White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 2, 2002  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present:  Jon Raker, Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, and Butch Sutton.

District Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Carey Slauter, Eric Brown, Scott Cassin, Jim Engmark, Joe Settles and Kim Clawson.

Corporation Members Present:  Tony Slusher, Don Young, Rick Cooley, Kyle Brooks, Mike Combs, Jim Meacham, Brent Shepherd and Mike Shoemaker.

Others Present:  Eric Reedy, Brian Bosma, and Dan Maple.


  1. Meeting called to order by Paul at 1910 hours.  Paul thanked Butch for handling last month’s meeting when he was unable to attend.
  1. Minutes from September 2002 meeting reviewed.   Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Butch to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. Eric Reedy gave a financial update:

General Fund



Debt Fund



Cumulative Fund



Rainy Day Fund



2000 Capital Fund



2001 Capital Fund






  1. Brian is working on completing review of the job fitness evaluation that was presented at the last meeting and it should be done soon.  He doesn’t feel that it will be a problem for implementation on January 1, 2003.
  1. Don Young’s first full time day was October 21. 
  1. Brian will check on the status of the Earthek project.
  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that Mike Dutton had contacted him recently regarding the letter that was sent to him from this Board.  After discussion, there were no recommendations made tonight, other than to continue to pursue the funds due, per the State Board of Tax Account’s audit.  Brian requested that Eric Reedy forward a copy of that audit wrap up letter to him so that he has documentation to send to Mike Dutton.
  1. The Board was brought up to date on issues regarding the tornado damage at station 52.

*  Brian and Paul were notified of items that the insurance adjustor’s contractor felt needed to be completed. 
                These items were not considered sufficient due to the extent
of damage to the building, so an independent
                inspector (Don Corteau) was approved.

*  There is some speculation now from the insurance company’s contractor that some of the damage was a
                direct result of original contractor problems.

*  Chief Brown presented a list of items that need to be addressed.  (Attachment A)

*  Brian directed Chief Brown to send a copy of the list to Don Corteau for his review.

*  Chief Brown stated that there is already some mold occurring in the attic.

*  Brian stated that we needed to get Mr. Corteau’s final review as soon as possible so that we may proceed

*  Brian also stated that the Board will address the various issues with our insurance company. 

  1. Motion by Jon and 2nd by Butch to hire Don Corteau for station 52 engineering issues.  All in favor and motion carries.  Brian will prepare an agreement to be signed by both parties.
  1. Station 51 has some damage from the tornado.  Items include damaged/missing siding, damaged bay doors and leaking roof.
  1. Volunteer corporation issues readdressed.

*  The corporation board would like for the district board to hire the corp. employees as  part time employees and require them to sign a waiver releasing their right to benefits. Brian says that this cannot be done because you cannot ask someone to waive their right to benefits.

*  Brian feels that the most feasible solution to this problem is to have the District Board form it’s own corporation and appoint a majority of that corporation’s board of directors.  It would then become a “public entity” for FLSA purposes.

  1. Resolution presented for the transfer of $32,000 from capital outlays to personal services ($10,000), supplies ($18,000), and other services ($4,000).  Motion by Butch and 2nd by Bill to approve resolution as presented.  All in favor and motion carries.  Resolution signed.  (Attachment B)
  1. Dan Maple, Township Trustee, made a presentation:

*  Heard that WRTFD did an excellent job during the recent tornadoes and thanked them for their hard work.

*  Stated that the Township Government Center was approximately 4 weeks from starting construction.  He stated that he will make sure this building is built without raising taxes.

*  Also stated that he is offering 2-3 acres for a fire station on the corner of that property.  He has made the same offer to the Bargersville Fire Department but has received no feedback yet.  He stated that his board would want a 9 year lease for $1/year, and they also want input on the exterior look of the building so that it would blend with the government center.  Butch stated that while this is a very generous offer, we need to remember that it is on the border and not in a central location of our fire district.  Paul thanked Dan for his offer and stated that it would definitely be kept as a consideration.

  1. No further new business.  Meeting adjourned at 2010 hours.

November 6th  at 7:00 p.m.