White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2003


District Board Members Present:  Paul Kite and Chuck Shufflebarger.


District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Don Young, Carey Slauter, Casey Arkins, Mark Hart and Kim Clawson.


Corporation Members Present: Scott Alexander.


Others Present: Curt Coonrod and Tricia Leminger.



Meeting called to order at 7:10 p.m.


  1. Because a quorum is not present, minutes from the September District meeting will be voted on at the next meeting.


  1. Chief Cassin discussed our current financial status and explained Attachments A & B.


  1. There is nothing new to report on the station 53 septic system.  We do know that the haz mat holding tank is sealed properly as there has been no leakage of dye that was injected into the system.


  1. Chief Tibbetts has submitted a letter to the Commissioners requesting that they approve the appointment of Jim Dodson to the District board.  So far, no action has been taken.


  1. Chief Cassin gave an update on the 2003 fire loan and explained the reasons for the locations of the proposed property purchases.  (Attachment C)  Final numbers need to be in by October 23.


  1. After discussion, it was agreed that the November 4th district board meeting would be cancelled because that is election day.  Paul stated that if something comes up that needs action before the December meeting, we will contact everyone and set a new meeting date. 


  1. No further business and meeting adjourned.


The next meeting of the White River Township District Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd at 7pm unless notified otherwise.