White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 6, 2002  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present:  Jon Raker,  Chuck Shufflebarger, Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, and Butch Sutton.

District Employees Present:  Carey Slauter, Eric Brown, Scott Cassin, Bruce Alexander, Kevin Skipper, Don Young  and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Members Present:  Tony Slusher, Mike Combs, and Mike Hoffman.

Others Present:  Jeff Stainfield, Trish Leminger, Tom Sturm, Eric Reedy.


  1. Meeting called to order by Paul at 1903 hours. 
  1. Minutes from October 2002 meeting reviewed.   Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Jon to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. No financial report available from Curtis Coonrod & Associates, CPA.
  1. Brian stated that we have received final payment and correspondence from Mike Dutton.
  1. Update on station 52.

·            Insurance will cover 100% of the $218,000 damage.

·            We are looking at another $100,000 in estimated addition and remodel costs.  This was   originally        
        scheduled to occur in 2003.

·            Butch feels that the proposed addition and remodel are logical as long as they are kept within reason.

·            Because this meets the definition of an emergency repair, Trish does not feel that we will need to follow
        procedures that call for prevailing/union wages, etc.

·            The District will invite three quotes for this project.

·            Motion by Jon and 2nd by Bill to approve the resolution as presented which (a) declares the station an
        emergency; (b) invites three bids for work as described; and (c) authorizes the District Board Chairman to
        take all further action necessary.  All in favor and motion carries.  Resolution signed.  Attachment A.

  1. Mark Collucci has been working with the Corporation in reviewing their options for reorganizing as previously discussed.  He is currently researching whether the corporation can be reorganized or if must be completely reformed.  He will try to have an answer by the end of the year.
  1. Repairs from the storm are almost completed at station 51 and the insurance check is in the mail.
  1. We met with the State Tax Board on October 24 and received approval for the Tactical, as well as received 4-1 approval for the maximum tax levy increase.  The tax levy increase now goes before the State Tax Commissioner, who has the final say.
  1. Discussed additional appropriation for $375,000 for Tactical.  Carey Slauter is chairing that committee and gave a brief report.  Public hearing opened.  No public comments heard and public hearing closed.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Butch to approve the appropriation.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. Eric Brown requested that the Board review the contract with Earthtek and confirm that they are meeting reporting requirements.
  1. Brian Bosma is still working on the Job Fitness Evaluation.
  1. 2003 staffing issues were discussed.

·    It is already in the 2003 budget to move Scott Cassin into a Deputy Chief position which would be Monday through Friday, effective January 1.

·   This would also require the promotion of a Lieutenant to the vacant Battalion Chief position, which would then result in having one vacant Lieutenant position.

·    The District Board agreed that while the Deputy Chief position is in the 2003 budget, they would like to see a proposed job description before discussing this further.  Scott stated that this would be emailed to the board members within the next week.

·   The Board approved proceeding with a Battalion Chiefs promotion process.

·    Trish stated that there should only be an additional cost of $13,000 to $15,000 to move Scott to the Deputy Chief position on January 1, which should not create any kind of budgeting problems.

·    Taxpayer Eric Reedy stated that the District should receive a pre-budget order in mid-December which will tell what the budget is for 2003.

·    We currently have two Lieutenant lists.  One will expire in January has only 3 left on it.  Of those three, we are not sure if any will still accept a position.  The other list has three Paramedics on it, but only one of which ranked acceptably.  Although Brian has stated in the past that we can hire from any list at any time, Trish will follow up with him.

  1. After discussion, it was agreed that the staff vehicles should be on a four year rotation, with two being purchased every year.  The vehicle use policy has been approved by Brian and is currently in effect.  The August 9, 2001 resolution approved the purchase of three staff vehicles.  Only two were purchased.  It was agreed that the 3rd vehicle would be ordered immediately.  Another will need to be ordered to accommodate the Deputy Chief position once it is filled.
  1. The Board requested that an information board be developed to assist in keeping track of projects/purchases.
  1. No further new business.  Meeting adjourned at 2110 hours.

December 4th  at 7:00 p.m.