White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

June 1, 2004


District Board Members Present:  Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger, Paul Kite & Jim Dodson.


District Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker, Mark Hart, Joe Settles, Kevin Skipper, Jackie Emmons and Kim Clawson.


Corporation Members Present:  Tony Slusher and Jason Coffey  (Mike Hoffman at 7:16 p.m.).                                      


Others Present:  Brian Bosma and Steve Dyson.




  1. Butch called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.


  1. Motion by Paul and 2nd by Jim to approve May’s minutes as presented.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Chief Cassin distributed current financial statements and gave a brief discussion.  (Attachments A-D).  $84,000 special distribution that was received earlier in the year has been moved to the Rainy Day fund, as required by state statute.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that we are still working out some issues and that we will be making a presentation to the District Board at the July meeting for the District to hire part-time personnel currently employed by the volunteer fire corporation.  Butch wants to see exactly how we are going to execute the change over and assure that there are no overtime issues.  It will then need to be reviewed by Brian Bosma for final approval.


  1. 2005 Budget discussion.

-         July meeting is public hearing.

-         Steve Dyson made presentation (Attachment E) and answered questions that were presented.

-         Steve feels that the projections for the 2005 budget are moderately conservative.

-         Scott discussed Attachment D which is a comparison between the 2004 and 2005 budgets.

·        $453,237 amount under capital outlays is unappropriated funds.

·        Board members agreed that we should target a $4.6 million budget.  Steve recommended advertising higher which would allow the board to accept a lesser amount later on.  He warned that once the budget is advertised, it cannot be increased.


  1. Butch questioned the status of station 52’s construction planning project. 

-         Chief Tibbetts stated that he originally spoke with Dudley Senefeld and gave him three options to plan for (basement, basement + 2nd floor, etc.).

-         Dudley has since reported that the cost of the basement is too expensive so we will be working with either a single story addition or possibly one with a 2nd floor.

-         Chief Tibbetts stated that he has since turned all construction projects over to Chief Cassin, who has since formed two separate committees one for the new building (Station 51 replacement) and one for station 52’s addition.

-         Chief Cassin will send Butch copies of the committee meeting minutes.

-         Brian reported that our inspection period for the Heron Ridge property expires June 14. 

·        Chief Brown has letters stating that the 20’ easement will not be a problem.

·        Contract for soil borings must be signed tonight.  The cost is $2,350. 

1.      Motion by Paul and 2nd by Chuck to amend agenda to add the Alt Witzig contract (Attachment F) for soil boring under “new business”.  All in favor and motion carries.

2.      Motion by Paul and 2nd by Chuck to authorize Butch to approve any the soil boring contract and any other due diligence items pertaining to this property.  All in favor and motion carries.

·        Brian will check on the covenants and title issues and report back to the Board.


  1. No further new business and meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. to executive session pursuant to IC 5-14-1.5-6.1 (b)(6).