White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger and Jim Dodson.
District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Kevin Skipper,
Eric Brown, Carey Slauter, Don Young, Bruce Alexander, Mark Hart and Joel
Corporation Members Present: Tony Slusher, Mike Hoffman,
Mike Combs, Jason Coffey, and Jason Tibbetts
Others Present: Curt Coonrod
Meeting called to order at 1904.
- January
minutes were reviewed. Motion by
Chuck, 2nd by Jim to approve as is. All in favor and motion carries.
- Discussion
held on cumulative fund and expenditure of same.
- Curt
Coonrod spoke about a new law that went into effect this year regarding
using the property tax money that you receive.
- Paul
discussed the outstanding insurance bill.
Paul spoke with Trish who stated that we have received $12,000.00
of the $17,000.00 owed. She also
added the possibility of a double payment to J.L. Fox.
- Discussion
on Vacation Carryover policy. Joel
Thacker read the amended policy as written by Scott Cassin in the Benefit
Policy. Proposed change to reflect
allowing Administrative Personnel to carry over 40 hours of vacation time
and Shift Personnel to carry over 48 hours. Tabled until March
2, 2004.
- Discussion
by Eric about the Olive Branch Road
Engineering survey is complete and shows same findings
as approximately 10 years ago.
Trish is working on completing the contract with Greg
Trish also working on a final determination on the
donation letter.
Paul also wanted to know if there
was an overlay zone in that area or if we had to somehow match the landscape of
the existing buildings. Discussion also
held to increase the earnest money from $5,000.00 to $10,000.00.
- Discussion
by Mike Tibbetts about Senefeld and Associates, the Architectural Firm who
would be designing the Station 52 expansion and the new Station 51. A proposal was submitted for a design
phase of $14,000.00. The board
tabled this proposal pending a revised proposal indicating the costs per
- District
meeting dates and times tabled until next meeting, March
2, 2004.
- Discussion
by Butch in reference to Earthtek.
Eric spoke to this and advised that we were waiting on the larger
filter to be installed to handle more waste.
- Discussion
by Butch about the Dissolution of the Corporation. Mike Tibbetts stated that they were
still working on a solution.
- Curt
Coonrod spoke about the new amended budget stating that we should receive
a final budget order by February 15th. If any mistakes are found, we need to
return that within 10 days to the state.
Discussion also held on the new fiscal plan, handout by Curt. Attachment A
- Discussion
on hiring process. Joel Thacker
asking for board approval requested to start hiring process. Joel handed out a timeline of events
for the process. Attachment
B. Joel also handed out a
schedule of the recruit school. Attachment
C. Motion by Butch to
approve the start of the hiring process, 2nd by Chuck. All in favor and motion carries.
- Discussion
held on hiring process of a receptionist and the subsequent advertisement
of the opening. Motion by Jim to
advertise and hire the receptionist, 2nd by Chuck. All in favor and motion carries.
- Discussion
on purchase of AED devices for all Staff vehicles including Tactical 52
and Grass 53. Mark Hart stated
money was already approved through the Fire Loan. Paul also confirmed that the money was
appropriated at last meeting. Mark
would like to purchase 10 AED’s and 2 Trainers from Zoll Corporation. Motion made by Jim to purchase 10 AED’s
and 2 trainers not to exceed $16,000.00.
2nd by Chuck.
All in favor and motion carries.
- Discussion on lease buy-out of copy
machine. Motion by Butch and 2nd
by Chuck. All in favor and motion
- Discussion
by Paul about Board of Trustee’s Officer Elections. Would like to hold these next meeting, March
2, 2004.
- Mike
Tibbetts would like board approval to add a 4th person at
Station 52 through the corporation starting March
1, 2004. This would be
due to not hiring the full time personnel until December. Motion by Chuck to add a 4th
person at Station 52 starting March 1st contingent upon the
final budget order. 2nd
by Jim. All in favor and motion
- No other
new business and meeting adjourned.