White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger and Jim Dodson.
District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin,
Eric Brown, Carey Slauter, Don Young, Joe Settles, Casey Arkins and Kim Clawson
Corporation Members Present: Tony Slusher, Mike Hoffman, Mike
Combs, Brad Jewell, and Jake Kocher
Others Present: Brian Bosma and
Rod Hayes.
Meeting called to order at 1908.
- December
minutes were reviewed. Change item
6 to read that the closing documents are for the 2003 fire loan, not the
property loan. Change item 8 to
read “to receive two appraisals”. Motion
by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to approve with changes noted. All in favor and motion carries.
- Chief
Cassin distributed balance sheet and discussed it. Attachment A.
- Chief
Cassin distributed budget report for 2003 and discussed it. Attachment B.
- Chief
Cassin distributed budget review / projection and discussed it. Attachment C. Butch expressed concerns about the
District not approving a fourth station.
Chief Cassin reminded him that it has been in the budget, which the
district approved. Butch and Chuck
will re-establish the financial oversight committee and begin meeting with
the Chiefs to discuss the future of the department.
- Tactical
Committee has met and no significant design problems
were found.
If we pay 100% of the vehicle, the department would
save $17,378. If we pay 50% of the
vehicle, we would save $5,792. Should
we opt to keep this in the bank, the interest earned would be significantly
Brian urged that we need a performance bond.
The late payment penalty does not begin from the day
the contract is signed, but when Saulsbury receives the chassis.
Chassis usually takes approximately 6 months after plan
review, and the truck takes another 210 days after the chassis is received.
After discussion, the contract will be amended to show
390 days from the date the contract is signed.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to accept
the bid Donley has presented, with the change discussed. There will be no pre-payment and Paul has
the authority to sign the contract. All
in favor and motion carries.
- Chief
Tibbetts provided board members with a list of expenses that are to come
out of the 2003 fire loan.
- Public
hearing opened for the additional appropriation of $1,013,485. No public comments were heard and the
public hearing was closed. Motion
by Chuck and 2nd by Butch to approve the additional
appropriation as presented. All in
favor and motion carries. Attachment
- Chief
Cassin stated that previously discussed audit reviews have since been
- Jeff
Stainfield has stated that the outstanding amount owed to us from the
tornado damages will be cut in 7-10 days.
Chief Cassin is to email the board members when he receives it.
- Discussion
on vacation policy change tabled until the next meeting. Chief Cassin was directed to draft the
policy change with an explanation and forward it to the board members.
- Discussion
on the extrication tool purchase.
This was part of the 2003 fire loan.
Total bid is $74,906.90. $21,798 of that can be purchased through the Inter Local
Agreement with the City of Indianapolis.
If it is an emergency situation, Brian stated we could
purchase outside of the state’s purchasing statute.
Chief Tibbetts stated that it was in fact an emergency
situation. The current tool recently
experienced another failure and is irreparable and unusable.
The department has received only informal quote for the
tool that we want to purchase.
Motion by Jim and 2nd by Chuck to purchase
from the quote received, not to exceed $75,000. All in favor and motion carries.
- Two
appraisals have been received on the land we are looking to purchase at
State Road 135 and Olive Branch Road.
The average of the two appraisals as $235,000. The developer has agreed to sell it to
us for this cost, if we agree to pay the re-platting costs and give him a
donation letter for the remaining $15,000. Brian stated that we cannot give the donation letter and the
board agreed. Motion by Jim and 2nd
by Butch to approve Paul to sign the contract for land purchase for
$235,000 and $15,000 for expenses (re-platting, etc.). All in favor an motion carries.
- Motion
by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to approve the purchase of a thermal
imaging camera, not to exceed $9,000.
All in favor and motion carries.
This money will come from the 2002 cumulative fund where it was previously
appropriated to be spent for this purchase.
- Discussion
on the supplemental agreement was tabled, pending further talks to
restructure the volunteer corporation.
At this time, we are continuing with last year’s contract amount
and paying in monthly installments.
- Brian
suggested that no press release be developed at this time regarding the
approval of the maximum tax levy appeal.
Perhaps one can be developed at a later date.
- Kim discussed the meeting dates for
2004. Brian stated that the first
Mondays of the month are now bad for his firm as they have another
engagement. The February 2nd
meeting remains the same and the rest of the 2004 meeting dates will be
discussed and finalized then.
- No
further new business and meeting adjourned.