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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
April 2, 2003 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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District Board Members Present: Paul Kite, Butch Sutton, and Jon Raker.
District Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Don Young, Carey Slauter, Bruce Alexander and Kim Clawson.
Corporation Members Present: Mike Hoffman and Tony Slusher.
Others Present: Tricia Leminger.
1. Meeting
called to order by Paul at 1900 hours.
2. Minutes from March 2003 meeting reviewed. Motion made by Butch and 2nd by Chuck to accept minutes as written. All in favor and motion carries.
3. Paul stated that Curt Coonrod contacted him today inquiring if he should be at tonight's meeting. Paul told him that it was not necessary. Scott distributed a draft copy of the budget breakdown for January, February and March of this year. Attachment A.
4. Update on station 52 repair issues.
- Carpet is being paid for by
the insurance agent.
- No repairs have begun yet on
station 51.
5. Supplemental agreement has been signed by both parties and Kim will get copies to Tricia's office.
6. Certificates of employment were approved based on approvals received at the last meeting, and signed by Paul Kite. Kim will file these in each employee's personnel file.
7. Chuck, Butch, Scott & Chief Tibbetts have met several times and reviewed the financial issues facing the District at this time. Butch gave a brief summary on their meetings and decisions that the committee arrived at.
- Most financial procedures
have been moved in-house now, with Scott and Kim overseeing. Payroll will
continue as it
is now, with
Accu Pay, until such time that we are comfortable moving it in-house.
- A District Board members
needs to begin validating the processes.
- Letter received from Curt
Coonrod discussing issues which need our immediate attention. Attachment
- This applies to the oversight
responsibilities of the Corporation as well.
- We have previously spent over
$60,000 annually on accounting issues. We anticipate that number dropping
- We need a contract with Curt
Coonrod outlining what their office will be responsible for handling, especially
- Scott will be the focal point
of the budget process.
- Butch suggested and all
agreed that the committee remain established for as long as necessary to oversee
the coming
- Butch will draft a letter to
Curt Coonrod instructing him to act on the following items and report at the May
tax issue
resulting in cash flow issues, 2003 budget reconciliation, budget appeals, etc.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jon to authorize Curt Coonrod to handle budget issues that need immediate attention, "clean up" the 2003 budget, and to complete the budget process with Scott and that at the end of that process we will re-evaluate our relationship with his company. All in favor and motion carries.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jon to authorize Deputy Chief Scott Cassin to bring the general accounting processes in house and to discontinue other services as we become comfortable in performing them. All in favor and motion carries.
Scott stated that there are dormant accounts which are currently being charged heavy service fees. The balances in these accounts will be transferred to the main operating budget as soon as possible.
8. Chief Tibbetts would like to host an open house and re-dedication ceremony at station 52 once all issues have been addressed. A plaque has been ordered for the City of Greenwood thanking them for their support. Chief Tibbetts will present this at the next City Council meeting.
9. Chief Cassin recently re-addressed the employee overtime issue/trade time issue with Mark Colucci. Attachment C. At Mr. Colucci's advisement, the Chiefs will be drafting a policy regarding this and will present it at the May District meeting.
10. No further new business and meeting adjourned.