White River Township Fire Protection District


**** Pre-Meeting Report for June 4, 2003 ****


Compiled June 2, 2003



  1. Station 52 repairs update.
    1. All repair work, with the exception of the brick toning, has been completed.  This includes landscaping.
    2. We are still awaiting a final written report from Don Courteau.


  1. Station 53 septic issues.
    1. Our waste removal company has informed us that our drip system has possibly been installed improperly. 
    2. Water is currently running into the tank from the field system.  This should actually be occurring the opposite way. This is resulting in our tanks filling and staying filled.  They need to be emptied 2-3 times per month instead of 3-4 times per year.
    3. Chief Brown is working with Earthek to get this resolved.


  1. Policy manual update.
    1. Still in the process of being updated.
    2. We are approximately 75% complete.
    3. Policies will be posted to the Internet when finalized, possibly as early as the last week of June.


  1. Tactical unit update.
    1. Committee still working on project.
    2. Original specifications review resulted in costs for the truck being higher than originally anticipated.  The committee is re-evaluating the spec to find anything that could reduce the project cost.


  1. Current financial update.
    1. 2003 Fire Loan

1)      Chief Tibbetts has been working on different options for our 2003 fire loan.  Included in this would be land acquisition for future fire stations.  He is currently getting prices for land at various locations throughout our district.

2)      Other potential projects include building renovations, extrication tool replacement, and computer system (our current one is 3 years old and now out of warranty).

    1. ‘04 Budget update.

1)      As this is being written, budget numbers from our department heads are still coming in.  We hope to have a preliminary budget for review at the June district meeting.

    1. Current financial issues.

1)      We are now paying bills twice per month, on the 10th and 25th.  We had tried to work these bill paying dates around District board meeting dates in the past, but found that it was not working because of payment overlaps and past due invoices.


  1. So that we could better answer questions regarding our five year plan, the Chief officers and other department heads conducted an all-day strategic planning retreat last week.  The event was very productive as several issues were discussed, including staffing, station locations, response times, and improving current operations within several divisions.  This is an ongoing process that will take several months to complete, at which time we would like to meet with all members of the District Board to review and finalize the plan.


  1. The minutes from the May District meeting are available for viewing on our website, or by following this link:



  1. The June newsletter is available for viewing on our website, or by following this link:







Chief Tibbetts

*  2003 fire loan.

Chief Cassin

*  Policy updates.

*  Overseeing development of five-year strategic plan.

Tactical Committee

*  Looking for ways to reduce project costs.