White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 10, 2002  ~  7:00 p.m.


District Board Members Present:  Paul Kite, Chuck Shufflebarger, Bill Patterson and Jon Raker.

District Board Members Absent:  Butch Sutton.

District Employees Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Joel Thacker, Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Carey Slauter, and Kim Clawson

Others Present:  Eric Reedy, Trish Leminger, and Scott Alexander.


  1. Meeting called to order at 1900 hours.  Minutes from December 2001 meeting reviewed and accepted.
  1. Station 53 update:
    1. We have met with Koch Mechanical and hope to have those issues resolved soon.
  1. Volunteer Corporation Update:
    1. The Corporation board members are still trying to get in contact with their attorney, Joe Pitcher.
    2. Brian feels we should proceed with reorganizing.
    3. The Corporation Board has their next meeting on January 20 and will address this issue then.
  1. Chief Tibbetts gave an update on the hiring process.  Andy Martindale has successfully completed all aspects of the medical evaluations and will be starting with the other three Lieutenants on January 13, 2002.
  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that our loaner engine is being removed but that we should be receiving another one in it’s place.  We are also having problems with the roofs on the Tanker and Engine cracking down the weld seam.  The tanker should still be under warranty.
  1. Eric Reedy gave a financial update:

Cumulative                442,210
            Debt                          295,845
            General                        -2,993
            Rainy Day Fund        101,654
            ’00 Capital                  40,215

            ’01 Capital                370,050
            TOTAL:                 1,210,981

  1. Eric Reedy explained that 10% of any unencumbered appropriation can be transferred to a Rainy Day Fund.  Also, land purchases cannot be made from the Cumulative Fund.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to encumber $300,000 from the November resolution.  All in favor and motion carries.  Parameters of use for the rainy day fund will be discussed at a later date.
  1. Eric discussed the 2002 budget and stated that we may need a tax anticipation warrant, but not at this time.  We have not yet received the final budget order from the State.
  1. There was an advertising problem regarding the additional appropriation and will be tabled for discussion until the February meeting.
  1. Lieutenant Alexander has met with Rural Metro personnel regarding their staffing of an ambulance at station 51.  Hopefully they will have the details finalized and a contract to Brian Bosma next week.
  1. January is the meeting when annual District Board officers are elected.  Motion by Chuck and 2nd by Bill to re-appoint Paul as Chairman, Butch as Vice Chairman, and Jon as the Fiscal Officer.  No further discussion and motion carries.
  1. 2002 meeting dates were discussed and decided upon.  Kim will email the list to everyone.
  1. Bill thanked Paul for the time he has committed to District business during 2001.
  1. Chief Tibbetts thanked the Board of Directors for their hard work and patience during the administrative transition in 2001.
  1. No further business and meeting adjourned.