White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
May 4, 2004
District Board Members Present: Butch Sutton, Jon Raker, Paul Kite & Jim Dodson.
District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Carey Slauter,
Corporation Members Present: Mike Combs, Tony Slusher, Mike Hoffman, Josh Justice, and Tim Smith.
Others Present: Tricia Leminger & Steve Dyson.
- General Fund Budget Review (Attachment A)
- Year to date General Fund Budget Report (Attachment B)
- Balance Sheet (Attachment C)
- 2005 Budget Recaps By Fund (Attachment D)
- 2005 General Fund Budget Plan (Attachment E).
Chief Tibbetts explained some of the income and expenses for the general fund, as outlined in Attachment A. The Board requested that Scott show documentation at
the June meeting that the budget and the corporation’s monthly allotment has been adjusted/increased to accommodate the corporation staffing the 9th person.
- Chief Tibbetts has met with Dudley Senefeld to determine the feasibility of the proposed improvements.
- There may be some issues with the installation of the sprinkler system (wet system vs. dry system).
Chief Tibbetts stated that
- Paul stated that this will probably add a considerable amount to the project and asked us to weigh the cost against whether it’s truly needed for support or if we need it for additional storage space.
- Butch stated that no action will be taken on this until a formal proposal has been presented to the Board.
- Chief Tibbetts requested permission to pursue the installation of the Plymovent system and the gear lockers, both having already been approved in the 2003 fire loan. Permission granted by the Board.
- Butch cautioned that the original proposed expenses should still match what will be the true expense.
- Tricia stated that we are progressing with the contract agreements and we now have the land under a purchase agreement.
- The survey is expected in 10-14 days.
- Tricia has received a copy of the covenants for that subdivision and is concerned about some of the restrictions that are cited (no loud noise, no antenna, no satellite dishes, need to architectural design approval, etc.). According to the title, the lot we are purchasing is exempted from those restrictions, but she wants to get that in writing specifically.
Tricia also expressed concerns that Heron Ridge signed
an agreement with the City of
Tricia expressed further concerns that the 20’ easement
on the east of the property would not allow for a three bay fire station as
originally proposed. Chief Tibbetts did
not know of this but will check with
- 160 applications went out.
- Approx. 80 were returned.
- Approx. 50 were granted interviews.
- Of those 50, Chief Tibbetts narrowed it down to 10 candidates and conducted the 2nd phase of oral interviews.
- Chief Tibbetts recommended Jacqueline Emmons, 48 years old, who currently works at ADT. He feels that she is the best one for this position.
- Motion by Jim and 2nd by Paul to approve hiring Ms. Emmons, with a start date of May 24. All in favor and motion carries.
- Attachment E is based on a $4.9 million estimated annual revenue, with no debt.
- Steve Dyson pointed out that the $400,000 +/- shown in the “uncommitted funds” category is used to carry forward to the following year.
- Steve suggested that we consider basing the 2005 budget on a $4.6 million estimated annual revenue, which is Scott’s $4.9 million minus the amount shown in the uncommitted funds category.
- Butch requested that a tax rate comparison be presented at June’s meeting comparing tax rates/revenues for 2003, 2004 and projected 2005.
- Butch also requested for the June meeting a list of all remaining fire loans and when they mature. Steve stated that he knows of one that matures this year but doesn’t know the amount.
- Jim requested for the June meeting an explanation of the formula used to determine the percentage of increase of the tax revenues. Steve briefly explained that this formula is chosen based on an average a previous years increases. Jim requested a more in-depth explanation at the June meeting.
- Steve will work with Scott when Scott returns from vacation and get these documents prepared for the June meeting.
- There was also discussion on the addition of a Monday-Friday Training Chief, which would be an appointed rank of Battalion Chief.
- The 2005 draft is also based on having no contract with the volunteer corporation.
- Jim also requested that Scott prepare a budget comparison showing comparison’s between this year’s budget and the last two year’s budgets.