White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2003


District Board Members Present:  Jon Raker and Butch Sutton.


District Employees Present: Don Young, Carey Slauter, Casey Arkins and Kim Clawson.


Corporation Members Present: Tony Slusher.


Others Present: Rod Hayes.



Meeting called to order at 7:12 p.m.


  1. Jon called the meeting to order.  Because a quorum is not present, minutes from the September & October District meetings will be voted on at the next meeting and other formal action will be taken on the additional appropriation.


  1. Three bids for the tactical truck were issued; Donley Associates for Saulsbury, Hoosier Fire Equipment for KME and RPI.  As of this meeting, only one bid was received and that was from Donley Associates.  At this time, no further bids will be accepted for this truck.  The bid was opened during the public portion of tonight’s meeting.  Donley Associates bid total is $ 386,183.00.  Because there is no quorum, no official action can be taken on this truck at this time.


  1. No further business and meeting recessed until December 10, 2003 at White River Fire Headquarters at 7:00 p.m. at which time it will be reconvened to address all other business scheduled.