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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes | |
Wednesday, December 4, 2002 ~ 7:00 p.m. | |
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Board Members Present: Jon
Raker, Chuck Shufflebarger, Paul
Kite, and Butch Sutton.
Employees Present: Mike
Tibbetts, Carey Slauter, Scott Cassin, Joe Settles, Bruce Alexander, Jim Engmark
and Don Young
Members Present: Tony Slusher,
Mike Combs, Scott Alexander, Mike Hoffman, Jayson Combs, Jason Tibbetts, Jory
Cox, Brian McRoberts, Tim Smith, Jim Meacham, and Brent Shepherd.
Present: Brian Bosma, Eric
Reedy, guests from Public Safety Medical Services.
Paul Kite received letter from Earthtek which he forwarded to Brian.
Attachment A.
- After discussion, it was agreed that we agree to the terms of the letter and also explain our concern with why these issues were not caught in the planning stages of the project.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Chuck for the District to pay cost
of textile chips and Earthtek provides labor and equipment.
We also need to notify the appropriate parties of our concerns.
All in favor and motion carries.
Outstanding invoice received for $8847 for foundation work.
Brian has written to Steve Alexander, ,who states that the invoice items
are not in addition to the contract. However,
the change order for Future Construction shows differently.
Motion by Jon and 2nd by Chuck to authorize Board Chairman to
authorize final payment, up to $8,847.
Of those, one was for remodel and the addition and the other was for repair,
remodel and the addition.
- JL Fox
Repair: $197,425.76
Addition & Remodel: $146,040.22
Addition & Remodel: $ 99,392
Brian is not comfortable with us proceeding with addition and remodel
without going out to bid.
Brian did state that it would be acceptable to request the bidders split
the addition from the remodel. He
also stated that there is no waiting period to reject & rebid.
We can spend up to $150,000 without being required to follow the
prevailing wage.
Motion by Jon and 2nd by Butch to reject the addition and
remodel bids. All in favor and
motion carries.
Motion by Butch and 2nd by Jon to accept JL Fox bid for
repairs not to exceed $197,425.76. All
in favor and motion carries.
Eric Brown will notify quoters.
Brian reminded them that they must ensure that at least 50% of their
members do not make over $10,000
annually or they will lose their status as
a volunteer fire corporation.
Tony requested that Brian attend an informational meeting later this
month with all corporation members
to help
explain this transition and answer questions.
Some changes will include the Master Agreement, Articles of
Incorporation, Constitution and By
Brian did state that this change will not affect how money from the
Booster Club is spent.
Brian directed Tony to send
copies of proposed Articles of Incorporation, Constitution and By
Laws to all members prior to that meeting.
Brian also requested copies of the current Articles of Incorporation,
Constitution and By Laws.
Brian distributed copies of a letter he sent to the State Tax
Commissioner requesting an audience to discuss our
tax appeal further. Attachment B.
There are three Lieutenants in the “conservative” budget for 2003.
Chief Tibbetts stated that when Andy Martindale resigned earlier this
year, we had to move the PR Lieutenant, which was originally a Monday-Friday
position, back into the companies on a regular shift (24 on – 48 off).
We really need that office Lieutenant back.
Questions arose regarding the promotion of someone versus appointing
someone and how the merit rank was affected.
Brian states that the statute allows you to appoint to someone to any
position, however you cannot remove them below their permanent rank.
Brian also stated that something needs to be in their file stating what
their permanent rank is.
Butch and Jon both felt that the Deputy Chief position is important
enough to fill. However, everyone
wants to be cautious in not creating too many permanent Battalion Chief ranks.
Chief Tibbetts stated that the creation of a Battalion Chiefs process was
approved at the November meeting.
Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Butch to fill the Deputy Chief
position not prior to 1/1/03. Discussion
on “backfilling” the ensuing vacant Battalion Chief position will be
discussed at the January meeting.