September 2, 2003
District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Jon Raker, and Chuck Shufflebarger
District Employees Present: Michael Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Carey Slauter, Don Young, Joel Thacker, Kevin Skipper, James Engmark, Joe Settles, Bruce Alexander
Corporation Members Present: Michael Hoffman, Michael Combs, Anthony Slusher, Ray Skipper
Others Present: Curt Coonrod, Trisha Leminger
Meeting called to order at 19:05
Minutes from August 6th meeting were reviewed.
Motion by Jon and 2nd by Chuck to approve as written. All in favor
motion carries.
Chief Brown gave update on station 53 septic system. FD monitored water usage and reported to Health department and Earthtek. Average usage was 480 gallons a day. Earthtek will continue investigation into possible ground water getting into system that could be overloading the unit.
Trish Leminger handed out a letter that her office had received from a law firm representing Future Construction. The letter claims that WRTFPD has an outstanding unpaid invoice from Future to the amount of $5529.00. Chuck made motion to pay they request and Jon 2nd. Trish will also draft a letter to the company explaining our position. The amount will be paid with the balance of the 2000 Fire Loan with the remaining unpaid amount of $1003.00 coming from the accumulative fire fund.
Paul mentioned that he had received information that James Dodson had demonstrated interest in filling the position of the open Fire District spot created by Bill Patterson’s vacancy. Board agreed to allow Chief Tibbetts to give his name to the County Commissioners for consideration.
A Budget overview was given by Chief Cassin. He also gave an update of the 2004 Appeal process and the steps that the FD was taking to educate the community leaders of the plan. He stated that November 6th was the meeting for the plan presentation at fire headquarters.
Curt Coonrod gave update on the proposed 2004 budget and how it and the 2005 Budget would be impacted depending upon what happened with the appeal process.
Curt also passed out the Schedule for Tax Board meetings and the Draft for the 2004 appeal letter.
At 19:41 the Public Meeting opened with no members of the public present. The Public Meeting was for the hearing of the 2003 Fire Loan Proposal not to exceed $1,700,000.00 for the purpose of apparatus, equipment and land acquisition. No comments made from any other persons. Butch made motion to approve and Jon 2nd. Resolution to incur indebtedness not to exceed $1.7M was signed by all board members present. Public Hearing closed at 19:43.
No other new business.
Next meeting Scheduled for October 1st , 7pm at Headquarters.
Chuck made a motion to adjourn and Butch 2nd. Meeting Adjourned at 20:29.