White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 24, 2002  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present:  Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, Chuck Shufflebarger, Jon Raker and Butch Sutton.

District Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Carey Slauter, Eric Brown, Joe Settles, Bruce Alexander and Kim Clawson.

Others Present:  Eric Reedy, Brian Bosma, Scott Alexander, Mike Hoffman, Don Young, Jason Bailey, Chad Witham, and Mike Combs.


  1. Meeting called to order at 1900 hours.  Minutes from June 2002 meeting reviewed.   Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Butch to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. Eric Reedy gave a financial update:

Cumulative Fund      417,359
            Debt                         333,141
            General                       92,308
            Rainy Day Fund       101,654
            ’00 Capital                  3,599

            ’01 Capital              372,220

TOTAL                1,320,281                 

  1. Chief Tibbetts reported that we are in good condition with the health benefits and has no problems to report.
  1. Chief Tibbetts has sold the Zodiac to Avon Fire Department in Hendricks County.  Avon and City of Franklin bids both tied.  Following Brian’s instructions, Chief Tibbetts contacted both agencies and instructed them to submit a second bid within 48 hours.  Franklin’s bid was $ 4,500 and Avon’s bid was $ 4,600.
  1. Eric addressed a few remaining station 53 issues:

    - Brian agreed that the repair of drip system should be the responsibility of Earthtek.

                - Brian will contact Kevin Kelley.

                - Earthtek has already repaired the field.

                - Eric will get Brian a copy of the contract. 

  1. The Board Members have received a letter from Mike Dutton.  Mike states that he has sold his house but is unable to fulfill his agreement with the District by paying the remaining balance in full at this time.  He requested that the Board allow him to continue making the $100 monthly payments.  Eric Reedy stated that he has not missed a payment yet.  After discussion, the Board felt that this is not a viable option and that he needs to fulfill his original obligation.  Motion by Jon and 2nd by Chuck for Brian to draft and send a letter to Mike Dutton requiring him to fulfill his original obligation and pay the full balance at this time, or continue with the current monthly payments but with 15% interest.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. Brian circulated copies of the new benefits policy (Attachment A) which shows the changes affecting the 80/20 payment split for health insurance premiums.  This policy is effective July 1, 2002.  Chief Tibbetts requested that the Board pay everyone’s supplemental life insurance.  Brian stated that the Board can choose to do more than the policy outlines.  Paul requested that Chief Tibbetts provide the Board with a total cost for supplemental life insurance up to $40,000 additional benefit and it would be discussed and voted on, as well as the new benefits policy adopted, at the August 6 meeting.
  1. Paul asked Brian what the status is on the reorganization of the Corporation Board.  That board needs to revisit Brian’s original options and see which one best meets their needs.
  1. The public hearing for the 2003 budget was opened.  Eric Reedy explained the many aspects of the budget (Attachment B).  Eric and Brian have investigated a new law which may allow a substantial one-time increase in our levy.  If approved, this will allow for the hiring of 4 more career lieutenants and 12 career engineers.  Eric stated that there is no real statute governing this new law and that it is fairly untested.  Eric also stated that the new law is also a new statute and that there is no precedence to determine how the Tax Board will interpret the new law. Chuck suggested that we meeting with members of the council before the budget meeting so they understand what our needs are.  Eric wants Trish Leminger to accompany them this year to the Local Government Tax Control Board hearing.  The Corporation is still to staff 7 part time positions.

Mike Hoffman addressed the Board and stated that the Corporation Board was never consulted in the 2003 budget
            process nor were they asked for a budget.  He went on to state that the Corporation Board has spent almost a year
            trying to fix the staffing problems.  They feel that they have finally found a solution but find out tonight that their budget
            has been cut for next year.

He further stated that the Corporation is currently staffing 8 ½ people now and does not agree with being asked to
            drop their staffing to 7, even with the addition of career personnel.

            Paul stated that when the fiscal plan was discussed in April, the reduction of the Corporation budget was discussed in
            conjunction with increasing career staffing.

No further public comment on the 2003 budget and the public hearing was closed. 

  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that the station 52 roof needs to be replaced.  He has solicited three bids for this work.  This cost will be paid for with Cumulative Funds.  Two of the bids do not include the per square foot decking cost.  Chief Tibbetts was directed to contact those two companies to re-submit the bid and include the decking costs.  This will be voted on at the August 6 meeting.
  1. Chief Tibbetts requested permission to conduct a special Paramedic Lieutenant hiring process to replace the vacancy which came available in June.  He still wants to keep the existing Lieutenants list until it is finished, however, there are no Paramedics left on that list.  Brian agreed that this was legal to do and the Board approved the process.  Chief Tibbetts will begin working on this immediately.
  1. Chief Tibbetts requested permission to purchase a new engine on the inter-local agreement.   Steve Swails has stated that the costs are increasing soon due to new EPA regulations.  We have already received the loan for this truck.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to give Paul the signing authority for the contract.  All in favor and motion carries.  Chief Tibbetts was directed to begin the process.
  1. Chief Slauter requested permission to purchase a SCBA tester in the amount of $6,200.  (Attachment C)  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to approve the purchase out of the Cumulative Fund.  All in favor and motion carries.  Brian stated that if there is a contract to be signed that he must read it first.
  1. Motion by Jon and 2nd by Bill to approve the truck graphic from Community hospital in return for their medical sponsorship and two student positions annually in their Paramedic course.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. Brian stated that he resolved the tax warrant issue regarding the District.  The ST-103 form was never filed.  It will be filed from now on.
  1. Lt. Settles inquired on the purchase of the new Tactical unit.  The District will conduct a public hearing in September, close on the loan before the end of the year, and purchase the apparatus in 2003.

August 6, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.