White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes |
February 4, 2003 ~ 7:00 p.m. |
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Board Members Present: Jon Raker,
Chuck Shufflebarger, Paul Kite, Bill Patterson and Butch Sutton.
Employees Present: Mike Tibbetts,
Carey Slauter, Scott Cassin, Joel Thacker, Bruce Alexander, Joe Settles and Kim
Members Present: Tony Slusher,
Darryl Slevin, Mike Hoffman, Mike Combs and Jeff Smith.
Present: Brian Bosma, Eric Reedy,
and Darryl Mendelsohn.
- Meeting
called to order by Paul at 1900 hours.
- Minutes
from January 2003 meeting reviewed.
Motion made by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to accept minutes as
written. All in favor and
motion carries.
- Balance
sheet distributed to board members. Attachment
A. Paul stated that we will
need to take a close look at our accountant status before budget time.
- Station
53 update from Trish.
- Earthtek
has agreed to our proposal that we pay for the tiles and they pay for the
labor. They will be starting
as soon as possible, contingent on the weather.
Trish anticipates this being complete in 4-6 weeks.
- Trish
is waiting for her call to Future Construction to be returned.
- Station
52 update from Paul.
- Don
Corteau has inspected the station but we have not received an official
report from him. He has not
verbally indicated any problems or concerns.
- Project
should be completed in two weeks.
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that he asked for a proposal from JL Fox to remove the
sliding door on the rear of the station and fill in the wall with bricks and
a small window. The written
estimate is more than the verbal he received.
Board members okayed this work, but advised the Chief to follow up
with JL Fox and try to get a lower cost.
- Master
agreement was approved at the last meeting.
The supplemental agreement was tabled because of a budget figure
discrepancy. The final budget
figure agreed upon by both parties is $ 743,675.
Mike Hoffman requested that the number of on duty personnel be stated
in the agreement as well. All
agreed. Trish will re-write the
agreement to show the correct budget amount, as well as the on duty staffing
of 8 personnel by the corporation. This will be finalized and signed at the March District
Board meeting.
- Carey
stated that Brian still has the Service Agreement that Carey sent to him
regarding Public Safety Medical Services.
The cost for physicals is $475 for employees younger than 50 and $520
for employees older than 50. The
Service Agreement also states that Dr. Moffett will be the Department
personnel will begin reporting there immediately.
Physicals for part-time personnel will begin in 2004 with a mobile office
coming to our facility. The part
time costs will be $150 each.
by Jon and 2nd by Butch to approve the partnership and physicals.
All in favor and motion carries.
will get with Brian and review the Service Agreement for any legal issues.
The Board authorized Chief Tibbetts to sign the final contract when it
Trish has it finalized.
on Job Task Evaluation tabled.
- Trish
has created a certificate for the files of career personnel. She has received the list of employees and their merit
and appointed ranks from Scott but there seems to be some discrepancies.
Further discussion tabled until March’s meeting when these items
can be resolved. Paul asked
that the final list be forwarded to the Board before the next meeting.
- Mark
Hart has completed his physical and psychological exams with no indications
from the physicians of any problems.
- Discussion
on filling the remaining 2003 vacancies.
Scott explained that we currently have two Lieutenant hiring lists
– one is EMT and one is Paramedic. We
do not feel that the candidates remaining on the Paramedic list score high
enough to meet the standards we have set forth in the past.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Bill to abolish the Paramedic
list because it is no longer usable. All
in favor and motion carries.
have been sent to the candidates on the EMT list asking of their intentions.
Scott stated only two have indicated they would still take the position
if offered – Nick Alford and Jeff Smith.
Motion by Bill and 2nd by Chuck to make conditional offers of
employment to Nick and Jeff. All in
favor and motion carries. Trish
advised to place copies of the letters in the candidates’ files, and include a
note of the date and time they were spoken to regarding the process.
- Trish
distributed copies of the proposed resolution for spending money out of the
Rainy Day Fund. Motion by Bill
and 2nd by Jon to approve resolution.
All in favor and motion carries.
Attachment B.
- Kim
stated that she and Scott have been working on converting past minutes into
HTML files which can be searched for specific items over the internet.
This is quite an intensive process but they will try to have it
completed by March or April.
- Chief
Tibbetts distributed a copy of a memo to the Board explaining the costs
involved should they decide to repair the Crown Victoria. Attachment C.
No discussion held as the Board felt that this was not an option.
Scott requested that the Board approve purchasing another Ford
Expedition off of the State’s QPA list.
This new vehicle would be similar to the last one purchased for
approximately $35,000. This
will put us at 7 staff vehicles and we may need to modify the rotation
schedule. Motion by Jon and 2nd by Bill to purchase
another Ford Expedition off of the State’s QPA list, not to exceed the
cost spent on the last vehicle. All
in favor and motion carries.
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that we need new cold water rescue suits and some other
miscellaneous related equipment. Attachment
D. Motion by Chuck and 2nd
by Butch to allow these purchases out of the Cumulative Fund, not to exceed
$2102. All in favor and motion
- No
further new business and meeting adjourned.
March 5th at 7:00 p.m.