White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 17, 2002  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present:  Paul Kite, Bill Patterson and Jon Raker.

District Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Carey Slauter, Scott Cassin, Jim Engmark, Joe Settles, and Kim Clawson

Others Present:  Eric Reedy, Trish Leminger, Mike Combs, Scott Alexander, Jason Bailey, Scott Wiegle, Brian McRoberts, Corey McGaha, and Don Young.


  1. Meeting called to order at 1904 hours.  Minutes from March 2002 meeting reviewed.   Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Jon to accept minutes as written.  All in favor and motion carries.
  1. Eric Reedy gave a financial update:

Cumulative Fund      299,464
            Debt                        295,845
            General                   -500,964
            Rainy Day Fund       101,654
            ’00 Capital                  3,785

            ’01 Capital              371,178

TOTAL                   570,962  

Eric stated that we have a combined cash balance of just under $200,000 which has to carry us through until the CAGIT draw in May.

  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that he had received the information he needed from Brian Bosma regarding the sale of the Zodiac boat and will place the ad in the newspaper next week.  He will wait 10 days after that advertisement, then advertise again.
  1. Brian forwarded copies of the Rural Metro contract, with his revisions, to both Chief Tibbetts and Jim White.  It is now at Rural Metro Corporate Headquarters in California.  Once it has been edited there, Chief Tibbetts will resubmit it to Trish.  Rural Metro has been stationed at station 51 since April 5 and all is working out extremely well so far. 
  1. Paul noted that the dumpster enclosure and the sign have been started and asked Chief Brown if these projects were under the budget.  Chief Brown stated that they were under budget and that all remaining outstanding items are being addressed.
  1. Smoking policy was received from Brian Bosma and needs to be signed by the District Board.  Motion by Bill and 2nd by Jon to accept the resolution as presented.  All in favor and motion carries.  Resolution signed by those District Board members present.  Attachment A
  1. Chief Cassin was unable to be present tonight to make the presentation for Nextels.  Kim stated that she had spoken with him earlier today and that the Nextel proposal was basically a request to add four more Nextels to our account so that all the officers would have one.  Kim also stated that Chief Cassin had spoken with the Nextel representative and would be working on re-negotiating our contract to receive lower monthly service rates.  Because no further information was available, and the proposal was originally emailed to the Board members prior to the March meeting, all further action on this proposal was tabled to the May meeting.  The Board requested that Chief Cassin re-send the proposal.
  1. Chief Tibbetts gave an update on the current health insurance.  Various factors have contributed to increased health insurance costs.  Chief Tibbetts requested an additional $13,364 be appropriated into the budget for health insurance for 2002.  He also stated that he will be making a proposal for the 2003 budget.  The Board requested much more information be sent to them prior to the May meeting.  All further action tabled until then.
  1. Brief discussion on Quartermaster system.  Eric Reedy directed Chief Tibbetts to forward the appropriate cost figure to him so that he can draft a resolution.  All further action tabled until the May meeting.
  1. Chief Slauter requested that the Board purchase CPR mannequins, instructor books, videos, etc. so that the Department can teach CPR classes to local day cares, schools and churches.  This is generating a small amount of money into the Department.  At this time we are required to rent all equipment from Community Hospitals East, which causes a multitude of problems.  The total cost for the purchase of the equipment needed is $2,059.40.  Because of the current cash flow problem, all further action on this was tabled until the May meeting.
  1.  No further new business and meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

MAY 1, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.