White River Township Fire Protection District

*** Pre-Meeting Report for May 7, 2003 ***

Compiled May 6, 2003

1.  Station 52 repairs update.
        -  Building is finished with exception of lawn repair.
        -  Details w/JL Fox w/regards to brick.  Trying to establish a price reduction due to brick imperfections.
        -  Once all details have been finalized, payment will be made to J.L. Fox and the project will be complete.

2.  Station 51 storm damage repairs 
        -  Repairs have finally been completed!!

3.  The policy manual is still being updated by the various department heads and will be posted as they become available.  The policy regarding trade time, which was discussed at the April district meeting, has been finalized and is accessible in the employees only section of the department's website.  http://www.wrtfd.org/downloads/policy/schedule-trade.htm

4.  Kim will have certificates of employment for Mark Hart, Nick Alford, and Jeff Smith available at the May meeting for Paul to sign.

5.  The new tactical unit committee is currently meeting on a weekly basis and is now working with three different manufactures on the design and specifications portion of the project.  No real news to report as of yet on this endeavor.

6.  Financial update.
        -  2004 budget process has started in-house.  All division heads are in the process of developing their respective budgets 
            and will have those to Chief Cassin by May 15th.  Chief Cassin and Chief Tibbetts will then compile all information 
            received and present the 2004 proposed budget at the June District meeting.

        -  The transition to in-house accounting has gone smoothly, with help from Curt Coonrod's office.

        -  The dormant accounts, both at Bank One, which were discussed at last month's meeting have been closed and the 
            balances transferred into the Union Federal account.

        -  Scott will have copies of the final 2003 budget at the May meeting, along with January through April budget report.

        -  Our May CAGIT distribution is in and will be picked up this week.  However, the June property tax distribution is not 
            expected until at least August.  We are working with Curt Coonrod's office on the potential cash flow issue.

        -  Curt Coonrod is expected to be present at the May district meeting for an update on the Fiscal Plan.

7.  The fire department took delivery of the new Expedition staff vehicle on April 23.  It is currently in service as Chief Cassin's vehicle.

8.  The April newsletter is available for viewing on our website, or by following this link:  http://www.wrtfd.org/downloads/newsletters/Apr03news.doc.  Remember, you will need to enter your user name and password.


Chief Tibbetts

>  Station 52 issues

District Board

>  Station 52 issues:  need written report from Don Corteau.

Tactical Committee

>  Continue working on final proposal.