White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2004
District Board Members Present:
District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Mark Hart, Carey Slauter, Casey Arkins, Jeff Wilson, Jim Engmark, Tony Slusher, Kevin Skipper and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Members Present:
Others Present: Tricia Leminger, Jeff Stainfield and Jeanne Salin.
a. Chuck stated that the proposal is ‘cash-neutral’ to the Board.
b. Incentive against unnecessary utilization. If you don’t use it, it “rolls over” into a following year. If you leave, it is transferable.
c. Health committee recommended providing this at the higher deductible level with an employee contribution of approximately $500 annually.
d. Jim stated that our current monthly premium is $19,565. Renews in January. Renewal costs will not be available until the end of November. Switching to the new plan with the projected premium is $9,900 per month. We anticipate paying approximately $120,000 less during 2005.
e. Chuck recommends funding the full FSA at the beginning of the year. Jim stated that funding all 35 at the first of the year is approximately $70,000. Jeanne stated that the total would actually be $112,000. Jim recommends $20 per pay period, with $10 to premium and $10 to HSA.
f. Chuck stated that although he did not anticipate that the District’s funding would ever decrease, this would need to be re-evaluated each year.
g. Administration fees are deducted from the interest accrued on the account.
h. Each person will be issued a debit card.
i. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jim to implement plan as discussed, with $20 payroll deducted from each employee, with the stipulation that this will be reviewed annually. All in favor and motion carries.
j. Short term disability is included in this plan.
a. Issue #1
a. 100’ tall radio tower must be approved by the homeowners association, which is not anticipated to be a problem.
b. Proposed an amendment: seller wants 60 days to replat then buyer gets 120 days to get approvals.
c. Jim stated that we should go ahead and agree to this and worst case we will resell the property if we do not decide to build there for some reason.
b. Issue #2
a. Seller wants us to formally state that we have not yet received our approvals. Everyone agreed.
c. Issue #3
a. If it is re-platted and we get our permits, but we decide not to build, we are stuck with the purchasing the property. Everyone agreed that we would resell the property if it becomes necessary.
d. Resolution
a. Allow Tricia to finalize the escrow and work with the homeowners association on the radio tower.
b. Motion by Paul and 2nd Chuck to approve resolution as presented. All in favor and motion carries. (Attached)
a. There are two permanent rank positions the Butch has received a consensus on. Engineers and Probationary Firefighter. Neither should be permanent ranks and should be removed. Motion by Jim and 2nd by Chuck to remove the Engineer and Probationary Firefighter as permanent ranks and to authorize payment of stipends to the Engineers. All in favor and motion carries.
b. Evaluation sub-committee from the District Board consists of Butch and Paul.
c. Butch suggested a group be established to discuss further changes to the Safety Board Document. This will consist of the evaluation sub-committee from the board, Tricia, Jim Engmark, Jeff Wilson and Mark Hart. Butch will also request help from Jon Raker as needed.
d. Jim requested that the policy manual be updated as needed.
This appointment now leaves a
vacant Battalion Chief position. Chief
Tibbetts suggested appointing Lt. Engmark to this
vacant position.
Chief Tibbetts stated that Jim Engmark’s appointment now leaves a Captain position vacant. Chief stated that the next person that was on the list was Lt. Skipper. Butch stated that was not true, that Jeff Wilson was the next person on the list.
Mark distributed copies of staffing tree to board members – no copy available for minutes. We currently have nothing that says “Training Chief must be a Captain”, etc.
Motion made by Jim and 2nd by Chuck to promote Kevin Skipper and Jeff Wilson to Captains. All in favor and motion carries.
Butch reminded Chief Tibbetts that this would still leave a vacant Lieutenant position. Chief Tibbetts stated that Greg Hurrle tested for Lieutenant and Engineer positions. Because he did not score high enough to be in the five Lieutenants hired, he remained on the list and was hired as an Engineer. Chief requested that he be appointed to Lieutenant. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Paul to approve this appointment. All in favor and motion carries.
This now leaves a vacant Engineer position. Butch stated that the Chief would like to implement another Engineer process to fill this vacancy and create a list, which would be an interim list. Butch also stated that this process will cost approximately $5,000 and probably take at least 6 months to complete. Chief Tibbetts stated that he did not anticipate another regularly scheduled full time hiring process until sometime in 2006. Chief Slauter suggested that instead of conducting a training class just for one person to assign that person to a “mentor”. When the next hiring process is conducted and full recruit school is started, then include that person at that time. Motion by Jim and 2nd by Chuck to begin this hiring process. All in favor and motion carries.
a. Board has received a number of complaints from people in the community about the way they have been treated in certain situations by certain elements of the fire department.
b. We just received approval for a multi million dollar budget with no complaints from the public. Butch stated that we need to be extra sensitive to the public and local businesses.
c. Butch stated that “…some people need to go to charm school in order to do their job.” Butch further stated that he would appreciate the board receiving no further calls.
Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Kim Clawson, Administrative Assistant.