White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2004


District Board Members Present:  Butch Sutton, Jim Dodson, Jon Raker and Chuck Shufflebarger.  (Paul Kite present at 7:35 p.m.)


District Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Carey Slauter, Joe Settles, Kevin Skipper and Kim Clawson.


Corporation Members Present:  Tony Slusher, Ryan Cox, Darryl Slevin, and Jason Bailey.


Others Present:  Steve Dyson and Tricia Leminger.




  1. Butch called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.


  1. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jim to approve June’s minutes as presented.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Chief Cassin gave an update on the financial reports that were distributed.  No questions were asked.

-         Attachment A:  Year to date general fund budget report, broken down by month.

-         Attachment B:  General fund budget review.

-         Attachment C:  Balance sheet, as of 7/1/04.

-         Attachment D:  2003 Fire Loan Status Report.


  1. Butch opened the meeting for the public hearing for the 2005 budget. 

-         Steve Dyson distributed a copy of the 2005 budget as proposed.  Attachment E.

-         Copy of publisher’s claim distributed.  Attachment F.

-         General fund $ 4,902,553.00.

-         Debt fund $ 1,097,516.00 (all fire loans combined).

-         Cumulative fund $ 300,000.00.

-         Request for public questions and/or comments.  None heard.

-         Request for board questions and/or comments.

·        Jim questioned how our health insurance was handled, what the coverages and deductibles were, etc.  He strongly suggested that the benefits committee research a cafeteria plan.

·        Butch stated that we need to determine by the next meeting whether we want the budget to be $4.9M or $4.6M.  It has been advertised at $4.9M.  If we choose the $4.6M, based on property tax only (not debt fund income), and we later decide that we need the extra $300,000, we would have to approve an additional appropriation at that time.

·        Butch stated that if we go with the $4.6M, it could lower our tax rate, potentially unable to be reclaimed later on.  Everyone agreed that this is probably NOT the way to go.

·        Butch stated that we have considered prepaying current debt funds and budgeting capital items in the regular budget.

·        Jim suggested that we approve the $4.9M but spend at a $4.6M rate.  This will alleviate us not having to go back later on for the additional appropriation.

·        Scott urged that we use caution on making a decision on a short term basis.  We should look at the long term plan to understand that there are many variables that affect what we do now.  He stated that we should stick with the $4.9M budget for now.

-         No further discussion on the 2005 budget and public hearing closed.


  1. Chief Slauter introduced Ryan Cox, who made a presentation on new turnout gear.  Copy of specifications were distributed.  Attachment G.  Invitations to quote were received and are as follows:        

-         Coming out of cumulative fund.  $63,000

-         ½ will be replaced this year, ½ replaced next year, then everyone on a 5 year rotation. We had originally planned on 90 total sets.

-         Total of 9 days were given when the four requests were sent out for bid.  Only two were returned.

-         Firehouse Safety Products (Morning Pride brand):  43 sets for $ 63,000  ($1465 per set) and meets all specifications.

-         Southwestern Fire & Safety (Fire Gear brand):  $1451 per set but does not meet specifications.

-         The board has chosen not to go with the lowest bidder, Southwestern, for the following reasons:

·        Cannot meet inspection port, as listed in specifications.

·        Sizing cannot go in 2” increments, as listed in specifications.

·        Chin strap on closure section of coat, as listed in specifications.

·        External wristlets unavailable, as listed in specifications.

·        Cannot meet materials, as listed in specifications.

·        Cannot meet any of our custom options, as listed in specifications.

-         No further questions or discussion.

-         Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jim that the Southwestern bid was a non-response due to failure to meet material specifications and to approve the bid from Firehouse Safety Products, subject to contract review by legal counsel.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Lightning strike to station 53 on June 10, resulting in almost $30,000 damage.  Chief Tibbetts stated that Jeff Stainfield has told him that if we have no more major claims this year, our insurance premiums will decrease by 25% next year.  Chief Tibbetts stated that we turn everything into insurance for reimbursement and take our chances with next year’s insurance premiums.  Chief Cassin stated that the tower, phone lines, and cable tv lines have all been insulated to the fullest extent possible.  Chuck suggested that if our premiums increase significantly next year that we should receive another quote.  Everyone agreed that we should submit this to our insurance to be reimbursed.


Installing the fiber kits at the other two stations will cost approximately $1,000 each and should insulate the systems there.  Butch requested a proposal at the August meeting for getting this done.


  1. Scott requested, and received, permission for obtaining vehicle quotes for staff car replacement, based on the previously approved vehicle rotation schedule.  He will have this available at the August meeting.  Butch questioned continually adding another staff vehicle to the rotation purchase.  He suggested we review the benefits that we give to our personnel (ie:  take home cars).  He also suggested that two personnel from the District Board assist the Chiefs on a continuing basis on reviewing the benefits and compensation.  Everyone agreed and this will be discussed further at the August meeting.


  1. Update on construction issues:

-         STATION 52

·        Awaiting architectural work.

-         STATION 53

·        Work progressing as planned.

-         NEW STATION (Heron Ridge property)

·        Tricia distributed a bullet list addressing several items.  Attachment H.

·        We have until August 13th to obtain any approvals we need prior to closing.  However, we cannot obtain the approvals until it is replatted and the seller will probably not replat without us going to escrow.

·        Tricia stated that Eric Brown is working on curb-cut issues and hopes to have it resolved before the 8/13 deadline.

·        Jim feels strongly that we should move forward with this. 

·        Butch stated that we need to get assurances on as many of these governmental approvals as possible.

·        Tricia is comfortable with the county highway variance for the passing blister.  Dudley Senefeld has stated that we might be able to get a variance for the roof.

·        “Showstoppers” include:  replatting to remove the 5’ no access easement and a portion of or all of the 20’ utility easement, the roofing variance, site plan approval, passing blister, when replatting it must be part of Heron Ridge and not have it’s own set of setbacks, variance for 100% brick issue, parking issues, etc.

·        Butch expressed concerns with the architect and why we are experiencing some of these problems.

·        Tricia wants permission from the board to try to get the seller to replat the property first and if denied, to spend the $15,000 to replat the property, then allow us to go get our governmental approvals.  Everyone agreed.

·        Copy of cost estimate distributed by Tricia as well.  Attachment I.  Current cost estimate is just over $2,000,000.00.


  1. No further new business and meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.