White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2004


District Board Members Present:  Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger, Jon Raker and Jim Dodson.


District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Don Young, Jeff Smith and Kim Clawson.


Corporation Members Present: Tony Slusher and Brad Jewell.


Others Present: Steve Dyson, Tricia Leminger and Dudley Senefeld.



Meeting called to order at 1905.


  1. February minutes were reviewed.  Butch stated that Item #2 is misleading as it is written.  Everyone agreed that it should be changed to read “Discussion held on cumulative fund and expenditure of same.”  Motion by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to approve with that one change.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Chief Cassin distributed copies of the financial report (Attachment A) and the 5 year strategic plan.  Jim asked that the financial report be sent out before meetings.  Chief Cassin stated that he will try to do this but it will depend on how close the district meeting dates fall to the end of the previous month.  He may not have enough time to prepare everything needed before the meeting.


  1. Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to nominate Butch Sutton as Chairman, Chuck Shufflebarger as Vice Chairman and Jon Raker as Fiscal Officer for 2004.  All in favor and motion carries. 


  1. Discussion on revising the current policy for vacation carry over for the full time office staff.  Paul stated that this was an oversight from the original committee that only allowed 24 hours to be carried forward.  Motion by Jim and 2nd by Chuck to change the benefits policy to show 40 hours may be carried forward for office staff.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Chief Tibbetts led a discussion on consolidation of the Volunteer Corporation.  He suggested that the Board dissolve their contract with the Corporation and listed the numerous reasons.  Tricia will review whether the District can hire part-time personnel and if they must be given benefits.  She will also review what type of hiring process would need to be conducted.  More information will be available by the April meeting.


  1. Dudley Senefeld gave a presentation regarding construction issues pertaining to the Station 52 renovation.  Attachment B.  Motion by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to move forward with Phase I of this project, as funded by the 2003 Fire Loan, in an amount not to exceed $8,085, pending contract review by legal counsel, and to grant Chairman Sutton with signature power for same.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Dudley Senefeld also gave a presentation regarding construction issues pertaining to the proposed station at Olive Brach Road in the Heron Ridge subdivision.  Tricia stated that she has been having some contract negotiation problems with the owner and described same.  She stated that the main areas of disagreement are now down to the following:

Ø      Representation and warranties – 3 years.

Ø      Limited indemnification – 3 years.

Ø      We will allow them to make suggestions to the design of the building but will not be required to make any changes.

Ø      Will be closed in escrow, pending re-plat of the property to remove the 5’ no access border.  This shall take no longer than 180 days.  At the end of the 180 days, if it has still not been completed, the District reserves the right to a refund of their money and to pursue other property, or they may, at their discretion, re-plat the property on their own.

She stated that, with the Board’s permission, she will continue working with the owner to try to get the above issues resolved.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to approve Tricia to continue to try to resolve issues and to grant Chairman Sutton with signature power of contract.  All in favor and motion carries.  Everyone thanked Tricia for the hard work and determination on this.


  1. Chief Cassin presented the computer proposal and recommended that we sign with Dell again, based on their existing track record with us.  Motion by Jim and 2nd by Chuck to approve the computer purchase, as funded by the 2003 Fire Loan, in an amount not to exceed $54,203.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Discussion on remaining 2003 Fire Loan projects and the proper way to pursue them.  Tricia stated that she will review the purchasing provisions that would apply to us and contact Chief Tibbetts tomorrow with direction.


  1. Dates set for the remaining 2004 meetings and are as follows:

Monday, April 5th

Tuesday, May 4th

Tuesday, June 1st

Tuesday, July 6th

Tuesday, August 3rd

September’s meeting date TBA based on needs of budget hearing/publication dates.

Tuesday, October 5th

Thursday, November 4th

Tuesday, December 7th


  1. Steve Dyson reported that we have received the preliminary budget approval from the state and, with the exception of a few minor issues, which are being resolved, everything looked in order.  He stated that by the April meeting the actual order itself should be received and we could move forward with budget transfer resolutions at that time.


  1. No further business and meeting adjourned.  Next meeting is Monday, April 5th at 7pm at White River Township Fire Headquarters.