White River Township Fire Protection District |
Board Meeting Minutes |
Wednesday, March 6, 2002 ~ 7:00 p.m. |
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Board Members Present: Paul
Kite, Butch Sutton, Chuck Shufflebarger, Bill Patterson and Jon Raker.
Employees Present: Mike
Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Carey Slauter, Scott Cassin and Kim Clawson
Present: Eric Reedy, Brian
Bosma, Mike Hoffman, Mike Combs, Greg Maxwell, Kyle Brooks, Jim Engmark, Don
Young, Jason Arkins, Jayson Combs, Scott Terry, Scott Wiegle and Scott
- Meeting
called to order at 1905 hours. Minutes
from February 2002 meeting reviewed.
Motion made by Bill and 2nd by Jon to accept minutes as
written. All in favor and
motion carries.
- Eric
Reedy gave a financial update:
Rainy Day Fund
’00 Capital
Eric feels that we still do not yet need a tax anticipation loan.
- Station
53 update.
- Reviewed
E-mail sent to FPDB members by Chief Brown regarding outstanding items for
Johnson County Planning and Zoning. Motion
by Chuck and 2nd by Butch to approve these items not to exceed
- Brian
reported that all construction matters which were contested have been
resolved. The only remaining
items are the drainage ditch and floor issues.
Chief Brown will stay on top of getting these items fixed.
- Computer
towers were grounded initially, but not like they should have been.
The total cost to re-ground all three towers is approximately $5428
+/- miscellaneous equipment. Motion
by Chuck and 2nd by Butch to spend up to $6500 from the
Cumulative Fund to correctly ground the towers.
- Discussion
on issue of Volunteer Corporation structure.
Brian referred back to his memo to the Board on July 10, 2001 where
he suggested that the best option for a public agency was for the District
Board to appoint majority of corporation board. Joe Pitcher has still not returned phone calls, to
either Brian or Scott Alexander. Brian
felt that if the District wanted to hire the part time “shift”
personnel, they could do so by having them sign a release agreeing that they
would not receive benefits. Brian
emphasized that there is some amount of risk involved in this process.
After some discussion, it was decided and agreed upon that the
Corporation would continue as they currently are, and this item would be
removed from further District Board Meeting agendas until such time that the
Corporation is ready to re address this issue.
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that he has not yet received the instructions for selling
the zodiac on the closed bid system. Brian
will check on the status of this. Brian
will include wording for a minimum bid price of $3,000.
- Brian
stated that he did see the Rural Metro contract today but has not yet had
time to fully review it. Motion
by Bill and 2nd by Butch to allow Chief Tibbetts to sign the
contract, pursuant to legal review, and providing that there are no costs to
the District. All in favor and
motion carries.
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that we have been paying FLSA overtime incorrectly.
It should be paid every 28 days and we have been paying it every pay
day. Motion by Butch and 2nd
by Jon to correct the problem starting with this payroll start on March 10th
with no request for compensation to the District by the employees.
All in favor and motion carries.
Brian will draft a release for each employee to sign.
- Chief
Tibbetts presented the District Board with a handout showing the current
unfounded liability in sick time, compensation time, vacation time, and PL /
PA days. Federal statute states
that a) the employee has the right to use comp time at a reasonable time and
b) the employer can require the employee to take comp time at any given
time. “Flex” time must be
taken within the same week. The
District Board now realizes the extent of the liability and requested that
Chief Tibbetts work on reducing this as much as he is able.
- Butch
stated that he is on a committee that is studying the possibility of an
East-West corridor linking State Road 37 with I-74 in Shelby County.
He just wanted to make everyone aware of this and asked that we begin
thinking of the potential impact this will have on the fire department to
provide emergency services.
- It
was agreed that due to Spring Break schedules, the District Board meeting
would be moved from April 2 to April 17.
- Chief
Tibbetts stated the he has received three estimates, at Paul’s request,
for work needed at station 53 to include a utility sink, plumbing, and
additional heating for station bays. Motion
by Chuck and 2nd by Jon to have this work completed at a cost not
to exceed $5,000 which will be deducted from the Cumulative Fund.
- Discussion
on a quartermaster system. Any
payroll deduction must be signed for (once).
Eric Reedy will prepare a transfer resolution for our next meeting.
Chief Brown will forward cost to Eric Reedy.
Quartermaster policy needs to be written.
- No
further new business and meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
MARCH 6, 2002 AT 7:00 P.M.