committee meets tomorrow morning, and they are expecting the Senefelds to be present with a new set of plans that reflect all revisions.
    4. Chief Cassin stated that the next phase is the specifications phase.  Once the specs are finalized, a clearer budget should be able to be developed.
    5. Chuck reminded everyone that no agreement has been finalized with Senefeld.  Chief Cassin stated that we are waiting to see their level of preparedness tomorrow and then we will have a clearer picture of what needs to happen.  Chief Cassin also stated that the committee is unsure of whether they want Senefeld to oversee the construction project as was originally planned, due to their level of service to date.
    6. Tricia stated that we need to get the financing finalized before the bids go out.  She discussed what is called a “race” remonstrance that will occur if the project is over $2 million.  Essentially, the opposition, as well as the District, has 60 days to get 100 signatures certified by the county auditor, either in support or opposition of the project.  If the opposition gets their first, the project is done, no discussion, no questions, and cannot be re-addressed for one year.  While everyone felt comfortable that it probably would not come to this, or even if it did that it would not be a problem to get 100 signatures in support of the project, Trish warned of the additional time that will be consumed.
    7. Jon stated he would try to attend tomorrow’s committee meeting.


(Tony Slusher present)


  1.   Update on station 52 remodel:
    1. Design is complete.
    2. We had hoped to have the bids out today, and due back March 1st, with a final presentation and vote at the March district board meeting.  Tricia asked Chief Cassin to notify Senefeld that they still need to review the spec book and the notice to bidders.


  1.   There is no update on the purchase of the grass rig and the training chief’s vehicle.  Tricia stated that there will be a formal process that we will need to follow to receive bids for each of the staff cars that we will be selling.  Motion by Paul and 2nd by Jon to allow the Chairman the authority to act on behalf of the board for all matters concerning the bids and the disposition of these vehicles.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1.   No further old business.


  1.   Chief Brown presented a draft of a Fire Protection and Prevention Ordinance that he would like to have Tricia review.  Chief Brown stated this is not for the entire White River Township, just that portion that falls in our fire protection district.  Chief Tibbetts has spoken in an unofficial capacity with the commissioners and he seems to feel that they would be in favor of this.  Chief Brown stated that this is something that we’ve been talking about doing, off and on, for several months.  Chuck stated that this is the first he recalls hearing of it.  Jim expressed serious concerns he had because we had not approached Bargersville and Greenwood first to gauge their feelings on this.  He is concerned that rumors could get out after tonight’s meeting and could ruin our reputation.  Paul and Jim both expressed concerns that we seem to be trying to do something ‘on our own’, in addition to what other agencies may have in place.  Chief Brown assured everyone that nothing in this proposed ordinance would ‘override’ anything already in place (ie:  Greenwood City ordinance, etc.).  He also assured everyone that everything in this proposal is taken straight from either the State Fire Code or the International Fire & Building Code.  Jim stated once again that he feels our neighbors should be spoken to about this before it is reviewed by legal counsel.  Chuck stated that the actual question is whether the District even has the authority to enact something like this?  Then if we do have the authority, do we want to?  Jon suggested find the answer to these questions before we talk to others.  If we can’t do it, it’s a moot point.  Chuck stated that Chief Brown contact Greenwood and Bargersville and discuss our intentions with them.  At the same time, Tricia will be reviewing what authority the district board has.  Further discussion tabled until the March meeting.


  1.   No further new business and meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.  Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 1 at 7:00 p.m.








Minutes submitted by Kim Clawson, Administrative Assistant.