White River Township Fire
Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
District Board Members
Present: Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger
District Career Employees
Present: Mike Tibbetts,
Scott Cassin, Joel Thacker, Jeff Wilson, Carey Slauter,
Eric Brown, Joe Settles, Eric Funkhouser, Greg Hurrle, Josh Justice, Tim Smith, Jason Bailey and Kim
Reserves Present: Mike Hoffman, Scott
Alexander, Eric Doyle and Jason Smith.
Present: Brian Bosma and Steve Dyson.
- Butch called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
- Minutes from November 2004 were reviewed. Motion by Jim and 2nd by
Chuck to approve minutes as written.
All in favor and motion carries.
- Minutes from December 2004 were reviewed. Motion by Jim and 2nd by
Chuck to approve minutes as written.
All in favor and motion carries.
- Chief Cassin gave a brief financial update and
reviewed the budget reports that were distributed in the board members’
- Update on Reserve transition.
a. Scott Alexander stated that he has met with the Chief
several time discussing pay rates and policy changes.
b. Scott would like to see more of a pay difference
between those employees who have longevity here and those who are recently
c. Paperwork is being completed by the members. Chief Tibbetts
reports that all but 9 have been returned.
d. Brian strongly stated that no one should ever
participate as a reserve without signing the release.
e. Brian stated that once the business of the “old”
volunteer corporation has been finalized, he will have Mark Collucci
work on officially closing the corporation.
Costs for
closing the corporation will be incurred by the District.
- Update on employee performance appraisals.
- Chief Thacker stated that he and Chief Slauter have been working on this.
- Distributed outline (Attachment A) and a proposed evaluation copy.
- Butch stated that he and Paul will help
finalize this process.
- Butch also stated that the frequency of the
evaluations needs to be addressed.
Chief Thacker stated that these were based on the premise that
they would be performed every six months.
- Butch stated that this needs to be in the
Safety Board document.
- Butch questioned whether there needed to be a process
in place for someone to “grieve” their evaluation.
- Possibility of peer reviews discussed.
- Chuck stated that he liked this and feels we
should move forward.
- Butch asked Chiefs Slauter
and Thacker to set a date and time they were available to meet on this
and let him and Paul know.
- Chief Tibbetts stated
that he is still working with Lt. Hart on the Safety Board Document. He hopes to have this finalized before
the next District meeting. Butch
instructed him to submit this to Brian before the meeting for him to
- New fire station update.
- Bids are anticipated to go out February 1st
and are expected to take approximately 30 days to be returned.
- Next committee meeting is at 0930 on January
20, 2005.
- Various meetings, such as the drainage board
meeting, will occur before then.
- Heron Ridge Homeowners Association has approved
the radio tower.
- The budget will be reviewed at the next
committee meeting. Chuck expressed
concerns that no real budget discussions have taken place yet.
- Jim requested that the board members receive an
‘in-process’ status report so that feedback can be given prior to
anything being presented for final approval. Chief Cassin stated that the board has
been receiving emails containing committee meeting minutes.
- Butch asked that a formal proposal be presented
at the next District meeting regarding the status of the station.
- Brian stated that we have not yet signed a
contract with them.
- Nominations and elections held for 2005 board
member officer positions as follows:
- Chairman:
Chuck Shufflebarger
- V. Chairman:
Jim Dodson
- Treasurer:
Jon Raker.
Motion by Butch, 2nd by Jim to accept the
officers for 2005 as named. All in favor and motion carries.
- Training
Chief’s Explorer and new Grass Rig purchases were approved in 2004 however
the expense won’t be made until 2005.
Therefore the budget line item for these expenses will be moved
from 2004 to 2005. The expense was
already approved as a capital expense and no motions are necessary and no
further action is required. Chief
Cassin will make the appropriate budget adjustments and re-send to
- Discussion on transfer resolution to fund the
health insurance payment that was made in December ’04 for the year
2005. The payment was required to
be made in December because the plan took effect January 1, 2005. Motion by Butch and 2nd by
Jim. All in favor and motion
carries. (Attachment B)
- Chief Cassin stated that Kim became aware of a
problem with how the Civilian benefits have been paid. All civilian employees are to receive
15% of their gross quarterly salary towards a retirement benefit
plan. Approximately 9% of that goes
to Civilian PERF. The remaining
balance goes to the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. We are still in the investigative stage
at this time and are simply notifying the board of the problem. Chuck stated that the Deferred Comp
people should be able to provide an actuarial for us to evaluate any
potential gains or losses that would have taken place. Chief Cassin stated that this is
approximately a $14,000 loss just for Kim’s alone. Chuck stated that we may need to adjust
the gross amount so she actually receives the true $14,000 due to
her. Brian was hesitant but stated
that if this is done, the salary resolution for
2005 will need to be amended. Brian
also stated that Kim was the only full time employee that has a memorandum
of understanding. Jim asked that
Chief Cassin review a sheet that he uses and feels would be helpful; it
shows each individual person on one page, and what all of their benefits
are. Chief Cassin hopes to have a
formal presentation at the February meeting.
- No further new business and meeting adjourned at
Minutes submitted by Kim
Clawson, Administrative Assistant.