White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Jon Raker, and Bill Patterson.
District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin,
Eric Brown, Don Young, Joe Settles, Casey Arkins, Bruce Alexander, Kevin
Skipper, Jim Engmark, Carey Slauter, Nick Alford and Kim Clawson
Corporation Members Present: Mike Hoffman, Mike Combs, Tony
Slusher, Scott Terry, Darryl Slevin, and Tim Smith.
Others Present: Curt Coonrod.
Meeting called to order at 1907 strictly for the purpose of
reviewing the 2004 budget.
- July 1
minutes were reviewed. Motion by
Bill and 2nd by Jon to approve as written. All in favor and motion carries.
- Financial
balance sheet distributed by Chief Cassin and discussed. Attachment A.
- Station
52 repairs resulting from tornado damage are complete. We are still awaiting a final written
report from Don Courteau.
- Chief
Brown discussed station 53 septic issues.
- Earthtek
claims we are using too much water and that is causing the problems we
are experiencing. However we are
only using approximately 200 gallons more than this time last year. Earthtek agrees that this should not
be enough to cause a problem.
- The
high level alarm has been activating almost daily between 8pm and 3am.
- John
Bonsett of the Johnson County Health Department agrees that this is a
problem with the system design.
- Public
hearing is opened for the 2004 budget.
- The
budget estimate was distributed by Curt Coonrod and discussed. Attachment B.
- The
first three columns itemize the formal budget and reflects figures
showing a successful appeal.
Four stations with four career personnel each.
Monday through Friday Fire Prevention person and 2nd
Administrative Assistant.
3 Captains (1 position).
- The
fourth column is the “real” budget and reflects figures showing the
appeal if denied.
Station 53 janitorial service cut.
Sick time not funded.
Copier purchased instead of continuing lease payments.
Volunteer contract staffs 7 positions.
- Butch
praised Scott for his hard work on the budget.
- Mike
Hoffman wanted to fund 6 positions instead of 7. Mike also requested an additional
$22,000 on the volunteer contract.
He requested that the contract read that the corporation would
staff 6, but would staff 7 if the money was available. He would also like to use reserves to
increase staffing to 9.
- No
comments from the public were heard and the public hearing was closed.
- Motion
by Butch and 2nd by Bill to approved the preliminary 2004
budget as presented tonight. All
in favor and motion carries.
- Some
discussion ensued regarding whether the preliminary proposal must be
signed by all board members present.
It was then agreed that they did not need to sign it.
- Engine
51 will not be received until after September 1st.
- Discussion
on the next fire loan which replaces the 1997 fire loan (expires 1/1/04)
which is just over $1,000,000.
Some potential items include:
- Addition
to station 52.
- Station
51 maintenance.
- Station
53 maintenance.
- Station
53 plymovent system.
- Computers.
- Defibrillator.
- Copier.
- Auxiliary
Rehab vehicle.
- Station
51 land.
Curt was directed to determine the
projected CAGIT revenue for this fire loan.
He stated that it needed to be closed by December of this year.
- No
further new business. Next meeting is August 6 at 7pm. Meeting adjourned.