River Township Fire Protection District Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Meeting called to order by Dr.
Shufflebarger at 7 P.M.
District Board Members
Jon Raker
James Dodson
Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger
Steve Dyson
Paul Kite
Brian Bosma
District Employees Present:
Chief Mike Tibbetts
Chief Scott Cassin
Chief Eric Brown
Chief Carey Slauter
Jackie Emmons
Corporation Members Present:
Tony Slusher
Union President Present:
Lieutenant Mark Hart
Fire Department Members Present:
Bryan Arkins
Aaron Bryant
Jeff Wilson
Kevin Skipper
Scott Alexander
Mike Hoffman
Brad Jewell
Jim Engmark
Greg Maxwell
Steve Gorman
Others Present:
Jeff Stainfield
Dudley Senefeld
Scott Senefeld
Jeanne Salin
- Dr. Shufflebarger asked if
everyone had reviewed the minutes from last meeting on September 7, 2004.
- A motion to approve the
minutes was presented by Jon Raker and a second was by Paul Kite. Motion carried.
- Chief Cassin presented the
balance sheet and finance packet
- The balance sheet shows
we have $2.2 Million in bank with all funds combined
- The next page of the
packet shows the 3 funds broken down
Debt fund - 2 payments per year
Cumulative fund
General fund is categorized with
4 main figures
- Capital outlays are under
- Workers compensation we
have to audit each year, as it is payroll driven as the number of
employees grow workers compensation grows
- Personal services are under
budget on the district side and over on the corporation side because we
filled in for district personnel. The corporation started in the hole with
a payroll discrepancy from 2003.
- Barring any unforeseen circumstances,
we will have $339,000.00 on the plus side at end of this year to work
with capital projects
- Total appropriations are
still 4.1 million
- New building construction
- The re-plat is under way
for the 13th of October, there are several post re-plat items
Drainage approval
We are on lot 38 now (originally
We want two curb cuts, one for the
entrance and one for the apron
- Timing was an important
piece because to the East of us they are developing and they will do
their improvements which will save us $180,000.00, so putting it on the back
burner has saved money
- Technical review will be October
13th. We will need to put proceeds in escrow, some approvals
could not happen until after the re-plat
- Brian Bosma had already delivered
the schematic design for station 51 and he brought copies with him
- Scott Senefeld handed out
copies of the schematic design and Brian Bosma passed me copy for Butch
Sutton and a copy for the minutes
- Scott Senefeld apologized
for missing the last board meeting
- Spoke about cost savings
for the brick and the Senefeld’s had a sample of the brick which was approved
by the developer
- The quoins in corner can
be limestone which will be less costly (less labor)
- Second page of the site plan
is for the new station, they were working with restraints to meet with the
scope of project
- It will be a drive-through
station with parking to rear of the station, it will be tight in the parking
- Between the current development
and the station a sizable green buffer will be in place and the developer
is excited about that
- Do not need retention
pond as it will just take up space. Existing structure for storm water
management - they pipe sized it adequately to tie onto it. Hardscape
plan gives you information on the site.
- Parking spaces will be10’
x 20’
- Combination drive through
with two full depth bay
- Apron is wide enough for
a turn around, the plans show an ambulance, engine, and tanker to show
physical space
- The 1st floor will
have a day room, training room, kitchen, dinning room, restroom, several
offices, and a quiet room. There will be two separate stair accesses to
2nd floor and basement.
- Dudley Senefeld said he appreciated
the help they were getting with the dept working with Senefeld to plan the
- Individual bunk rooms,
female/male restrooms and locker rooms. Access to stairs and off duty
gear storage, compressor room. They will squeeze into space a physical
fitness area. The plans are not cast in stone; we will shape them, and
make changes.
- Lower level area, the basement
area will be accessed by one stair because of limited space. We would
like basement area to be a shelter for tornado activity. Basement area
is 26 x 16 as it stands now. 816 square ft.
- Some things to consider are
we will be able to utilize some fill, but will need to get rid of
spoils. We need to find a construction site to take this fill.
- The front elevation looks
at a metal roof or shingle, hopefully shingle, but we have requirements by
the developer. Brian Bosma asked if they required a metal roof - everything
is all shingles for now and shingles are great from cost perspective.
- Dr. Shufflebarger asked Jon
Raker what he thinks about the rear stairway to go downstairs. Scott
Senefeld said yes, providing we can expand basement. Code and cost
dictates expanding lower level. Scott Senefeld said we can stretch it
right now to 950 or 975 sq ft.
- Once the dept and
committee approve the schematics, they will go to the selection of
materials for the interior and exterior. Brian Bosma asked Dudley Senefeld
what is the time frame we are looking at for a bid release date. It is
the 1st quarter of 2005.
- The next phase is the
design development, mechanical, electrical, and structural. At the end
of design development they try not to make changes - the time frame is in
the 90 day range which would put us in pretty good shape.
- The 1st quarter
of year is a good market to throw out a project of this size, looking at February
15th and coming out of the ground by the middle of March. Construction
documents will be available by end of January and they need a 30 day bid
window to release project until it hits the streets. Brian Bosma said we
will be tight on the time because the process for approval is the
committee and then the board. So if we wait until the next meeting we
will be down to 75 days. Dudley Senefeld explained he is trying to put
us in market for best bids. FYI from Scott Senefeld says we have flexibility
in the construction industry over the last quarter and that everything is
panning out a little bit. Scott Senefeld wants the project out of ground
March or April, this is why they do detailed cost estimates along the
way, and it needs bids no later than the 1st of April, because
market changes after that time. Dudley Senefeld says the committee is
working well.
- Jim Dodson has questions
about the floor plan - Is there a need for a dryer system for boots? The
gear storage area has a large space and that would be turnout gear dryer
space. Off-duty gear storage is on the 2nd floor. They try
to ventilate those areas so air circulation will allow for drying.
- Dr. Shufflebarger said we
are at the point in the board to ask the department to review the plans
and come back with rationale for the plans and comments for additions. Chief
Cassin said we need to schedule a meeting to look over everything with the
committee and the department. Dr. Shufflebarger said he needs time to
look at the plans, if the department has questions or the board. Chief Cassin
said this is rough draft and that we had to wait for the platting process
- now that the plat process is moving forward a meeting date is
possible. We will need to have minutes taken at that meeting so the board
members can follow. If we bid by April 1, they need to be on street by March
1, the construction documents will need to back up to December 1st.
Chief Cassin mentioned that all meetings to date on both this project as
well as the Station 52 project have had minutes recorded and are
available for viewing on the employee page of the web site.
- Steve Dyson asked Brian Bosma
if the fire loan needed to be approved first? We can accept the contract
within 30 days contingent and it needs to be executed by 30 days, if we
want to finance the loan by next year 2005.
- Station 52 addition
- A one story addition to
rear of station will be built over the asphalt in parking area.
- We cannot add the lower
level because the budget determines the size of project.
- Dudley Senefeld said that
the committee has been helpful in this process.
- Plans include a mop
basin, gear wash, laundry room, restroom facility, training room with 10
seats, storage, and physical fitness area.
- The last page of
elevations is the roof plan. The addition will be a block and brick
combo, but could go all brick. The existing tower is going to remain. A
gable roof scenario will be on the West elevation.
- Scott Senefeld then asked
for questions or comments.
- The size of the addition has
been looked at since the meeting - the budget is difficult to work with and
we need to get into detailed cost estimates
- The training room is for
crew-level training only. Scott Senefeld said they inventoried the equipment
sizes to see if the room is large enough.
- The Senefeld firm is not
under contract yet, so we need to get contracts drawn up for board
approval. A letter of work explanation for both projects has been
accepted by the board and will be brought back next month.
- The time frame going further,
allowing the project to work with the budget, should be out and started
by end of the year. If we do this we need to have a construction wage
committee and the board needs to reconfirm appointees says Brian Bosma.
This needs to be done before next month’s meeting. It is a fairly simple
addition project and the $125,000.00 is the proposed budget for this
project. Brian Bosma said we could bid at non-union wages, but he has to
double check on that.
- Chief Cassin went back to the
budget prediction from two months ago and said Trish Leminger asked him to
come up with the capital projects that were unbudgeted for this year.
- Equipment for the new
tactical (please see attached) will cost $22,300 and is not part of the new
truck. The new tactical will be done two months early and will be here
by the first of the year. Approved.
- We need a radio tower
upgrade as our system has been going down more and more frequently over
the past six months or so. This is primarily due to the age of the
receivers as well as interference from other signals. The upgrade will
correct this. $24,999 approved.
- Station 53 upgrade needs
to be done to accommodate the extra people. We will need beds, kitchen equipment,
and a recliner chair. $14,000 approved.
- Last, we applied again
this year to the Assistance to Firefighters Grand for a video conference
system. The video conference system would allow us to train here at
headquarters and send it over radio tower to the other stations. It would
then be broadcast over the large screen televisions, so the firefighters
could stay at their stations and save response time. We might be getting
the grant money we asked for because they asked us to send them our direct
deposit number. The benefit of that system would far outweigh the cost.
We will go for approval upon final acceptance of the grant if it becomes
a reality.
- There was a motion to
approve the tactical equip, the radio tower upgrade, and station 53 upgrades.
- Jon Raker made the motion
and the second was Dr. Shufflebarger. Motion carried.
- Captains and the battalion
- The new captains are
Joe Settles
Jim Engmark
Casey Arkins
- They will become captains
as of December 1st, a motion was make by Paul Kite to approve this and the second was by Jon Raker
- The new Battalion Chief
Jeff Wilson
- Dr. Shufflebarger said to
put in the minutes that the positions for captains and the chief are
permanent positions
- After extensive
discussion on the issue, they were not ready to make a decision as to the
permanent ranking for the Chief or captain positions. They will do
research along with the Fire Chief and come back to next meeting with a
plan and recommendation to the full board.
- Health Insurance
- The health insurance
needs have to be looked over more, we are premature for now
- Jeanne Salin was at the
meeting to answer questions if any came up
- We will be in a better
group if we give Jeanne the options; she has been working with Jeff Smith
on the particulars and cannot get a January 1st quote until 60
days out.
- Jeanne offered to help
the committee and get as many quotes as we want to look at.
- The problem now is that co-pays
that don’t count out of pocket, co-pays add up, and double the out of
pocket. Dr. Shufflebarger, Jeff Smith, and Jim Dobson are on the
committee to meet with Jeanne and she wants to have that in place by January
1, 2005. Dr. Shufflebarger thanked Jeanne for her help.
- Corporation and Fire Protection
District Consolidation Plan
- Brian Bosma said we do
not need a stand-alone corporation. It is difficult to say they will
only be part time. We are proposing a group called White River Township
Fire Association that will be unincorporated. It will be an agreement
with the group of people, and it will be a volunteer fire association.
Participants would have to sign a sheet for the district effective January
1. The least complicated method would say membership and discipline would
be up to the discretion of the Chief. This creates minimal paperwork and
makes it simple, wrapped up with a bow. It will meet the needs that we
- Tony Slusher said when we
incorporated the corporation it was to take liability away from department.
- Brian Bosma says if you
are outside of your job duties in the corporation model or employee of
district model once you get outside of duties there is no liability.
- Mike Hoffman asked if there is an hourly issue? Brian
Bosma says 207k is not an issue, because the guys will not work more than
40 hours per week.
- Chief Slauter says
assigned shifts with be 12 hours each, so there will be no overtime. We
will not be concerned after January 1, because the most anyone would work
would be a 36 hour shift.
- The three fire stations will
have 4 crews of 4 and we will have more play there if someone gets
injured. We are bringing on 36 new people with this hiring process.
- PERF plan for the
- Chief Cassin needs to get
the receptionist enrolled in a PERF plan, however receptionist is not listed
in the titles of PERF.
- Chief Cassin handed the letter
stating this to Brian Bosma to approve the resolution for PERF
- Brian Bosma said to have
a motion to approve position of receptionist to public employees
retirement fund to the first allowable by law according to the first date
of employment.
- The motion was first by Dr.
Shufflebarger and second by Paul Kite. Motion carried.
- Corporation board vacancy
- A motion to appoint Scott
Alexander to the corporation BOD motion was made by Jon Raker and the
second by Paul Kite. Motion carried.
- Kudos for WRTFD
- Last week McNeil and
Company sent out information and took a tour of the stations. WRTFD has the
lowest rating of natural disaster claims and they wanted to thank the
department’s officers.
Meeting adjourned 9:15 P.M.