White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, and Jon Raker..
District Employees Present: Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Don
Young, Joe Settles, Casey Arkins, Bruce Alexander, Kevin Skipper, Joel Thacker,
Carey Slauter, Nick Alford and Kim Clawson
Corporation Members Present: Mike Hoffman, Mike Combs, and
Tony Slusher.
Others Present: Curt Coonrod.
Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m.
- July
22 minutes were reviewed. Motion
by Jon and 2nd by Butch to approve as written. All in favor and motion carries.
- Bill Patterson has moved out of our area
and has resigned from the District Board.
Chief Thacker is working on a replacement member. No comments heard.
- All of
station 52 post-tornado construction/repair issues have finally been
- We are
still working with Earthtek for the station 53 drip system problems. There is still a question of exactly
how much water we use each month.
- Curt
Coonrod stated that the 2003 budget has not yet been officially
approved. Motion by Butch and 2nd
by Jon to approve the resolution accepting the 2003 budget. All in favor and motion carries.
- 2004
Budget Form 1 was presented. This
includes the appeal and there are no changes from the public hearing. Motion by Jon and 2nd by
Butch to accept the 2004 budget as presented. All in favor and motion carries. Attachment A.
- Brian
reviewed out insurance policy and found that Scott Cassin and Mike
Tibbetts do not need to be bonded because the policy includes at $300,000
employee theft policy which Brian says is better than a bond.
- Curt
presented to separate time lines for applying for the fire loan. Attachments B and C. Everyone agreed that they felt
better presenting the fire loan request at a separate meeting from the tax
levy appeal. Therefore, we will be
following Attachment B for the fire loan (discussion and vote at
District meeting September 2nd and Local Government Tax Control
Board Hearing on October 23).
Per Curt, each $1 property tax will
generate approximately .50 CAGIT.
The 2003 fire loan will be called
“Capital Land Acquisition and Building Improvement” and will be advertised for
$1,700,000 with the potential for reducing this number in the future.
- Paul
stated that there was no further pressing business at this time. Hearing no objection, meeting
adjourned. Next meeting will be
September 2, 2003 at Fire Headquarters at 7:00 p.m.