White River Township Fire Protection
Report for June 1, 2004
Compiled May 26, 2004
- The long awaited Long Term Strategic Plan is
STILL NOT ready for initial review.
Some of the sub-items in the plan are taking considerably longer
than originally anticipated, but we want to make absolutely sure that our
information is accurate and credible before publishing the plan. Ambulance service and rising health
insurance costs are a few of the items still being researched. The July meeting seems to be the most
likely to have something to distribute.
- The new Engine 51 was officially delivered to us
last week and is now in the process of having equipment installed. It goes next week to Avon, Indiana
to have the striping and lettering package applied at TKO Graphics. It will go into regular service at
Station 51 shortly thereafter. We
finally settled with Stoops/American La France with a reduction in
contact price of over $34,000 (which was for $100 per day penalty after
the stated delivery date). The
truck has been paid for and all paperwork concluded.
- The career hiring process is still on schedule,
with the written exams having been conducted on May 8th. After the series of written tests, 2 of
the Lieutenant candidates did not make the minimum grade to continue,
leaving 15 to move on. 3 of the
engineer candidates did not make the cut as well leaving 23 of them to
move on. The next step is the oral
interviews which will be conducted the week of June 21st with
background checks being done in the weeks following. We should have a list of names ready for
the August 3rd FPDB meeting.
- The new receptionist, Jackie Emmons, began work
on May 24th and is fitting in well. She is currently going through hands-on
training learning the different aspects of the department’s operations.
- Chief Tibbetts turned control of the two major
building projects over to two separate teams. Each team is made up of 6 individuals
with various backgrounds with each having a “specialty” area to bring to
the group. Both the Station 52 room
addition project and the Station 51 new building project teams have had
their kick off meetings in the past week and each have developed action
plans to move forward. Each team
should be meeting with the architect in the upcoming weeks to begin
definitive planning.
- We are still awaiting an opinion from the
attorney’s office regarding the hiring process requirements for the
district to hire the volunteer corporation’s part-time employees. We will put this on the agenda in case
they are ready to make a ruling.
- Beginning at the July meeting, there will likely
be proposals submitted for a few of the large, budgeted capital outlays
that were slated for this year. We
have deliberately waited until the second half of the year in order to
preserve cash flow. Some of the
upcoming projects include new turnout gear ($63,000), three staff vehicles
(two replacement, and one additional for the new Fire Prevention
Lieutenant), and a new multi-gas monitoring system (for field use -
$10,000). Each of the project heads
is aware of the purchasing statute and will have request to quote forms
mailed and returned prior to the meeting.
- Because of the meeting being on June 1st,
it will be impossible to get the May financials to you ahead of the
meeting. It usually takes a good
day to reconcile the books, provided we have online documentation
available from the bank. We will do
our best to get them done by the meeting time on Tuesday (1st
day back after a holiday!).
- The radio tower upgrade proposal is still on
hold awaiting the outcome of some of the other Fire Loan projects. There were only two reported outages in
the past 4 weeks requiring intervention and only sporadic mentions of
slow-downs of the system. No other
issues to report.
- The minutes from the May 4th District
meeting are available for viewing on our website, or by following this
link: http://www.wrtfd.org/downloads/minutes/fpdb/2004/0504.htm
- The agenda for the June 1st District
meeting is available for viewing on our website, or by following this
link: http://www.wrtfd.org/downloads/agendas/fpdb/2004/0601.htm
- This agenda will be updated as needed. Copies will be available the night of
the meeting. The May newsletter is
available for viewing on our website, or by following this link: http://www.wrtfd.org/downloads/newsletters/2004/May04news.doc