White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 4, 2002  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present:  Paul Kite, Bill Patterson, Chuck Shufflebarger, Jon Raker and Butch Sutton.

District Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Carey Slauter, Jim Engmark, Joe Settles and Joel Thacker.

Others Present:  Eric Reedy, Brian Bosma, Jeannie Salin, Scott Alexander, Mark Hart, Kyle Brooks, Brian McRoberts and Mike Combs.


  1. Meeting called to order at 1907 hours.  Minutes from May 2002 meeting reviewed.   Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Chuck to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. Eric Reedy gave a financial update:

Cumulative Fund       272,566
            Debt                         295,845
            General                    - 36,130
            Rainy Day Fund       101,654
            ’00 Capital                   3,725

            ’01 Capital                371,521

TOTAL                  1,009,181                 

  1. Chief Tibbetts is still working on the sale of the Zodiac. 
  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that the ambulance contract has been approved and signed.
  1. Chief Cassin emailed proposal to everyone for the Nextel Phones.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Jon to approve the proposal adding 8 phones for a cost of $950.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. Discussion on Health Insurance.

-     We anticipate at least a 17% increase for 2003 premiums.

-     District Board members felt that dental, vision, and life were optional benefits and that the employee should pay for all of those premiums if they chose to have those options.

-     Motion by Butch and 2nd by Bill to pay for 100% of employee health premiums and 80% of dependent health premiums, with the remaining 20% to be deducted from the employee’s paycheck each pay period.  All in favor and motion carries.

-     District will begin this on July 1, 2002.

-     Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Butch to pay all premiums for January – June 2002 and if the total premiums already paid out plus the total reimbursements already paid out equal less than $3500, pay reimbursements not to exceed $3500 total.  All in favor and motion carries.

-     All District Board members agreed that if someone is over $3500 for January – June 2002, there will be no additional cost to the employee.

-     All District Board members agreed that there would no longer be a cafeteria plan for reimbursements after July 1, 2002.

  1. Chief Tibbetts inquired as to his benefits as he is on his own policy and not on the group policy.  It would increase everyone’s premiums if he were to join our policy.  Brian suggested he draft, and he Board discuss, an “Executive Compensation Plan” which would pay for Chief Tibbetts’ health premiums.
  1. After discussion, the 2003 budget was presented to the Board members.  This must be finalized by the 2nd week in July, so anyone having any questions/concerns, please contact Eric Reedy before then.
  1. No further new business and meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:15 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.


July 24, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.