White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

August 3, 2004


District Board Members Present:  Butch Sutton, Jim Dodson, Jon Raker and Chuck Shufflebarger.


District Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Carey Slauter (7:20 p.m.), Joel Thacker, Joe Settles, Mark Hart, Kevin Skipper and Kim Clawson.


Corporation Members Present:  Tony Slusher, Mike Hoffman, Mike Combs, Joe Green, Josh Justice, Ryan Cox, Rickey Mullis, Jory Cox, Jim Meacham, Tim Smith, and Jason Bailey.


Others Present:  Steve Dyson, Tricia Leminger, and Eric Funkhouser.




  1. Butch called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.


  1. Butch would like to amend tonight’s agenda as follows:

-         Discussion under new business regarding committees that the District has formed.

-         Emergency provision to adjourn the meeting to an executive session to discuss personnel issues.

     Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to amend the agenda as discussed.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Motion by Jim and 2nd by Jon to approve July’s minutes as presented.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Kim gave financial report.  Chief Tibbetts stated that we tried to recoup lightning strike expenses, however the request for FEMA assistance denied because we were the only claim submitted from Johnson County.  Butch stated that we are over budget but that is due to extensive legal fees for recent issues.


  1. Steve Dyson discussed the 2005 budget.  This will probably be our last year to get the three year growth appeal because the growth over the last two years has not been that big.  This must be filed before 9/19 and is approximately $10,000.  The only reason not to file for this is that we have enough money this year to fund our budget.  The ruling doesn’t say that we must need it to file for it.  Tax increase on residents would be minimal.  Also, Steve reminded everyone that we no longer have the volunteer fire appeal.

-         Motion by Jon and 2nd by Jim to approve resolution and file for the three year growth appeal.  All in favor and motion carries.

-         Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to approve the resolution to appeal the authority of the tax adjustment board.  This allows protection for us if there was an advertising error in the newspaper.  All in favor and motion carries.

-         Motion by Jim and 2nd by Chuck to accept the $4.9M budget for 2005.  No discussion.  All in favor and motion carries.

-         Chuck believes it will go before the council for approval on the 17th.  Steve stated that both he & Chief Tibbetts were there last year but both were not needed.


  1. Staff vehicle purchase and policy.

-         Chief Tibbetts stated that the original plan was to rotate each vehicle every four years, at the rate of two each year.

-         Both ‘99 Tahoes have in excess of 50,000 miles on them.

-         The C-shift Battalion Chief car will become the pool car.  New vehicles will go to the  A & C shift Battalion Chiefs.

-         Chief Tibbetts clarified that we are actually asking for two plus an extra for the fire prevention division.  The third was in the budget for the first of the year and the he says the money is in the budget now.

-         Total staff vehicles would be 6 take home and 2 pool cars.

-         Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to purchase those three vehicles.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Tricia Leminger gave an update on the station 51 replacement project.

-         We will probably need a passing blister, based on traffic calculations.  This will be easy if we have a dedication of right of way.  Eric says there will be plenty of room to get the passing blister because we do have a dedicated right of way.

-         To the east of our property there will be a business park installed.  This may result in us needing a deceleration lane.

-         Attorney for seller out until August 9th.  Tricia feels the Board should give Butch the authority to make final decisions in talks with the seller next week.

-         Motion by Jim and 2nd by Jon to approve Butch to make final decisions necessary to move forward with this project.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. No other construction updates available at this time.


  1. September’s district board meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, September 7th.


  1.   Fire Prevention Lieutenant situation discussion by Chief Tibbetts.

-         The Fire Prevention Lieutenant position was originally budgeted for December 1st.

-         Lt. Alexander resigned two months ago so we have that salary that is not being utilized.

-         Only “extra” money that we are “out” at this time is for the ride out pay for the Lieutenants filling in the open Battalion shifts.

-         Chief Tibbetts inquired whether we needed to do anything to re-allocate funds for that position?  Steve Dyson stated that we did not because there is no salary ordinance.


  1. Discussion on permanent vs. appointed ranks.

-         We are creating the Captains positions later this year and Chief Tibbetts feels they should be made permanent rank of Captain.  This will be a tested promotional process.  He went on to say that most other departments Battalion Chiefs are a permanent rank of Captain as well.  Jon agrees that this is a standard process.

-         Only Captains will be eligible for any Battalion Chief vacancies.

-         Chief Tibbetts recommends that Captains and Battalion Chiefs have permanent ranks of Captain.

-         Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jim to accept this proposal and to adjust Chief Thacker’s permanent rank accordingly, effective today.  All in favor and motion carries.  Chief Thacker is the only officer that would be affected by this change.

-         Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jim to begin promotional list for permanent Captain’s process and to create three Captains positions..  This will also allow the creation of a Captain’s list should we need more Captains in the future.  Should there be a need for more Captains, the FPDB would like to receive more information before giving final approval.


  1. Presentation by Chief Tibbetts for names for new career hires.  Each person show below qualified with at least a minimum score of 75 in addition to successful background checks and interviews.

-         Engineers

·        Bryan Arkins

·        Jason Bailey

·        Devon Bancroft

·        Tim Clark

·        Mike Combs

·        Jory Cox

·        Joe Green

·        Greg Hurrle

·        Josh Justice

·        Corey McGaha

·        Jim Meacham

·        David Scholl

·        Tony Slusher

·        Tim Smith

·        Scott Tichenor

·        Alternate:  Jay Wiegle

·        No further alternates because they did not make the minimum score of 75.

-         Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to make a conditional offer of employment for Engineer to those persons shown above.  All in favor and motion carries.

-         Lieutenants

·        Aaron Bryant

·        Ryan Cox

·        Eric Funkhouser

·        Brian Russell

·        Mark Williams

·        Alt:  Greg Hurrle

·        Alt:  David Scholl

-         Motion by Jon and 2nd by Chuck to make a conditional offer of employment for Lieutenant to those persons shown above.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Committees formed by District Board.

-         Benefits & Compensation

·        Jim Dodson & Chuck Shufflebarger

·        Chuck stated that when we begin looking at insurance and other changes to benefits, as well as salaries, etc. that he and Jim be kept in the loop so that the Board is kept up to date on issues and not hearing about them for the first time at a meeting.

-         Evaluation Committee

·        Paul Kite and Butch Sutton

·        Involves trying to establish some processes so we know how well everyone is doing.  This will also ensure that everyone is receiving evaluations.

-         Both committees will allow staff to continue working as they are, but with the involvement of the committee members.


  1. Meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:25 p.m.