White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, Jon
Raker, Chuck Shufflebarger, Bill Patterson
District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin,
Eric Brown, Carey Slauter
Coporation Members Present: Tony Slusher
Others Present: Eric Reedy, Curt
Coonrod, Brian Bosma
Meeting called to order at 1907.
- Meeting
minutes from April meeting was read and the following corrections were
- There
was no letter sent to Curt Coonrod as minutes stated Butch was drafting.
- The
2nd on the motion to accept the minutes was made by Jon Raker
not Chuck.
After corrections were made, Jon
made a motion to accept the minutes 2nd by Butch.
- Curt
Coonrod was present and presented the 2003 budget, much discussion was
held and it was decided that a 2003 Capital Project was needed for
additional funding opportunity.
- Curt
also talked about the County reassessment process and that he believes
that it will create a delay of the State from approving the budget. He
thinks the delay may be 2-3 weeks. He stated that we received a letter
from the State outlining the projected budget and he believes it will be
the $2,450,000.00. He also distributed the Fiscal Plan based on the
$2,450,000.00. See Attachment A
- Curt
asked the Board to sign a letter that he was going to send to the
Department of Local Government Finance that would notify them that we
accepted the $2,450,000.00 as our budget instead of the budget that we had
submitted. Much discussion was made about the repercussions of sending
this letter, after that discussion it was decided that we would not send
the acknowledgement letter to the State at this time.
- There
was much discussion about appealing the Budget that the state had awarded
the District, after much discussion, Brian Bosma stated that he thought
that it would be too early to go back to the State and appeal decision. It
was decided to wait and Brian would explore additional means of income
- Curt
talked about the possibility of a short fall in the budget until we
receive the August Check from the State. He recommends that we prepare for
a Tax Anticipation Warrant. Brian Bosma explained the process and stated
that it was a simple process that we have completed in past years while
awaiting the Check. They both believe that we should have this warrant
ready for presentation at the June Meeting.
- Chief
Cassin presented the current Budget report. He explained the items that
were over budget. Each member was given a copy. Chief Cassin fielded
- Chief
Brown presented station 52 issues. Most issues had been addressed; the
large issue was still the difference in the brickwork on the south wall.
The Board agreed to extend Don Courteau’s contract by $500.00 to allow him
to supervise the brick toning that the Mason will be preparing to complete
on the south wall.
- Brian
Bosma stated that the Trade policy was reviewed by his office and ok to
implement. Board agreed.
- Next
meeting is June 4, 2003, White River Fire Headquarters, 850 South Mullinix
- No
further new business and meeting was adjourned by Paul Kite at 2035.
Minutes recorded by Eric Brown.