White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2003


District Board Members Present:  Paul Kite, Jim Dodson, Jon Raker and Butch Sutton.


District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Don Young, Joel Thacker, Bruce Alexander, Casey Arkins, Carey Slauter, and Joe Settles.


Corporation Members Present: Tony Slusher and Mike Hoffman.


Others Present: Brian Bosma


Meeting called to order at 7:08 p.m.


  1. September minutes reviewed.  Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jon to accept as written.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. October minutes reviewed.  Jon agreed that there was not a quorum at that meeting but that it seemed to be an accurate representation of what was discussed that evening.  No further discussion.


  1. Brian reminded everyone that the December 3rd meeting was recessed and that tonight’s meeting is a continuation of that meeting.


  1. Earthtek update:
    1. They have determined that we are flowing more water than the system was designed for. 
    2. The have estimated $1300 to upgrade the system to a commercial system.
    3. Chief Brown was directed to contact Kevin Kelly to find out what the system was designed for, and to see if the upgrade will affect our maintenance agreement.
    4. Reminder that the Chairman has the authority to approve up to $5,000 per expense, without obtaining a vote.  For this reason Chief Brown was directed to pursue the upgrade, after finding out the effects on the maintenance agreement, but Paul must be notified first before any expenses are agreed to.


  1. New district board member Jim Dodson was introduced to everyone.  Jim is completing the term created by Bill Patterson’s resignation.


  1. Resolution presented to approve the chairman to sign closing documents for the property loan.  Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jon to approve the resolution and to enter into the contract, subject to approval of appropriation.  All in favor and motion carries.  Attachment A. Brian stated that anything over $50,000 must be publicly bid unless it is compatible with existing equipment on the inter-local agreement with City of Indianapolis.  He also stated that it does not need to be publicly bid if there is a special and unusual cost break.


  1. Chief Tibbetts will fax Brian a list of items on the equipment loan so a determination can be made as to what needs to be bid out.


  1. Brian stated that the Board needed to receive to appraisals on the property at Heron Ridge.  Attachment B.  We need to request a  90 day inspection period and the environment survey must be certified to the board.  Motion made by Butch and 2nd by Jon to amend the agenda to add the resolution of interest in property.  All in favor and motion carries.  Brian also suggested geotechnical assessment, title review, highway approval, drainage and zoning concerns.


  1. Motion by Jon and 2nd by Jim to authorize Paul and Chief Tibbetts to work together with Dudley Senefeld to perform a preliminary site assessment, subject to the resolution.  All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Motion to adopt resolution of intent made by Jon and 2nd by Butch.  All in favor and motion carries.  Attachment C.


  1. The public hearing for the additional appropriation was opened.  Appropriation was explained with no comments heard from the public.  Public hearing closed.  Motion by Jim and 2nd by Jon to approve the appropriation for the amount of $ 390,629.  All in favor and motion carries.  Attachments D & E.


  1. Discussion on the last financial audit was tabled until Chief Cassin could be present.


  1. Discussion on changing the vacation policy was tabled until Chief Cassin could be present.  Paul requested that the board be forwarded copies of the current benefits policy so they know what it states.


  1. Only one bid was returned for the tactical and it was from Donley.  Brian has reviewed the bid and it seems to be legally in order, with the exception of the issue regarding late delivery of the truck.  Brian and the committee will work on improving this term.  Chief Slauter stated that the committee has not yet met to review the bid.  The amount of the submitted bid was $ 386,183.00


  1. Discussion on corporation dissolution was tabled until Chief Cassin could be present.


  1. Kim gave a brief update on the outstanding insurance bill.  We paid for numerous items out of the general fund regarding repairs post-tornado because the insurance company was not paying them and they were coming in severely past due.  Chief Cassin has since billed the insurance company, both local and main company, and have not received payment yet.  Paul asked that Chief Cassin forward him and Brian a list of items and their amounts.  Paul then authorized Brian to send a letter to Jeff Stainfield requesting action.  All in favor.


  1. Kim requested that the district board members send her their per diem statements, via email, so that the trustee stipends can be issued before the end of the year.


  1. After much discussion, the next meeting will be held January 8th at 7pm at Fire Headquarters.  In the mean time, Kim will look through the 2004 calendar and email everyone with a list of potential dates for district board meetings that will hopefully work around as many of our schedules as possible.  This list will be discussed and finalized at that January meeting.


  1. Brian stated that the advisory board approved the tax levy appeal, but now it goes to the commissioner for a final decision.  At this time we are not requesting a meeting with her.  We may ask for one should we be denied.  Brian stated that he is still working on other financial options.


  1. Many corporation issues were discussed.
    1.  Discussion on the corporation board of directors.  Paul requested that a recommendation be made to them at the January meeting.  In the mean time, Brian will work with them on finding out exactly which members expire when, as it could not be found in their minutes tonight.
    2. Tony distributed copies of their 2003 budget.  Attachment F.
    3. The corporation has not been audited since 1999.  The corporation has hired a firm to perform these audits, which are now complete.  A request for extension was made to the state, but it was denied so the audits were submitted.
    4. Dispute between Mike & Tony regarding who had approved and overseen the final audits that were submitted.
    5. The corporation has requested $15,000 that was unbudgeted to pay for these audits.
    6. Tony also stated that they are currently paying payroll with Booster Club funds and have been for some time.
    7. Mike Hoffman stated that they are currently paying several items that are not their responsibility (ie:  AEDs, etc.).
    8. Paul stated that we do not have an “extra” $15,000 in the budget, but that Tony should work with Chief Cassin, Brian & Curt to submit receipts of capital items to be reimbursed to the corporation out of the cumulative fund.


  1. Brian reminded the boards that the supplemental agreement needs be executed as soon as possible.